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Pléiade X by GrandPasSur

Screenshot of Pléiade X



LicenseCC BY-NC-SA - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike



Size18 kB


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Custom Font and color of X Twitter on the web


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Pléiade X
@description  Custom Font and color of Twitter on the web
@version      0.1
@author       GrandPasSur
@license      CC BY-NC-SA - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
@preprocessor uso
@var          color customcolor "Custom Color"    #534732
@var select   bg-selected "Background" {
 "Custom": "var(--custom-default-transparent-lighter, none)",
 "None": "none"
}==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain(""), domain("") {

/* Sources de bases : [HIGH CONTRAST] Twitter by ExeWire et Custom Color Twitter by licensed on CC BY-NC-SA */
/* Created: Nov 26, 2023 */
/* Updated: Nov 25, 2023 */

/* ==================== */
/* or (Default) */
/* ==================== */
:root {
  --custom-default-dark: /*[[customcolor]]*/ff;
  --custom-default-light: /*[[customcolor]]*/88;
  --custom-default-transparent: /*[[customcolor]]*/44;
  --custom-default-transparent-dark: /*[[customcolor]]*/66;
  --custom-default-transparent-light: /*[[customcolor]]*/33;/* added for customize */
  --custom-default-transparent-lighter: /*[[customcolor]]*/17;/* added for customize */
  --custom-default-normal: /*[[customcolor]]*/cc;
/* for dim/dark */
body:not([style*="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255"]):not([style*="background-color: #FFFFFF"]) {
  --custom-default-transparent: rgba(255, 255, 255, .05);
/* tab border */
.r-1pbtemp {
  border-right-color: var(--custom-default-normal);
/* left sidebar button/top tab/radio button outside effect background hover */
/* *** also used as common color *** */
[data-testid^="AppTabBar_"]:hover > .r-zv2cs0,
[data-testid^="AppTabBar_"] + a:hover > .r-zv2cs0,/* Profile */
.r-1peqgm7 {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent);
[data-testid^="AppTabBar_"]:active > .r-zv2cs0,
[data-testid^="AppTabBar_"] + a:active > .r-zv2cs0,/* Profile */
.r-r18ze4 {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-dark);
/* button background */
[style*="background-color: rgb(29, 155, 240)"],/* ### inline... need important */
.r-l5o3uw {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-normal) !important;
/* button hover - dark; tweet button on left, done on color setting */
.r-1vtznih {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-dark);
/* button active (top tweet area tweet button) */
.r-yuvema {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-normal);
/* input - poll */
/* outlined button outline */
[style="border-color: rgb(29, 155, 240);"] {
  border-color: var(--custom-default-normal) !important;
/* input selected - poll */ 
.r-9cip40 {
  box-shadow: var(--custom-default-normal) 0 0 0 1px;
/* settings bar (class is universal just style is different)*/
.css-1dbjc4n.r-1awozwy.r-18u37iz.r-16y2uox.r-hdaws3[style="background-color: rgb(142, 205, 248);"],
.css-1dbjc4n.r-1awozwy.r-18u37iz.r-16y2uox.r-4v7adb[style="background-color: rgb(142, 205, 248);"] {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-light) !important;
/* settings bar thumb (class is universal just style is different) */
.css-1dbjc4n.r-sdzlij.r-7dny9e.r-tbmifm.r-16eto9q[style="background-color: rgb(142, 205, 248);"],/* added20210813 for Settings >... Display*/
[role="dialog"] .css-1dbjc4n[style="background-color: rgb(142, 205, 248);"],/* dim */
[role="dialog"] .css-1dbjc4n[style="background-color: rgb(142, 205, 248);"],/* dark */
[role="dialog"] .css-1dbjc4n[style="background-color: rgb(142, 205, 248);"] {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-light) !important;
[role="radiogroup"] [title="Blue heart"]:before {
  content: "Altanative";
  background-color: var(--custom-default-normal);
  color: var(--custom-default-normal);
/* wheel */
svg > circle[style*="stroke: rgb(29, 155, 240)"] {
  stroke: var(--custom-default-normal) !important;

