This is where I'll test new features and ideas for the DevForum Condensed Style.
DevForum Condensed Test Build by ThatOneUnoriginal
LicenseNo License
Size14 kB
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Test Build v1.8
- Made Adjustments to Suggested Topics Margins
- Added ability to remove profile icons from posts using the "ProfileIcns" Variable
- Added ability to remove the "This topic will close" notice using the "TopicCloseNotice" Variable
- Added ability to remove the "There are (x) replies with an estimated read time of (y) minutes" and "Summarize This Topic" button using the "TopicMapInfo" Varaible
- Added ability to remove "Popular Links" from Topic Info using the "PopularLinks" Varaible
- Added ability to remove Notification Button on Topics using the "NoNotif" Varible
- Added ability to remove Share Button on Topics using the "NoShareTrack" Varaible (not posts)
- Added ability to remove Bookmark Button on Topics using the "NoBookmark" Variable (not posts)
- Added abillity to remove Flag Option on Topics using the "NoReport" Variable (not posts)
- Added ability to remove Bookmark Option on Topics using the "NoBookmark" Variable
- Added ability to remove the Report/Flag Button for Topics using the "NoReport" Variable (not posts)
- Added ability to remove Top Filtering Option for Categories using the "RevTop" Varaible
- Added ability to remove Unread Filtering Option for Categories using the "RevUnread" Variable
- Added ability to remove New Filtering Option for Categories using the "RevNew" Variable
- Added ability to remove the OP tag from posts (if applicable) using the "RevOP" Variable
- Added Ability to remove Like Counter from posts using the "LikeCounter" Varaible
- Added Ability to remove Edit Counter from posts (if applicable) using the "EditCounter" Variable
- Added Ability to remove Post Date indicator using the "DateIndicator" Variable
- Added Ability to remove Media (Gifs, Images, Videos + Embedded Videos) using the "RemoveMedia" Variable
- Made Adjustments so you can Disable Condensing of Elements and Continue to use other Variables
- Removed the ability to change the Roblox DevForum Logo/Icon
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name DevForum Condensed Test Build
@version v1.8
@description Increases the width of topic posts, removes the margins and padding from multiple elements, and slightly changes the appearance.
@author ThatOneUnoriginal
@license MIT License
@preprocessor stylus
@var checkbox Config "β Disable Condensing of Elements" 0
@var select LogoType "π¨ Logo Type" ["Default", "Light", "RobloxLight", "Dark", "DarkAlt", "GreyAmber", "RobloxDark", "Pride"]
@var checkbox FixDarkMode "Change Dark Mode Colouring" 0
@var checkbox DevForumPlus "Make Combatiable With DevForum+" 0
@var checkbox FCust "Modify Font" 0
@var number FSize "π Font Size" [17, 0, 30, 1, 'px']
@var number FWeight "π Font Weight" [600, 300, 1000, 10]
@var text FType "Font Type" Source Sans 3
@var select FootType "β Footer" ["Default", "RemoveRecommended", "RemoveExternalLinks", "RemoveBoth"]
@var checkbox Slider "β Topic Slider" 0
@var checkbox SubCat "β Remove Sub Categories From List" 0
@var select CatInfo "β Category Information" ["Default", "RemoveDescriptions", "RemoveSubcatecorgyListings", "RemoveBoth"]
@var select CatTopInfo "β Category Topic Information" ["Default", "RemoveLatest", "RemoveTopics", "RemoveBoth"]
@var select TopInfo "β Topic Information" ["Default", "RemoveOriginalFrequentPosters", "RemoveRepliesViewsAndActivity", "RemoveBoth"]
@var select TopTag "β Topic Tags" ["Default", "RemoveNonSubcategoryTags", "RemoveCategoryTags", "RemoveBoth"]
@var checkbox Creator "β Remove Creator Topbar" 0
@var checkbox ProfileIcns "β Remove Post Profile Icons" 0
@var checkbox TopicCloseNotice "β Remove This topic will close notice" 0
@var checkbox Tracklinkinbound "β Removes the Track-Link Inbound Section Under Posts" 0
