See @description in the Source Code.
Dark BBC [papo] by papo
LicenseSee @license in the Source Code.
Size120 kB
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Failed to fetch stats.
Userstyle doesn't have notes.Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Dark BBC [papo]
@version 2.3.21
@description Updated: 2024-12. [m] Notes and feedback:, BBC uses 4 different themes. All are covered by this Style. Also check my DeAnnoy BBC Style.
@author Papo
@license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
@preprocessor uso
@advanced color color-primary "Text Primary" white
@advanced color color-secondary "Text Secondary" #ccc
@advanced color color-headline "Headline" #c3e9ff
@advanced color color-heading "Headings" #678CB1
@advanced color color-link-visited "Visited link color" violet
# up to 24-04: #B62EF0
@advanced dropdown background-base "Background" {
dft "Tiles" <<<EOT #000 url() EOT;
rb "Rich black (FOGRA29)" <<<EOT #010B13 EOT;
dc "Dark charcoal" <<<EOT #333 EOT;
cst "Custom" <<<EOT var(--p-background-base-custom, none) EOT;
nbg "None" <<<EOT none EOT;
@advanced text background-base-custom "Custom Background" "#000 url(_YOUR_DATA_HERE)"
@advanced dropdown bg-options "Background image type" {
Tiled "Tiled" <<<EOT
background-repeat: repeat !important;
background-size: auto !important;
background-position: left top !important; EOT;
Fit "Fit Window" <<<EOT
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
background-size: cover !important;
background-position: center top !important; EOT;
@advanced dropdown bg-attachment "Background image attachment" {
s "Scroll" <<<EOT EOT;
f "Fixed" <<<EOT fixed EOT;
@advanced dropdown background "Text Background" {
dft "Stripes" <<<EOT #000 url() EOT;
rb "Rich black (FOGRA29)" <<<EOT #010B13 EOT;
cst "Custom" <<<EOT var(--p-background-custom, none) EOT;
nbg "None" <<<EOT none EOT;
@advanced text background-custom "Custom Text Background" "#000 url(_YOUR_DATA_HERE)"
@var range p-size-primary-text "Text Primary size" [18, 10, 30, 1, "px"]
@var range p-size-primary-line "Text Primary line height" [26, 12, 35, 1, "px"]
# --- END: common block ---
@var color s-color-BG-Red "BBC Background color" #671919
@var color s-color-BG-Red2 "BBC Background color 2" hsl(0, 61%, 10%)
@var select BBCBlocks "BBC logo - Blocks color" {
"Red": "#EB0000",
"White": "white",
"Black*": "black"
# --- optional common block ---
@advanced dropdown color-BG-ADs "ADs background color" {
e "Shade" <<<EOT background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3) !important; EOT;
a "Transparent" <<<EOT background-color: unset !important; EOT;
b "Black" <<<EOT background-color: black !important; EOT;
c "as custom text background" <<<EOT background: var(--p-background, none) !important; EOT;
d "Original" <<<EOT EOT;
@var select xxx 'Get my "DeAnnoy BBC [papo]" Style to fix the annoying head bar and navi bar.' {
'You need to copy the text on the left with a mouse, right click and choose open in tab. This is not a setting.': 0
@var select debug-test "debug" {
'0:Normal': '',
"1:debug. It just shows testing elements in yellow. No useful purpose for daily use.": "color: yellow !important; background: violet !important;"
#var color color-section "Section/Series" #C70000
# --- END: optional common block ---
# There are some enabled and modified options in optional block
==/UserStyle== */
/* Do NOT edit this file.
It will disable updates, instead create another style to override desired rules. Or CSS variables.
I don't use !important where not required to allow that. You need to check injection order in Stylus.
Used background-base and bg-options from:
This preprocessor header and global variables are common part used in most of my styles. Version: 1.4.2 2024-04
@-moz-document domain(""), domain("") {
/* ** Multiple different themes used by BBC
This UserStyle covers all of them in separate sections divided with a comment line containing `***`
Theme 2024. Using: data-testid="Countries and Cities"
2024-03-12: BBC switched to a new theme, which is a complete overhaul. Old articles, and still open in the older theme.
Orbit. Using: orbit, org-modules, nv-c-nav, lx-, gs-
top header: > div > div#orbit-header.orbit-header-container
more headers and page content: > div > div#orb-modules
used in 2024-03 by e.g.
but this does not match few days later anymore. It looks the same, but different DOM
24-07: /news/live now uses Chameleon theme
In 2018 I used in this file some selectors matching this theme.
