See @description in the Source Code.
Dark Economist [papo] by papo
![Screenshot of Dark Economist [papo]](
LicenseSee @license in the Source Code.
Size15 kB
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Userstyle doesn't have notes.Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Dark Economist [papo]
@version 1.1.5
@description Updated: 2024-11. [m] Notes and feedback:
@author Papo
@license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
@preprocessor uso
@advanced color color-primary "Text Primary" white
@advanced color color-secondary "Text Secondary" #ccc
@advanced color color-headline "Headline" #c3e9ff
@advanced color color-heading "Headings" #678CB1
@advanced color color-link-visited "Visited link color" violet
# up to 24-04: #B62EF0
@advanced dropdown background-base "Background" {
dft "Tiles" <<<EOT #000 url() EOT;
rb "Rich black (FOGRA29)" <<<EOT #010B13 EOT;
dc "Dark charcoal" <<<EOT #333 EOT;
cst "Custom" <<<EOT var(--p-background-base-custom, none) EOT;
nbg "None" <<<EOT none EOT;
@advanced text background-base-custom "Custom Background" "#000 url(_YOUR_DATA_HERE)"
@advanced dropdown bg-options "Background image type" {
Tiled "Tiled" <<<EOT
background-repeat: repeat !important;
background-size: auto !important;
background-position: left top !important; EOT;
Fit "Fit Window" <<<EOT
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
background-size: cover !important;
background-position: center top !important; EOT;
@advanced dropdown bg-attachment "Background image attachment" {
s "Scroll" <<<EOT EOT;
f "Fixed" <<<EOT fixed EOT;
@advanced dropdown background "Text Background" {
dft "Stripes" <<<EOT #000 url() EOT;
rb "Rich black (FOGRA29)" <<<EOT #010B13 EOT;
cst "Custom" <<<EOT var(--p-background-custom, none) EOT;
nbg "None" <<<EOT none EOT;
@advanced text background-custom "Custom Text Background" "#000 url(_YOUR_DATA_HERE)"
@var range p-size-primary-text "Text Primary size" [18, 10, 30, 1, "px"]
@var range p-size-primary-line "Text Primary line height" [26, 12, 35, 1, "px"]
# --- END: common block ---
# orig: 1.25rem 20px; 1.4 28px
@var range p-size-primary-text "Text Primary size" [20, 10, 30, 1, "px"]
@var range p-size-primary-line "Text Primary line height" [28, 12, 35, 1, "px"]
@var select rule-AcquisitionBanner "Bottom banner" {
'0:Show': '',
"1:Hide": "display: none;"
@var select debug-test "debug" {
'0:Normal': '',
"1:debug. It just shows testing elements in yellow. No useful purpose for daily use.": "color: yellow !important; background: violet !important;"
# --- optional common block ---
#advanced dropdown color-BG-ADs "ADs background color" {
e "Shade" <<<EOT background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3) !important; EOT;
a "Transparent" <<<EOT background-color: unset !important; EOT;
b "Black" <<<EOT background-color: black !important; EOT;
c "as Custom Text Background" <<<EOT background: var(--p-background, none) !important; EOT;
d "Original" <<<EOT EOT;
#var select xxx 'Get my "DeAnnoy XXX [papo]" Style to fix the annoying head bar and navi bar.' {
'You need to copy the text on the left with a mouse, right click and choose open in tab. This is not a setting.': 0
#var select debug-test "debug" {
'0:Normal': '',
"1:debug. It just shows testing elements in yellow. No useful purpose for daily use.": "color: yellow !important; background: violet !important;"
#var color color-section "Section/Series" #C70000
# --- END: optional common block ---
==/UserStyle== */
/* Do NOT edit this file.
It will disable updates, instead create another style to override desired rules. Or CSS variables.
I don't use !important where not required to allow that. You need to check injection order in Stylus.