@var checkbox TopicMapInfo "β Removes Topic Information + Summarize Topic Button" 0
@var checkbox PopularLinks "β Removes the Popular Links Section From Topic Info" 0
@var checkbox NoNotif "β Removes the Notification Option for Topics" 0
@var checkbox NoShareTrack "β Removes the Share Button for Topics (not posts)" 0
@var checkbox NoBookmark "β Removes the Bookmark Button for Topics" 0
@var checkbox NoReport "β Removes the Flag Button for Topics (not posts)" 0
@var checkbox RevTop "β Removes the top option from category topics filtering" 0
@var checkbox RevUnread "β Removes the unread option from category topics filtering" 0
@var checkbox RevNew "β Removes the new option from category topics filtering" 0
@var checkbox RevOP "β Removes the OP tag from posts if user is original poster of topic" 0
@var checkbox RemoveMedia "β Remove all Media on Posts (Images, Videos, Gifs, Etc...)" 0
@var checkbox LikeCounter "β Remove the like Counter from Posts" 0
@var checkbox EditCounter "β Remove the Edit Counter from Posts" 0
@var checkbox DateIndicator "β Remove the Posted Dates from Posts" 0
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain(""){ @import url(''); @import url('')
:root {--topic-body-width: 500000px;--d-max-width: 5110px; }
#reply-control{max-width: 99%;}
if FCust == 1{
body{font-size: FSize !important; font-weight: FWeight !important;
--font-family: FType !important, sans-serif !important;
--heading-font-family: FType, sans-serif !important;}}
body{--topic-body-width-padding: 4px;}
if FCust = 1{body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, span{font-family: FType !important;}}
if Config=="0"{
header{height: 4em !important;}
.MuiGrid-spacing-xs-1 > .MuiGrid-item{padding: 0px;}
.jss3{padding: 0px 24px;}
.MuiGrid-container{width: 100%;}
[class*="archetype-"]{--below-topic-margin: 0em;}
#topic-footer-buttons .pinned-button, #topic-footer-buttons .topic-notifications-button{margin: 0.4em 0em;}
#topic-footer-buttons .topic-footer-main-buttons button, #topic-footer-buttons .topic-footer-main-buttons details{margin-right: 0.3em;}
button, select{text-transform: lowercase;}
.topic-list .topic-list-data:first-of-type{padding-left: 0px}
.topic-list-item td:first-child, .topic-post{padding: 1px 0px;}
.category-list .featured-topic:first-of-type{margin-top: 0px;}
.category-list .featured-topic{margin: 0px 0 0;}
.category-list tbody .latest{padding: 0 0 0px 5px;}
.latest .featured-topic{padding-left: 0px;}
.category-list .subcategories .subcategory{margin-right: -0.3em;}
.category-list .subcategories{margin-top: 0em;}
.list-cell, .table-heading, .category-list td, .category-list th{padding: 0px 0px;}
.categories-list .category h3, .categories-list .category h4{margin-bottom: -0.7rem;}
.navigation-container{--nav-space: 0em;}
.category-breadcrumb>li{margin-right: 0.2em;}
.nav-pills>li{margin-right: 0.2em;}
.user-menu .quick-access-panel li a, .user-menu .quick-access-panel li .profile-tab-btn{margin: 0.2em 0em 0em 0em;} .menu-links-row .glyphs{width: 25%;}
.topic-list .topic-list-data {padding: 0px 0px;}
.menu-panel .widget-link, .menu-panel .categories-link{padding: 0em 0em;}
.menu-panel li.category-link{padding: 0em 0em;}
.nav-pills>li>a, .nav-pills>li button{padding: 1px 5px;}
.top-sub-section li{padding:0px 3px; margin: 0px 0;}
.stats-section li{padding:0px 0px 0px 0; margin: 0 0px 0px 0;}
.stats-section li.linked-stat a{padding: 0px 0px 0px;}
.top-section, .top-sub-section{margin-bottom: 0px;}
.stats-title{margin-bottom: 0px;}
.top-categories-section table td, .top-categories-section table th{padding: 0.01em;}
.badge-card .badge-contents .badge-icon{margin-right: 0em;}
.badge-card{height: 6em}
.badge-card .badge-contents {min-height: 0em; padding: 0 0em;}
.badge-group-list{grid-gap: 0.2em; margin-bottom: 0em;}
.nav-stacked a{padding:0.1em;}
.user-content-wrapper{grid-template-columns: 0fr 1fr;}
.topic-list .num .badge-posts{padding: 0px 0px;}
