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Acylid Element client theme by Contion

Screenshot of Acylid Element client theme







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For css theme the martix client element



Important: Put your clients url in the domain tab. That means replace "" with your url element clients url.

gloss glossy glass round roundet glassy shine real realistic 3d
shiny shining smooth skeuomorphic skeumorph skeu

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Acylid Element client theme
@version        1.0.0
@description    Acylid is a custom theme for the Element client - made with css
@author         Contion
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
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}.mx_EventTile[data-layout="bubble"]:not(.mx_EventTile_noBubble) .mx_EventTile_line:not(.mx_EventTile_mediaLine) {
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	/* opacity: 1; */
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	/*background-position: 0,1px 1px ,0;*/
}hr.mx_RoomView_myReadMarker {
	border-top: 1px solid #0dbd8b;
	border-bottom: 1px solid hsl(163, 87.1%, 31.6%);
	margin-top: 0px;
	position: relative;
	top: -1px;
	z-index: 1;
	will-change: width;
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	transition: width easeinsine .4s 1s,opacity easeinsine .4s 1s;
	width: 99% !important;
	opacity: 1 !important;
	/* height: 1px; */
}.mx_ScrollPanel .mx_RoomView_MessageList {
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	opacity: 1;
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}.mx_ScrollPanel .mx_RoomView_MessageList {
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	background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
	opacity: 1;
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}.mx_SpacePanel .mx_SpaceButton .mx_SpaceButton_icon::before {
    position: absolute;
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    height: 32px;
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    mask-position: center;
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    mask-repeat: no-repeat;
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    filter: drop-shadow(0 0 2px red);
    .mx_LeftPanel .mx_LeftPanel_roomListContainer .mx_LeftPanel_filterContainer .mx_LeftPanel_exploreButton, .mx_LeftPanel .mx_LeftPanel_roomListContainer .mx_LeftPanel_filterContainer .mx_LeftPanel_recentsButton:active {
	height: 32px;
	border-radius: 8px;
	background-color: rgba(141, 151, 165, 0.2);
	position: relative;
	margin-left: 8px;
	/* background: hsl(207.3, 13.9%, 30.5%); */
	background: linear-gradient(hsl(207.7, 13.7%, 30.7%),hsl(212.7, 14.7%, 20.7%));
	box-shadow: #000 0 1px 4px , #fff0 0 0 3px inset, #ffffff14 0 1px 0px inset; 
	 box-shadow: #000 0 1px 3px inset, #ffffff24 0 0 5px 0px, #ffffff14 0 1px 0px; 
	/* --shadow-color: 208.8deg 21% 6%; */
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	/* --shadow-color: 208deg 21% 6%; */
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.mx_HomePage_default .mx_HomePage_default_buttons .mx_AccessibleButton {
	padding: 73px 8px 15px;
	width: 160px;
	min-height: 132px;
	margin: 20px;
	position: relative;
	display: inline-block;
	border-radius: 8px;
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	word-break: break-word;
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	font-weight: 600;
	font-size: 1.5rem;
	line-height: 2rem;
	color: #fff;
	background-color: #0dbd8b;
	box-shadow: #000 0 1px 4px 2px,#ffffff18 0 0px 8px 0px inset, #fff3 0 1px inset;
	background: linear-gradient(#ffffff4f,#00000042),radial-gradient(at top,#0ff,#007995);
	transition: all .25s ease;
	outline: 2px #3daee900 solid;
	outline-style: ridge;
	outline-offset: 0px;
	.mx_HomePage_default .mx_HomePage_default_buttons .mx_AccessibleButton:hover {
	background: linear-gradient(#ffffff0f,#ffffff0f),linear-gradient(#ffffff4f,#00000042),radial-grad...


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