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Lunebounce Theme by diary001

Screenshot of Lunebounce Theme






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((made with <3 by lune))


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Lunebounce Theme
@version      1.1.4
@description  ((made with <3 by lune))
@author       lune /
@license      MIT
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain(""), regexp("http(s?)://[^/]*\\.moonbounce(\\.gg)?(\\.[a-z][a-z])?/.*"), regexp("http(s?)://moonbounce(\\.gg)?(\\.[a-z][a-z])?/.*") {
/* made with <3 by lune */
:root {
	/* theme color palette */
	--lune-primary: #44515a; /* LIGHT COLOR */
	--lune-secondary: #242c31; /* DARK COLOR */
	--lune-tertiary: #a0a6c525; /* TRANSPARENT COLOR. LEAVE 25 AT THE END */
	--lune-accent: #aef0ff; /* ACCENT COLOR */
	--lune-accent-alpha: rgba(173, 240, 255, 0.2); /* CONVERT ACCENT COLOR TO RGBA AND REPLACE RGB VALUES. LEAVE THE ALPHA VALUE */
	--lune-accent-alpha-alt: rgba(173, 240, 255, 0.35); /* REPLACE RGB VALUES. LEAVE THE ALPHA VALUE */
	--lune-accent-alpha-alt2: rgba(173, 240, 255, 0.5); /* REPLACE RGB VALUES. LEAVE THE ALPHA VALUE */
	--lune-accent-dark: #82e8ff; /* DARKER ACCENT COLOR */
	--lune-accent-light: #c8f5ff; /* LIGHTER ACCENT COLOR */
    --lune-accent-filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(86%) sepia(9%) saturate(2201%) hue-rotate(171deg) brightness(107%) contrast(101%); /* PASTE ACCENT COLOR HERE: */

/* @import url(""); */

/* ICONS */
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13.1964C136.405 12.7173 137.46 12.4777 138.669 12.4777C139.724 12.4777 140.599 12.6756 141.293 13.0715C141.995 13.4603 142.495 13.9985 142.793 14.686C143.099 15.3666 143.186 16.1478 143.054 17.0298H139.731C139.724 16.6617 139.662 16.3492 139.544 16.0923C139.432 15.8284 139.266 15.627 139.043 15.4881C138.821 15.3492 138.551 15.2798 138.231 15.2798C137.842 15.2798 137.488 15.3909 137.169 15.6131C136.856 15.8284 136.592 16.1513 136.377 16.5819C136.162 17.0055 136.002 17.5263 135.898 18.1444C135.794 18.7624 135.78 19.2833 135.856 19.7069C135.939 20.1305 136.103 20.4534 136.346 20.6756C136.596 20.8978 136.915 21.009 137.304 21.009C137.603 21.009 137.887 20.9395 138.158 20.8006C138.429 20.6617 138.665 20.4603 138.866 20.1964C139.075 19.9325 139.238 19.6096 139.356 19.2277H142.689C142.523 20.1305 142.186 20.9291 141.679 21.6235C141.172 22.311 140.509 22.8492 139.69 23.2381C138.877 23.627 137.915 23.818 136.804 23.8111ZM148.08 23.8111C146.941 23.818 145.993 23.5923 145.237 23.134C144.48 22.6756 143.945 22.0229 143.632 21.1756C143.327 20.3284 143.268 19.318 143.455 18.1444C143.643 17.0194 144.018 16.0333 144.58 15.186C145.15 14.3319 145.882 13.6687 146.778 13.1964C147.674 12.7173 148.709 12.4777 149.882 12.4777C150.966 12.4777 151.868 12.7103 152.59 13.1756C153.32 13.634 153.837 14.2867 154.143 15.134C154.448 15.9742 154.507 16.9742 154.32 18.134L154.184 18.9569H144.497L144.83 16.9256H151.257C151.306 16.5506 151.261 16.2208 15...


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