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Hatsune Miku styles by franco

Screenshot of Hatsune Miku  styles







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Hatsune Miku Theme For styles By franco If You Have Some Issues About Those Theme Or You Have Some Theme Idea, You Can Request Or Tell Me (Free), Just DM Me On


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Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Hatsune Miku  styles
@namespace    USO Archive
@author       franco
@description  Hatsune Miku  Theme For styles By franco    If You Have Some Issues About Those Theme Or You Have Some Theme Idea, You Can Request Or Tell Me (Free), Just DM Me On
@version      20230501.10.37
@license      NONE
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp(""), regexp(""), regexp(""), regexp(""), regexp("(https|http)://(www|translate|play|drive|books|plus|docs|accounts|myaccount|scholar|images|news|encrypted).google\\.(com|([a-z]{2}))(\\.[a-z]{2})?/(?!mobile|ad#hdtb .hdtb-mitem asense|shopping|community|voice|android|calendar|maps|fonts|.*._/notifications).*") {
body {
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.o3j99.LLD4me.LS8OJ img {
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    /* Change the value if the animation is shifted up/down. Default : 240px or 200px */
    position: relative !important;
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    /* Spacing Margin*/
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.lJ9FBc input[type="submit"], .gbqfba {
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#SIvCob {
    color: #f2eff8;
a {
    color: #e83a93;
.c93Gbe {
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.RNNXgb {
    background: #85eeff73;
    border: 1px solid #85eeff73;
.uU7dJb {
    color: #e83a93;
a.EzVRq, button.EzVRq {
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a.pHiOh {
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#logo img {
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#logo {
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    left: -15px !important;
div.aajZCb {
    background: #85eeffe0;
.appbar {
    background: #fff0;
.sfbg {
    display: none;
.yg51vc {
    background: #fff0;
    height: 58px;
    padding: 0;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 126;
    white-space: nowrap;
.I6TXqe {
    background: #85eeffe0;
.hb8SAc {
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.ynAwRc {
    color: #85eeff;
.f6F9Be {
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.F1hUFe {
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svg.TYpZOd {
    display: none;
.s8GCU {
    background: #85eeffe0;
.Lj9fsd {
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div.jZWadf {
    background: #85eeffe0;
.rsGxI.Ww4FFb, .Ww4FFb {
    background-color: #FFF0;


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