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Darken TCGPlayer by royalba94

Screenshot of Darken TCGPlayer



LicenseNo License



Size24 kB


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An extensive modification of an old theme to make tcgplayer a little nicer to use


UPDATE 8/17/2024:

  • Fixed multiple issues with the filtering area due to layout change
  • Fixed minor issues with page spotlight area for better read-ability
  • Fixed errors in modal windows
  • Fixed header and dropdowns on articles website

UPDATE 4/1/2024:

  • Fixed search results and autocomplete background
  • Fixed input fields backgrounds
  • fixed various other things mainly to do with product pages

UPDATE 3/22/2024:

  • Updated colors for elements that changed due to website update

UPDATE 2/25/2024:

  • worked a lot on the articles and decklist views on TCGPlayer infinite
  • fixed some conflicting styles

UPDATE 2/24/2024:

  • did a lot of work on the cart area
  • Updates for the new seller messaging UI
  • Adjusted the search results and filter area to look better
  • lots of other minor little changes to clean things up

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Darken TCGPlayer
@version      20231211.01.00
@description  An extensive modification of an old theme to make tcgplayer a little nicer to use
@author       royalba94
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

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}  */
[class^="search-result"], [class^="listing-item product-details__listings-results"] {
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    color:white !important;
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.filter-bubbles__clear {
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[class^="search-result-count"] {
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[class^="filter-drawer__body"] {
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[class^="checkbox__option-value"], [class^="filter-bubbles__title"], .shop-by-direct p[data-v-1e1fc916], [class^="shop-by-direct"] {
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[class^="dismiss-bubble"], [class^="price-points"], [class^="latest-sales"], [class^="listing-item__add"], [class^="spotlight__add-to-cart"]{
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hr {
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[class^="charts-date"], [class^="charts-timeframe"], [class^="charts-item"], [class^="charts-settings"] {
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[class^="charts-item active"] {
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/* path {
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[class^="label-text"], [class^="spotlight__shipping"] {
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/*.product__item-details__toggle:before {
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.card-description__toggle:before {
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.sellerportal-navigation__main {
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.widget {
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.widget .title {
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table.display tr.even.gradeA {
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table.display tr.odd.gradeA {
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label {
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} tbody tr:not(.is-selected):nth-child(2n) {
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.middleNav a {
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.ready-to-ship {
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.message-from {
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.price-guide__market-price-history-graph-container {
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.tcg-drawer__sheet {
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.tcg-table__table {
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    border: 1px solid #535353 !important;

.bg-color-surface {
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.tcg-table__table tr {
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.report-problem__activator path {
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.search-bar .field {
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.dropdown-content {
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.product-details__recommendations {
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.lazy-image__wrapper .v-lazy-image {
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.product-details__syndication {
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.shop-by-seller-title span {
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.availability-title {
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.search-filter__label {
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.filter-bubbles {
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.shop-by-direct {
    border-bottom: 2px solid #535353 !important;

.shop-by-seller {
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.availability {
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.search-filter {
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.breadcrumbs {
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    padding: 1rem !important;

.marketplace__content {
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.cart-summary h3 {
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.optimize-btn-block .optimize-btn {
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.product-recommendations__carousel .search-result__content {
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/* .price-points tr:nth-child(odd) {
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} */

.price-points tr:nth-child(2n) {
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.header {
    background-color: #999 !important;

.latest-sales li:nth-child(odd) {
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.latest-sales li:nth-child(2n) {
    background-color: #999 !important;

.saved-item {
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.recently-viewed__product {
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.recently-viewed__content {
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.content .image-wrapper {
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.mp-select select {
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.tcg-standard-button.tcg-standard-button--flat {
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.homepage-content__title {
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