A dark theme for Facebook Messenger.
Messenger Dark by reizumi
Imported and mirrored from https://codeberg.org/reizumi/MessengerDark/raw/branch/master/messenger-dark.user.css
Size18 kB
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Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Messenger Dark
@description A dark theme for Facebook Messenger.
@author reizumi
@namespace codeberg.org/reizumi/MessengerDark
@homepageURL https://codeberg.org/reizumi/MessengerDark
@supportURL https://codeberg.org/reizumi/MessengerDark/issues
@preprocessor stylus
@version 1.4.1
@license CC-BY-SA-4.0
@var select theme "Preset color theme" {
"System default" : "system",
"Dark*" : "dark",
"Blackout" : "blackout",
"Gruvbox" : "gruvbox",
"Nord" : "nord",
"Discord" : "discord",
"Mastodon" : "mastodon",
"Moonlight" : "moonlight",
"Proton" : "proton",
"Breeze" : "breeze",
"Adwaita" : "adwaita",
"Fuchsia" : "fuchsia-dark",
"Custom" : "custom",
@var text fontName "Custom font" default
@var checkbox colorScrollbars "Theme scrollbars" 1
@var checkbox thinScrollbars "Thin scrollbars" 1
@var checkbox colorConvos "Theme conversation colors" 0
@var checkbox colorSelect "Theme text selection" 0
@var color bg-mt "Message search match color" #f7b928
@var color bg-ac "Selected item color" rgba(0, 0, 0, .06)
@var color bg-1 "Custom background 1" #222
@var color bg-2 "Custom background 2" #2b2b2b
@var color bg-3 "Custom background 3" #333
@var color fg-1 "Custom foreground 1" #fff
@var color fg-2 "Custom foreground 2" #aaa
@var color ic-1 "Custom icon color" #fff
@var color ac-1 "Custom accent color" #09f
@var color bg-bb "Custom sender bubble color" #07b
@var text ic-2 "Custom icon filter" invert(100%) sepia(0%) saturate(4807%) hue-rotate(84deg) brightness(110%) contrast(110%)
@var text ac-2 "Custom accent filter" invert(50%) sepia(94%) saturate(3979%) hue-rotate(183deg) brightness(104%) contrast(103%)
@var checkbox darkButtonText "Custom: Dark button text" 0
==/UserStyle== */
// Some icons require CSS filters due to them using images instead of vectors. (eg. three-dot menu, arrows, and payment icons)
// To make or generate your own CSS filter, you can use any tool that converts color values to CSS filter.
// Convert ic-1 (icon) and ac-1 (accent color) color values for consistency, or do whatever you want.
@-moz-document domain("messenger.com") {
// Preset color themes
if theme == dark || theme == system {
bg-1 = #222;
bg-2 = #2b2b2b;
bg-3 = #333;
fg-1 = #fff;
fg-2 = #aaa;
ic-1 = #fff;
ac-1 = #09f;
bg-bb = #07b;
ic-2 = invert(100%) sepia(0%) saturate(4807%) hue-rotate(84deg) brightness(110%) contrast(110%);
ac-2 = invert(50%) sepia(94%) saturate(3979%) hue-rotate(183deg) brightness(104%) contrast(103%);
} else if theme == blackout {
bg-1 = #000;
bg-2 = #222;
bg-3 = #2b2b2b;
fg-1 = #cbcbcb;
fg-2 = #858585;
ic-1 = #cbcbcb;
ac-1 = #0082d9;
bg-bb = #048;
ic-2 = invert(85%) sepia(75%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(122deg) brightness(82%) contrast(100%);
ac-2 = invert(29%) sepia(96%) saturate(1502%) hue-rotate(183deg) brightness(101%) contrast(101%);
} else if theme == gruvbox {
bg-1 = #282828;
bg-2 = #3c3836;
bg-3 = #32302f;
fg-1 = #ebdbb2;
fg-2 = #a89984;
ic-1 = #ebdbb2;
ac-1 = #83a598;
bg-bb = #076678;
ic-2 = invert(85%) sepia(28%) saturate(263%) hue-rotate(5deg) brightness(100%) contrast(89%);
ac-2 = invert(77%) sepia(3%) saturate(1992%) hue-rotate(105deg) brightness(82%) contrast(87%);
} else if theme == nord {
bg-1 = #2e3440;
bg-2 = #364054;
bg-3 = #424c60;
fg-1 = #eceff4;
fg-2 = #d8dee9;
ic-1 = #eceff4;
ac-1 = #7ea1cc;
bg-bb = #587ba6;
ic-2 = invert(97%) sepia(18%) saturate(448%) hue-rotate(177deg) brightness(99%) contrast(93%);
ac-2 = invert(66%) sepia(24%) saturate(566%) hue-rotate(173deg) brightness(91%) contrast(87%);
} else if theme == discord {
bg-1 = #313338;
bg-2 = #3c3f45;
bg-3 = #404349;
fg-1 = #f2f3f5;
fg-2 = #b5bac1;
ic-1 = #f2f3f5;
ac-1 = #828cf5;
bg-bb = #5865f2;
