See @description in the Source Code.
Dark The Guardian [papo] by papo
![Screenshot of Dark The Guardian [papo]](
LicenseSee @license in the Source Code.
Size36 kB
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Userstyle doesn't have notes.Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Dark The Guardian [papo]
@version 1.3.7
@description Updated: 2025-01. [m] Notes and feedback:
@author Papo
@license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
@preprocessor uso
@advanced color color-primary "Text Primary" white
@advanced color color-secondary "Text Secondary" #ccc
@advanced color color-headline "Headline" #c3e9ff
@advanced color color-heading "Headings" #678CB1
@advanced color color-link-visited "Visited link color" violet
# up to 24-04: #B62EF0
@advanced dropdown background-base "Background" {
dft "Tiles" <<<EOT #000 url() EOT;
rb "Rich black (FOGRA29)" <<<EOT #010B13 EOT;
dc "Dark charcoal" <<<EOT #333 EOT;
cst "Custom" <<<EOT var(--p-background-base-custom, none) EOT;
nbg "None" <<<EOT none EOT;
@advanced text background-base-custom "Custom Background" "#000 url(_YOUR_DATA_HERE)"
@advanced dropdown bg-options "Background image type" {
Tiled "Tiled" <<<EOT
background-repeat: repeat !important;
background-size: auto !important;
background-position: left top !important; EOT;
Fit "Fit Window" <<<EOT
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
background-size: cover !important;
background-position: center top !important; EOT;
@advanced dropdown bg-attachment "Background image attachment" {
s "Scroll" <<<EOT EOT;
f "Fixed" <<<EOT fixed EOT;
@advanced dropdown background "Text Background" {
dft "Stripes" <<<EOT #000 url() EOT;
rb "Rich black (FOGRA29)" <<<EOT #010B13 EOT;
cst "Custom" <<<EOT var(--p-background-custom, none) EOT;
nbg "None" <<<EOT none EOT;
@advanced text background-custom "Custom Text Background" "#000 url(_YOUR_DATA_HERE)"
# --- END: common block ---
@var range p-size-primary-text "Text Primary size" [18, 10, 30, 1, "px"]
@var range p-size-primary-line "Text Primary line height" [26, 12, 35, 1, "px"]
@var color color-breadcrumb "Section/Series" hsl(140, 40%, 75%)
#var color color-breadcrumb "Section/Series" hsl(10, 61%, 56%)
# too dark: #4f2121, orig: #C70000
@var select MoreonBG "Background for more-on cards on Article pages" {
'0:Transparent': 'transparent',
"1:Guardian Dark": 'var(--s-color-BG-submenu)',
"2:Darker": 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)',
"3:Black": 'black'
@advanced dropdown color-BG-ADs "ADs background color" {
e "Shade" <<<EOT rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); !important; EOT;
a "Transparent" <<<EOT unset !important; EOT;
b "Black" <<<EOT black !important; EOT;
c "as custom text background" <<<EOT var(--p-background, none) !important; EOT;
d "Original" <<<EOT EOT;
@var select debug-test "debug" {
'0:Normal': '',
"1:debug. It just shows testing elements in yellow. No useful purpose for daily use.": "color: yellow !important; background: violet !important;"
==/UserStyle== */
/* Do NOT edit this file.
It will disable updates, instead create another style to override desired rules. Or CSS variables.
I don't use !important where not required to allow that. You need to check injection order in Stylus.