.form-vertical .control-group{margin-bottom: 0em;}
.user-additional-controls{padding-top: 0px;}
.user-stream .item, .user-stream .user-stream-item{padding: 0em 0em;}
.user-stream .excerpt{margin: 0em 0 0 0;}
.user-stream .avatar-link{margin-right: 0.1em;}
.topic-list-main-link a.title, .topic-list .main-link a.title, .latest-topic-list-item .main-link a.title{padding: 0px 0;}
label{margin-bottom: 0px;}
.user-preferences .instructions{margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;}
form{padding: 0 0 0px;}
.pref-auth-tokens .row{margin: 0px 0px;}
.pref-auth-tokens .auth-token-icon{margin-right: 5px;}
.controls-dropdown{margin-bottom: 0px;}
.form-vertical .controls:not(.controls-dropdown)+.controls{margin-top:0em;}
.user-preferences .tracking-controls{margin-top: 0px;}
.topic-map .map li{padding: 0px 2px;}
.topic-map{margin: 0px 0px var(--topic-body-width-padding)}
.post-links-container .post-links li:last-of-type{margin-bottom: 1em;}
.post-links-container ul li{margin-bottom: 0em;}
.post-links-container{margin-left: 0em;}
.post-menu-area{margin: -3px 0;}
#topic-title{margin-bottom: 0em;}
.timeline-container .topic-timeline .timeline-footer-controls{margin-top: 0em;}
.timeline-container .topic-timeline .timeline-scrollarea{margin-top:0.5em;}
.timeline-container .topic-timeline .timeline-scroller .back-button{margin-top: 0em;}
.timeline-container .topic-timeline .timeline-footer-controls .reply-to-post{margin-right: 0.3em;} .actions button.create{margin-left: -0.4em} .actions button{margin-left: -0.5em}
blockquote{margin-left:0; margin-right: 0; padding: 6px;}
.post-actions{margin-bottom: 10px;}
.topic-body{padding: 0 0 0 0;}
div.poll .results>li{padding: 0 0;}
div.poll .poll-title{padding: 0; margin-bottom: 0em;}
div.poll .poll-container{padding: 0.2em 0.2em;}
div.poll .poll-buttons{padding: 0.3em;}
div.poll .poll-info{vertical-align: top; padding: 0em 0;}
div.poll .poll-voters:not(:empty){min-height:0;margin-bottom:0;}
.topic-body .cooked{padding: 0;}
div.topic-avatar{padding: 0 0px 0px 0}
div.topic-avatar > div > div{display: none !important;}
p{margin-block-end: 0.5em; margin-block-start: 0.5em}
.user-menu .quick-access-panel{padding-top: 0em;}
.menu-panel{padding: 0em;}
.wrap{padding: 5px 10px}
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6{margin-bottom: 0rem;} .menu-links-row .glyphs button{padding: 0.4em;}
.embedded-posts .collapse-down, .embedded-posts .collapse-up{margin: 0px 0px 0px -20px;}
.badge-card .badge-contents .badge-info{padding: 0 0;}
.user-card .card-row:not(.first-row), .group-card .card-row:not(.first-row){margin-top: 0em;}
.user-card-metadata-outlet.accepted-answers{display: none;}
.user-card .card-content, .group-card .card-content{padding: 5px}
.user-main{margin-bottom: 0;}
.select-kit .select-kit-row{padding: 0.2em;}
aside.onebox{padding: 0em 0em 0.5em 1em;}
.topic-map .avatars, .topic-map .links, .topic-map .information{padding: 2px;}
.fixed-modal:not(.history-modal) .modal-body:not(.reorder-categories):not(.poll-ui-builder):not(.poll-breakdown){padding:0.3em}
.controls>.radio:first-child, .controls>.checkbox:first-child{padding-top: 2px}
.modal-footer{padding: 6px 0px 0px 5px}
.modal-header{padding: 4px 4px}
.badge-wrapper .badge-category .category-name{text-overflow: unset; overflow: visible;}
.suggested-topics{margin:0px;}, .video-container{
padding: 0 0 25.25% 0px;
width: 50%
if Creator == 1{#creator_hub_navigation_rbx{display: none;}}
if ProfileIcns == 1{.topic-avatar{display:none;} aside.quote .title img{display:none !important;} .reply-to-tab img{display:none;}}
if TopicCloseNotice == 1{ .topic-timer-info .topic-timer-heading{display: none;}.small-action .small-action-desc .avatar{display:none;}}
if Tracklinkinbound == 1{.post-links-container{display: none;}}
if TopicMapInfo == 1{.topic-map .information{display: none;}}
if PopularLinks == 1{.links{display:none;}}
if NoNotif == 1{#topic-footer-bu...