Chameleon. Using: class="ssrcss-irv5dn-Zone e1mcntqj4"
top header: body>div#root header#header-content[data-testid="header-content"] nav.ssrcss-1gctzoi-ChameleonGlobalNavigation[aria-label="BBC"]
pre 2024-03-12 articles (not .com) in 2024-03
On BBC site classnames of format .ssrcss-<Random{6}>-<sensibleName>, e.g. .ssrcss-nsdtmh-StyledHeading,
do change with time. Also, the <sensibleName> part is not unique for one specific use on site,
and can't be safely used as a selector, e.g. [class*="-StyledHeading"], without at least limiting it to a parent.
And another problem is, some of these partial classnames are part of classname of different classnames.
e.g. [class*="-StyledHeading"] will also match "-StyledHeadingContainer", or [class*="-LinkPost"] will "-LinkPostContent"
Homepage on
It does use separate theme from all other BBC site parts. After the middle of 2024-03, it can only be seen when accessing from UK.
Language versions
in 2024, also uses React, as does 2024 theme, but the structure is different from all the other BBC css styles
I will not be Dark styling this. e.g. French:
Help/Error pages
another theme. navi header has class .GlobalNavigation
/* todo:
fixed, test: img background while loading flashes white. line 527, right column is not styled at all "hawaii"
/* 24-05-07: BBC broke the 2024 theme. Names of tags changed and restructured <main> and added <article>
:root {
--p-color-primary: /*[[color-primary]]*/;
--p-color-secondary: /*[[color-secondary]]*/;
--p-color-dark: #6e6e6e;
--p-color-headline: /*[[color-headline]]*/;
--p-color-heading: /*[[color-heading]]*/;
--p-color-deck: #ffdede;
--p-color-lead: #ffdede;
--p-color-breadcrumb: hsl(140, 40%, 75%);
--p-color-byline: #C56E6E;
/* --p-color-link: #00ADEE; */
--p-color-link: #82C1FF;
--p-color-link-visited: /*[[color-link-visited]]*/;
--p-color-link-hover: hsl(210, 100%, 85%);
--p-background-base: /*[[background-base]]*/ /*[[bg-attachment]]*/;
--p-background: /*[[background]]*/;
--p-background-base-custom: /*[[background-base-custom]]*/;
--p-background-custom: /*[[background-custom]]*/;
--p-size-primary-text: /*[[p-size-primary-text]]*/;
--p-size-primary-line: /*[[p-size-primary-line]]*/;
/* Legacy */
--p-color-caption: var(--p-color-headline);
--p-color-caption-sec: var(--p-color-heading);
--p-color-by: var(--p-color-byline);
/* prefixing with --p- to avoid collisions with site's styles, or another UserCSS. And to easily see them in the Inspector. */
:root {
--s-color-BG-Red: /*[[s-color-BG-Red]]*/;
--s-color-BG-Red2: /*[[s-color-BG-Red2]]*/;
--s-color-BBCBlocks: /*[[BBCBlocks]]*/;
/* using site's variables */
/* :root {
--something: var(--p-background-base);
} */
/* *** *** Theme 2024. Using: data-testid="" *** ***
Style tested by BBC by the end of 2023 and activated for non UK visitors 2024-03
DOM: 2403: <body><div id="__next"><main class="app">...
20240608: HP: <html lang="en-GB"><body><div id="__next"><div class="app"><main id="main-content"><article class="sc-9636e898-0 dYtsiK">
article page is the same except <article> tag has no classnames
this now conflicts with Theme Chameleon, which uses selector: main#main-content article
best way to limit seems to be: body > #__next SOMETHING
/* -- masthead -- */
/* <header class="sc-75742244-0 hByHvK"> */
/* .hByHvK { */
/* until 24-05-07: main > header */
main > header:not(.huhu)
, .app > header {
background-color: var(--s-color-BG-Red);
/* --was-background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); */
/* class="sc-2c06e71a-0 kOvwAC"> */
main > header [category="logo"][icon="bbc"]
, .app > header [category="logo"][icon="bbc"] {
fill: var(--s-color-BBCBlocks);
/* there are 4 buttons on header, only two on left side need change from white BG, but making them all alike for now */
main > header button:not(.huh...