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Updated Styles


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Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@author         SaSh0o0k
@description    Updated Styles
@version        20231022.14.27
@license        NO License
@preprocessor   uso
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
/*     лівий слайдер */
    .sidebar {
        background-image: none !important;
/*     картки дз */
    .status0 {
        border-top: 3px solid #fa6358;

    .status1 {
        border-top: 3px solid #1bd2c7;

    .status2 {
        border-top: 3px solid #ffc730;

    .status3 {
        border-top: 3px solid #586e8b;

    .homeworks-section .item-homework .item-container .item.status0 .item-footer {
        background-color: #b53823;

    /* .homeworks-section .item-homework .item-container .item.status1 .item-footer {
    background-color: rgb(24, 185, 175);
    } */
    .homeworks-section .item-homework .item-container .item.status2 .item-footer {
        background-color: #c5930e;

    .homeworks-section .item-homework .item-container .item.status3 .item-footer {
        background-color: #586e8b;

    .sidebar-parent-block .sidebar ul.sidebar-nav li a .badge-counter {
        background: #2ea8e185;
    .sidebar-parent-block ul.sidebar-nav li a .badge-counter {
        background: #2ea8e185;

/*     бордер на сьогоднішній день */
    .is-today:before {
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    border-radius: 7px !important;
    border-width: 3px !important; */
        content: '';
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        animation: animateborder 5s forwards infinite;
        animation: animateborder 5s linear infinite;
/*         border-radius: 6px; */
/*         background-size: 200%; */
/*         --angle: 0deg; */
    .is-today:before {
        border-image: linear-gradient(
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            rgba(111, 186, 130)
        ) 1;
/*     .is-today:before {
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            rgba(16, 152, 173),
            rgba(7, 179, 155),
            rgba(111, 186, 130)
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    .is-today:before {
      border-image: linear-gradient(
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      border-image: linear-gradient(
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/*     .is-today:before {
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      ) 1;
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/*     .is-today:before {
      border-image: linear-gradient(
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            rgba(100, 12, 189, 0.4),
            rgba(200, 10, 173, 0.3),
            rgba(100, 8, 157, 0.2)
      ) 1;
    } */

    .is-today {
        border-color: transparent !important;
/*     потім, на активний день - інший бордер */
/*     .schedule-section .item .content-schedule .day-holder .day .is-today .active-day:before {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        top: -.125em;
        left: -.15em;
        width: calc(100% + .325em);
        height: calc(100% + .25em);
        border: 3px solid transparent;
        animation: animateborder 5s ease-in-out infinite;
        z-index: 99;
    .schedule-section .item .content-schedule .day-holder .active-day:before {
                border-image: linear-gradient(
            rgba(247, 149, 51),
            rgba(243, 112, 85),
            rgba(239, 78, 123),
            rgba(161, 102, 171),
            rgba(80, 115, 184),
            rgba(16, 152, 173),
            rgba(7, 179, 155),
            rgba(111, 186, 130)
        ) 1;
    } */
    @property --angle {
        syntax: '<angle>';
        initial-value: 0deg;
        inherits: false;

    @keyframes animateborder {
        to {
            --angle: 360deg;

    /* .active-day {
        background-color: #18B9AF !important;
    } */
/*     .is-today:hover {
        background-image: none !important;
    } */


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