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Fundamental Idle UI QoL Improvements by patrickkennedy

Screenshot of Fundamental Idle UI QoL Improvements







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Layout adjustment for Fundamental the idle game made by awwhy. Designed for portrait sized screens, but seems to behave well for landscape.


  • Moves and integrates the footer with the header to make accessing the stages much quicker.
  • Permanently displays all stages to prevent misclicks collapsing them.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Fundamental Idle UI QoL Improvements
@version        1.1.3
@description    Layout adjustment for Fundamental. Moves and integrates the footer with the header to make accessing the stages much quicker. Permanently displays all stages to prevent misclicks collapsing them.
@author         @dysiode <>
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
  /* Footer Alignment */
  /* Variables for cleaner position calculations */
  #body {
    /* Desired gap between the reset frames and the blue header */
    --stage-tab-gap: 19px;
    --stage-tab-top-margin: calc(
      var(--footer-nominal-height) +
      var(--footer-stage-select-gap) +
      var(--stage-tab-gap) + 1px /* Off by 1 adjustment (caused by percentage padding) */
    /* The unmodified footer dimensions */
    --footer-nominal-height: calc(32px * 2 + var(--footer-padding) * 3);
    --footer-padding: min(1.3vh, 0.8em); /* Taken from game CSS */
    --footer-stage-select-gap: calc(32px + var(--footer-padding));
  /* Make space for the footer at the top of the page */
  [id$="Tab"] { margin-top: var(--stage-tab-top-margin); }
  /* Prevent the above selector from targeting the options menu */
  #elementsAsTab { margin-top: 0; }
  /* Remove to prevent unnecessary scrollbar */
  #fakeFooter { height: 0; }
  /* Place the footer at the top of the page */
  #footer { bottom: unset; top: 0; }
   * Put the stage select in the gap made in the footer
   * Make the wrapper full height and z-indexed to live under the footer controls
  #footer > div:first-child {
    z-index: 0;
    height: unset;
    position: absolute; 
    inset: 0;
    flex-direction: row-reverse;
    align-items: center;
  /* Add a gap for the stage select to be placed in, index them above the stage select */
  #footerMain > nav { z-index: 1; margin-top: var(--footer-stage-select-gap); }
  /* Normalize stage select margin */
  #stageSelect { margin-bottom: 0; }
  /* Force stage select to always be open */
  #stageSelect > div { display: flex; max-width: 75vw }
  /* Hide centered button, uses same style as game does */
  #stageSelect > #currentSwitch { clip-path: circle(0); }
  /* Move subtabs down to make room for all options on settings tab */
  #subtabs { align-self: end; margin-right: 1.6vw; margin-bottom: var(--footer-padding) }
  /* Hide hide toggle (why does it exist?) */
  #hideToggle { display: none; }
  /* Hide mobile device message */
  #MDMessage1 { display: none; }
  /* Move the notification to the bottom */
  #notifications { top: unset; bottom: 1vh; }


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