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New Gmail Ultra Slim by noahkrpg



LicenseNo License

CategoryNew Gmail Ultra Slim



Size6.0 kB


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New Gmail Ultra Slim


New Gmail Ultra Slim

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         New Gmail Ultra Slim
@version      20240828.11.23
@description  New Gmail Ultra Slim
@author       noahkrpg
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

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/*  Search field */
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/* Compose Button */
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.TO .nU>.n0, .TO.NQ .nU>.n0, .TO.nZ .nU>.n0, .ah9>.CJ, .n3>.CL>.CK {
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/* Chat */
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/* Menu superior com engrenagem */

.G-atb.bP.byS {
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/* Multiples Inbox - Title Bar */
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.Cq .nJ.A2 {
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.Dj {
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.Cr .yj>.p9 {
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.D E G-atb {
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.G-atb {
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.Wg {
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.Dj {
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/* Listagem de mensagens na tela principal

/* Espaçamento entre linhas */
.zA {
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/* Configuração de tamanho da fonte e cor do body(conteúdo do email) que é exibida na listagem na tela principal */
.y2 {
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    color: yellow;

/* Listagem de mensagens na ao clicar em um dos Labels
.H0.HD {
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.H2,.a5E {
    height: 24px !important;
.PY > .G6 {
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.AO {
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.HY {
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.HY .H5 {
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.Ol.Nk {
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.N7 .Og {
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.aqK {
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gb_Fe {
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/* Botão Menu esquerdo */
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gb_Pc {
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gb_Jc gb_ae {
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gb_Oc {
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gb_rd gb_hd gb_id {
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/* Botão GMAIL + Imagem na esquerda. Do lado do menu*/
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gb_9d gb_Kc gb_7d {
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    BOTÃO DO Google_e_AVATAR do lado direito superior 
.gb_o {
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.gb_Ra:not(.gb_Sa) .gb_Fa {
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