/* ==================== */
/* Add-on */    
/* ==================== */

/* text, icon */
[style*="color: rgb(29, 155, 240);"],/* inline... need important */
.r-1cvl2hr, /* icon: authorized user, tweet area */
.r-1n1174f /* text: link */ {
  color: var(--custom-default-normal) !important;
/* button */
[role="button"][style*="background-color: rgb(15, 20, 25);"],/* "Follow" button on "Discover new Lists" */
[role="link"].r-sdzlij.r-peo1c {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-normal) !important;
[aria-label*="Follow"][role="button"] .r-18jsvk2 {/* "Follow" text inside follow button */
  color: var(--custom-default-normal);
[aria-label*="Follow"][role="button"]:hover .r-18jsvk2 {/* "Follow" text inside follow button */
  color: var(--custom-default-dark);
[aria-label*="Follow"][role="button"]:hover {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-light) !important;
/*** active ***/
[aria-label*="Follow"][role="button"]:active {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-normal) !important;
/*** hover ***/
[aria-label*="Follow"][role="button"][data-testid*="unfollow"]:hover/* button - follow button on hover */ {
  background-color: #fff !important;
  border-color: var(--custom-default-dark) !important;
[role="button"].r-oelmt8:hover {/* "Follow" button on "Discover new Lists" */
  background-color: var(--custom-default-dark) !important;
/* button/and icons on initial inline colors... */ 
[style*="background-color: rgb(249, 24, 128)"] {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-normal) !important;
[style="color: rgb(249, 24, 128);"] {
  color: var(--custom-default-light) !important;
/* icon/menu hover */
.r-1ydqjzz {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent) !important;
/* icon active */
.r-h9yrwi {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-dark) !important;

/* right advertizement items */
.r-1hdo0pc,/* dark content tab */
.r-3al2xr,/* dim content tab */
.r-g6ijar,/* dim */
.r-1panhkp,/* hover */
.r-1218gd,/* hover*/
.r-1d6w8o1/* backgrounds */ {
  /*background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-light) !important;*/
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-lighter) !important;
  border-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-light);/* ### 20220519 for right side content */

/* hover tweet */
.r-1cuuowz {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-light) !important;
/* search input */
.r-1sw30gj {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-dark);

/* <-/-> buttons on Explore tab */
a[role="link"][style*="background-color: rgb(15, 20, 25);"],/* black button - ex."change location" on explore */
[role="button"][style*="background-color: rgba(15, 20, 25, 0.75);"] {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-normal) !important;
.r-19130f6,/* added in some reason */
a[role="link"].r-oelmt8,/* black button on hover - ex."change location" on explore */
[role="button"].r-pjtv4k/* hover */ {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-dark) !important;
  color: #fff !important;/* to distinguish text */
[role="alertdialog"] [role="button"].r-pjtv4k/* button on dialog when dim/dark */ {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-light) !important;
/*** borders ***/
.r-1d6w8o1/* sidebar what's happening/who to follow block w/ background color */ {
  border-color: var(--custom-default-transparent);
.r-1ets6dv,/* search input */
.r-jxzhtn {
  border-color: var(--custom-default-transparent);
.r-140t1nj/* tottom border */ {
  border-bottom-color: var(--custom-default-transparent);
.r-j5o65s {
  border-bottom-color: var(--custom-default-transparent);
.r-c554xy,/* ex. input for new message search people */
.r-1dgieki {
  border-top-color: var(--custom-default-transparent);
/* bellow tweet input */
.r-1sw30gj {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent);
/* for borders */
.r-18bvks7,/* dim */
.r-1kqtdi0/* dark */ {
  border-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-dark);
.r-1ila09b,/* dim */
.r-1igl3o0/* dark */ {
  border-bottom-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-dark);
.r-kuekak,/* dim */
.r-gu4em3/* dark */ {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-dark);
/* borders/with fast twitter */
.r-1uusn97, .r-qo02w8 {
  border-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-dark) !important;
/* tweet bottom */
.r-1kfrmmb,/* dim */
.r-2sztyj/* dark */ {
  border-top-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-dark) !important;

/* analytics popup */
.ep-Cta .ep-CtaQPv1 {
  border-color: var(--custom-default-normal);
  background-color: var(--custom-default-normal);
.ep-Cta .ep-CtaQPv1:hover {
  border-color: var(--custom-default-dark);
  background-color: var(--custom-default-dark);

/* *** menu mod *** */

/* icons color */
svg.r-18jsvk2 {
  color: var(--custom-default-dark) !important;
svg.r-vlxjld,/* dark */
svg.r-1nao33i /* dim */ {
  color: var(--custom-default-dark) !important;
  --custom-link-color: var(--custom-default-normal);
/* for dim/dark */
body:not([style*="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255"]):not([style*="background-color: #FFFFFF"]) {
  --custom-link-color: var(--custom-default-dark);
/* main navigation text on left color */
header [role="navigation"] .css-16my406/* normal */,
header [role="navigation"] .css-1qaijid/* normal 20231125 */,
header [role="navigation"] .r-b88u0q .css-16my406/* active */ {
  color:  var(--custom-link-color) !important;
/* text inside badge of icons */
header [role="navigation"] .r-jwli3a .css-16my406/* normal */,
header [role="navigation"] .r-b88u0q .r-jwli3a .css-16my406/* active */ {
  color: #fff !important;

/* =================== */
/* =================== */
/* added for customize */
/* =================== */
/* =================== */
/* nav hover */
.r-1ydqjzz {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent);
/* tweet hover */
.r-1panhkp {
  background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent-light);
/* right side */
.r-x572qd/* normal */ {
  /*background-color: var(--custom-default-transparent) !important;*//* need important to override .r-1d6w8o1 */


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