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VNDB:Re (Light, Dark, Gruvbox, Sepia, Catpuccin) by Kellen-wq

Screenshot of VNDB:Re (Light, Dark, Gruvbox, Sepia, Catpuccin)






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New design and some features for


  • Default dark and light theme, gruvbox, sepia

  • Choose only the devices you need (in pop-up settings)

  • New tags by other creator

  • New flags icons

  • Double titles (Ja + En, choosen in site settings)


1.0.1 — 1.0.2 fixes, small updates
1.0.3 new flags icons
1.0.4 added other themes (light, gruvbox, sepia)
1.0.5 — 1.0.6 minor changes
1.1 new inputs, selectors, few popups, login page, little changes in search
1.2 4 catppucin themes: Latte, Frappé, Macchiato, Mocha
1.2.5 little changes in the menu and tags

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
        /* ==UserStyle==
@name         VNDB:Re
@namespace     Kellen's userstyles
@author        kln (
@description   New design and some features for
@version       1.2.5
@license      CC0-1.0
@preprocessor  stylus


@var select theme  'Theme' ['Dark', 'Light', 'Sepia', 'Gruvbox', 'CatppucinLatte', 'CatppucinFrappe' , 'CatppucinMacchiato', 'CatppucinMocha']
@var checkbox noWin "Windows"                       0
@var checkbox noLin "Linux"                       0
@var checkbox noMac "Mac"                       0
@var checkbox noAnd "Android"                       0
@var checkbox noIOS "iOS"                       0
@var checkbox noSwi "Switch"                       0
@var checkbox noPS5 "PS 5"                       0
@var checkbox noPS4 "PS 4"                       0
@var checkbox noPS3 "PS 3"                       0
@var checkbox noXBO "Xbox One"                       0
@var checkbox noXB "Xbox 3"                       0
@var checkbox noWeb "Web"                       0
@var checkbox noOld "Old"                       1

==/UserStyle== */
        imp=!important @-moz-document domain("") {

            if theme=='Dark' {
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                    --border: rgb(36, 36, 36);
                    --diffadd: #354;
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                    .icon-rel-free {
                        filter: brightness(0%) saturate(100%) invert(59%) sepia(0%) saturate(1125%) hue-rotate(153deg) brightness(89%) contrast(90%);
                    .icon-rel-ani-story.icon-rel-a4 {
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                    .icon-list-add {
                        filter: brightness(0%) saturate(100%) invert(49%) sepia(34%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(19deg) brightness(91%) contrast(86%);

            if theme=='CatppucinLatte' {
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                .icon-list-add {
                    filter: brightness(0%) saturate(100%) invert(85%) sepia(5%) saturate(1227%) hue-rotate(192deg) brightness(82%) contrast(89%);

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                .icon-list-add {
                    filter: brightness(0%) saturate(100%) invert(76%) sepia(17%) saturate(416%) hue-rotate(191deg) brightness(91%) contrast(84%);

            if theme=='CatppucinMacchiato' {
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                    --maintitle: #cad3f5;
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                    .icon-list-add {
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            if theme=='CatppucinMocha' {
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                    --maintitle: #cdd6f4;
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                    --diffadd: #a6e3a1;
                    --diffdel: #f38ba8;
                    --warnbg: #f9e2af;


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