Used background-base and bg-options from:
This preprocessor header and global variables are common part used in most of my styles. Version: 1.4.3 2024-05
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* classnames did not change from beginning of 2024
2406 .adComponent_advert__kPVUI
.eis2tu50 is more common selector at least used since 2404
.css-1b409a9 for only some cards, while all also have .eis2tu50 (above line) at least used since 2404
:root {
--p-color-primary: /*[[color-primary]]*/;
--p-color-secondary: /*[[color-secondary]]*/;
--p-color-dark: #6e6e6e;
--p-color-headline: /*[[color-headline]]*/;
--p-color-heading: /*[[color-heading]]*/;
--p-color-deck: #ffdede;
--p-color-lead: #ffdede;
--p-color-breadcrumb: hsl(140, 40%, 75%);
--p-color-byline: #C56E6E;
/* --p-color-link: #00ADEE; */
--p-color-link: #82C1FF;
--p-color-link-visited: /*[[color-link-visited]]*/;
--p-color-link-hover: hsl(210, 100%, 85%);
--p-background-base: /*[[background-base]]*/ /*[[bg-attachment]]*/;
--p-background: /*[[background]]*/;
--p-background-base-custom: /*[[background-base-custom]]*/;
--p-background-custom: /*[[background-custom]]*/;
--p-size-primary-text: /*[[p-size-primary-text]]*/;
--p-size-primary-line: /*[[p-size-primary-line]]*/;
/* Legacy */
--p-color-caption-sec: var(--p-color-heading);
--p-color-sub: var(--p-color-deck);
--p-color-by: var(--p-color-byline);
--gl-text-primary: var(--p-color-primary);
--gl-text-sec: var(--p-color-secondary);
--gl-text-caption: var(--p-color-headline);
--gl-text-caption-sec: var(--p-color-caption-sec);
--gl-link-visited: var(--p-color-link-visited);
--gl-link-hover: var(--p-color-link-hover);
--gl-background: var(--p-background);
/* prefixing with --p- to avoid collisions with site's styles, or another UserCSS. And to easily see them in the Inspector. */
/* using site's variables */
:root {
--header-headline-color: var(--gl-text-caption);
/* breadcrump */
--header-fly-color: var(--p-color-breadcrumb);
/* deck */
--header-rubric-color: var(--p-color-deck);
--ds-color-london-5: var(--gl-text-primary);
--ds-color-london-10: var(--gl-text-primary);
/* used also as BG for Menu and Search bar */
--ds-color-london-20: var(--gl-text-sec);
/* sometimes, this is a text color, also used for icon in Search menu */
--ds-color-london-100: var(--gl-background);
/* todo: chicago-30 used also as BG color for a notice */
--ds-color-chicago-30: var(--gl-link-hover);
--ds-color-chicago-95: #000; /* link background on :focus */
/* figcap */
--ds-color-london-35: var(--p-color-secondary);
/* BG for e.g. hardwall notice. Expected is hsl/hsla. Fade-out for paywall still does not work, I don't care. */
/* --was--ds-color-hsl-los-angeles-95: 51,22%,95%; */
--ds-color-hsl-los-angeles-95: 0, 0%, 0%, .3;
--ds-color-hsl-london-100: 0, 0%, 0%, .3;
/* --was--ds-color-hsl-london-100: 0, 0%, 100%; */
/* font-size: var(--ds-type-scale-1);
line-height: var(--ds-type-leading-lower); */
/* --ds-type-scale-1: var(--p-size-primary-text); */
/* --ds-type-leading-lower: var(--p-size-primary-line); */
/* -- masthead -- */
/* on standard pages, there is also a parent: .styled-masthead, but not on special pages, e.g. Advanced Search */
.ds-masthead {
background: var(--p-background);
box-shadow: 0 0 10px 1px #000000eb;
.ds-menu-disclosure .path-foreground, /* icon - menu */
.ds-navigation-disclosure .path-foreground { /* arrow down next to Search */
fill: var(--gl-text-primary);
/* icon - search */
/* in orig, when Menu/Search is open, icon is inverted and must not be invereted here again */
.ds-navigation-disclosure--icon.ds-navigation-disclosure--icon-search:not(.ds-navigation-disclosure--inverse)::before {
filter: invert(1);
/* "Subscribe" */
.ds-masthead .ds-call-to-action {
background: hsl(230, 59%, 20%);
/* --was-background: var(--ds-color-chicago-30); */
/* --was: #1f2e7a; */
/* used only on special pages */
color: var(--p-color-secondary);
/* --was-color: var(--ds-color-london-100); */
.ds-navigation-link span {
color: var(--p-color-secondary);
/* --was-color: var(--ds-color-london-5); */
/* when Menu/Search is open */
.ds-navigation-link--inverse span {
color: var(--p-color-primary);
/* --was-color: var(--ds-color-london-100); */
/* - Menu - */, {
background: var(--p-background);
box-shadow: 0 0 10px 1px #000000eb;
/* background: #333; */
/* --was-background: var(--ds-color-london-20); */
/* box-shadow: 0 .125rem .25rem 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15); */
/* [m] bottom has shade in orig for whatever reason */
@media (max-width: 37.4375rem) {
/* .css-1c5y16c { */
.styled-masthead {
background: unset;
/* --was-background: var(--ds-color-london-20); */
.ds-form-input {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
/* --was-background-color: var(--ds-color-london-100); */
/* color: var(--ds-color-london-5); */
.ds-button--icon.ds-button--inverse.ds-button--secondary svg {
fill: var(--p-color-secondary);
/* --was-fill: var(--ds-color-london-100); */
/* icon arrow next to "Try AI-powered search" */
/* .css-1oekucs svg path { */
.ds-search-form__cta-container svg path {
fill: var(--p-...