ic-2 = invert(98%) sepia(16%) saturate(235%) hue-rotate(177deg) brightness(99%) contrast(93%);
ac-2 = invert(55%) sepia(98%) saturate(1125%) hue-rotate(203deg) brightness(93%) contrast(108%);
} else if theme == mastodon {
bg-1 = #191b22;
bg-2 = #272b36;
bg-3 = #313543;
fg-1 = #fff;
fg-2 = #9baec8;
ic-1 = #d9e1e8;
ac-1 = #8c8dff;
bg-bb = #4d4dee;
ic-2 = invert(92%) sepia(3%) saturate(1392%) hue-rotate(188deg) brightness(104%) contrast(82%);
ac-2 = invert(51%) sepia(27%) saturate(1019%) hue-rotate(201deg) brightness(108%) contrast(106%);
} else if theme == moonlight {
bg-1 = #223;
bg-2 = #2b2b3c;
bg-3 = #334;
fg-1 = #fff;
fg-2 = #aab;
ic-1 = #aab;
ac-1 = #99e;
bg-bb = #66b;
ic-2 = invert(77%) sepia(18%) saturate(187%) hue-rotate(201deg) brightness(88%) contrast(86%);
ac-2 = invert(62%) sepia(28%) saturate(665%) hue-rotate(202deg) brightness(97%) contrast(93%);
} else if theme == proton {
bg-1 = #1c1b22;
bg-2 = #23222b;
bg-3 = #2b2a33;
fg-1 = #fff;
fg-2 = #aaa;
ic-1 = #fbfbfe;
ac-1 = #0df;
bg-bb = #126171;
ic-2 = invert(97%) sepia(8%) saturate(1873%) hue-rotate(183deg) brightness(107%) contrast(99%);
ac-2 = invert(65%) sepia(32%) saturate(2926%) hue-rotate(145deg) brightness(104%) contrast(105%);
} else if theme == breeze {
bg-1 = #232629;
bg-2 = #292d32;
bg-3 = #31363b;
fg-1 = #fff;
fg-2 = #aaa;
ic-1 = #fff;
ac-1 = #3daee9;
bg-bb = #224e65;
ic-2 = invert(100%) sepia(0%) saturate(4807%) hue-rotate(84deg) brightness(110%) contrast(110%);
ac-2 = invert(63%) sepia(20%) saturate(1601%) hue-rotate(164deg) brightness(95%) contrast(93%);
} else if theme == adwaita {
bg-1 = #242424;
bg-2 = #2b2b2b;
bg-3 = #353535;
fg-1 = #f5f5f5;
fg-2 = #aaa;
ic-1 = #eeeeec;
ac-1 = #78aeed;
bg-bb = #1b70c9;
ic-2 = invert(97%) sepia(8%) saturate(607%) hue-rotate(352deg) brightness(115%) contrast(87%);
ac-2 = invert(63%) sepia(19%) saturate(1049%) hue-rotate(174deg) brightness(103%) contrast(86%);
} else if theme == fuchsia-dark {
bg-1 = #342434;
bg-2 = #3b2b3b;
bg-3 = #463546;
fg-1 = #fdf;
fg-2 = #a8a;
ic-1 = #fdf;
ac-1 = #c74375;
bg-bb = #7b4b7b;
ic-2 = invert(100%) sepia(30%) saturate(5071%) hue-rotate(197deg) brightness(107%) contrast(107%);
ac-2 = invert(45%) sepia(24%) saturate(7496%) hue-rotate(312deg) brightness(83%) contrast(85%);
// Dark button text and icons
if theme == custom && darkButtonText {
ic-bn = invert(0%);
fg-bn = bg-1;
else {
ic-bn = invert(100%);
fg-bn = fg-1;
if light(ac-1) && theme != custom {
ic-bn = invert(0%);
fg-bn = bg-1;
// Default: Custom scrollbars
if colorScrollbars {
// Chromium-based browsers
::-webkit-scrollbar {
background-color: #fff;
width: 14px;
&-thumb {
background-color: rgba(#808080, .25);
background-clip: padding-box;
border: 3px solid transparent;
border-radius: 999px;
if thinScrollbars {
// Firefox
div {
scrollbar-width: thin;
// Chromium-based browsers
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 8px;
&-thumb {
border-width: 2px;
/* Function: Dark mode */
dark_mode() {
// Root variables
.__fb-dark-mode {
--messenger-card-background: bg-1 !important;
--surface-background: bg-1 !important;
--card-background: bg-1 !important;
--card-background-flat: bg-3 !important;
--popover-background: bg-1 !important;
--chat-incoming-message-bubble-background-color: bg-2 !important;
--mwp-message-row-background: bg-1 !important;
--messenger-reply-background: bg-2 !important;
--secondary-button-background: bg-3 !important;
--secondary-button-background-floating: bg-2 !important;
--disabled-button-background: bg-2 !important;
--input-background: bg-1 !important;
--wash: bg-3 !important;
--web-wash: bg-2 !important;
--comment-footer-background: bg-2 !important;
--background-deemphasized: bg-2 !important;
--primary-button-background: ac-1 !important;
--primary-deemphasized-button-text: ac-1 !important;
--accent: ac-1 !important;
--blue-link: ac-1 !important;
--base-blue: ac-1 !important;
--base-lemon: bg-mt !important;
--switch-active: ac-1 !important;
--toggle-active-background: ac-1 !important;