Used background-base and bg-options from:
This preprocessor header and global variables are common part used in most of my styles. Version: 1.4.2 2024-04
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* URL ends in 20, (a year 20xx), to exclude links with "live" content. e.g.<*>/live/2024/jan/25/ARTICLE_NAME */
/* when homepage will be added, /artanddesign/ should stay unstyled as it's black */
/* e.g. */
/* tried one by one, but there are too many
url-prefix("x"), url-prefix("x"), url-prefix("x"), url-prefix("x"), url-prefix("x"),
:root {
--p-color-primary: /*[[color-primary]]*/;
--p-color-secondary: /*[[color-secondary]]*/;
--p-color-dark: #6e6e6e;
--p-color-headline: /*[[color-headline]]*/;
--p-color-heading: /*[[color-heading]]*/;
--p-color-deck: #ffdede;
--p-color-lead: #ffdede;
--p-color-breadcrumb: hsl(140, 40%, 75%);
--p-color-byline: #C56E6E;
/* --p-color-link: #00ADEE; */
--p-color-link: #82C1FF;
--p-color-link-visited: /*[[color-link-visited]]*/;
--p-color-link-hover: hsl(210, 100%, 85%);
--p-background-base: /*[[background-base]]*/ /*[[bg-attachment]]*/;
--p-background: /*[[background]]*/;
--p-background-base-custom: /*[[background-base-custom]]*/;
--p-background-custom: /*[[background-custom]]*/;
--p-size-primary-text: /*[[p-size-primary-text]]*/;
--p-size-primary-line: /*[[p-size-primary-line]]*/;
--s-color-breadcrumb: /*[[color-breadcrumb]]*/;
/* color is derived from original masthead: background-color: #052962; = background-color: hsl(217, 90%, 20%); --article-background: hsl(217, 90%, 5%); */
--s-color-BG-submenu: hsl(217, 90%, 5%);
/* there is also orig color used for top header on HP: */
/* --masthead-top-bar-background: #041F4A; */
/* Legacy */
--p-color-caption-sec: var(--p-color-heading);
--gl-text-sub: var(--p-color-sub);
--gl-link: var(--p-color-link);
--gl-link-hover: var(--p-color-link-hover);
--gl-background: var(--p-background);
/* prefixing with --p- to avoid collisions with site's styles, or another UserCSS. And to easily see them in the Inspector. */
/* On this site, class names are random and do change quite often */
/* using site's variables */
:root {
/* "By" */
--headline-byline: var(--p-color-secondary);
/* -mid-article - */
/* goes hehind the article BG, must be darker */
--pullquote-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
/* --was---pullquote-background: #FEF9F5; */
/* - more-on - */
/* "Most viewed" on article pages (not the others). Also on HP, but there it's overruled in a div inside on some. */
--article-section-title: var(--p-color-heading);
/* - HP - */
--front-container-background: none;
/* = older = */
--article-border: #666;
/* this does apply to submenu, for which I was defining it here, but it is also used on e.g. /world/live/... */
/* --article-background: var(--s-color-BG-submenu); */
--article-background: unset;
--series-title-text: var(--s-color-breadcrumb);
/* BG on Article pages for "Most viewed" inline and parent of other moreons in css */
/* --article-section-background: var(--s-color-BG-submenu); */
--article-section-background: /*[[MoreonBG]]*/;
/* BG on Article pages for bottom sub-nav header inline and those other moreons (one above) inline */
/* keeping it tranparent as it's a BG from two different things */
/* --orig--section-background: transparent; */
--standfirst-text: var(--p-color-lead);
--sub-meta-label-text: var(--p-color-dark);
/* e.g. captions (under pic) */
--caption-text: var(--p-color-secondary);
--article-link-text: var(--p-color-link);
/* 2407 useless, it's defined in parent element inline */
--sub-nav-link: var(--p-color-secondary);
--sub-nav-link-header: var(--p-color-secondary);
--dateline: var(--p-color-byline);
--last-updated-text: var(--p-color-byline);
--key-event-title: var(--p-color-byline);
--byline-anchor: var(--p-color-byline);
--byline: var(--p-color-byline);
/* --was-byline: #BB3B80; */
/* actually not used by article text, but titles in "Most viewed" */
--article-text: var(--p-color-headline);
--block-quote-text: var(--p-color-secondary);
--subheading-text: var(--p-color-heading);
/* small single banner on side */
--rich-link-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
/* hover */
--rich-link-background-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
/* bottom tag icons */
--sub-meta-background: none;
--discussion-section-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
--discussion-top-pick-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
/* more-on placeholder BG */
--onward-placeholder-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
/* /live/ */
/* --headline-blog-background: unset; */
--headline-blog-background: #AB06134D;
/* --was-headline-blog-background: #AB0613; */
/* --standfirst-background: unset; */
--standfirst-background: #8B00004D;
/* --was-standfirst-background: #8B0000; */
/* timeline */
--key-event-background-desktop: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
--live-block-container-background: var(--p-background);
/* ADs */
--ad-background: /*[[color-BG-ADs]]*/;
--ad-background-article-inner: /*[[color-BG-ADs]]*/;
/* HP bootom only, not on article pages */
--trending-topics-text: var(--p-color-secondary);
/* --- some variables are defined on other elements, also more in code below --- */
/* - more - */
/* small single banner on side */
[data-component="rich-link"] > div {
--rich-link-header: var(--p-color-secondary);
/* -- masthead -- */
/* alt: #bannerandheader aside a[data-link-name^="nav2 : subnav : "], but not all have it { */
/* this was sometimes working sometimes ...