:is selector causing an error when parsing stylus style
Stylus error example :is selector by wykopchanger
LicenseNo License
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when you remove "REMOVETHISTEXT" string from class .testREMOVETHISTEXT and will try to save the style, stylus will give you this error:
12:9 Expected "}" but found ")".
12:9 Unexpected ")".
15:1 Unexpected "}".
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name selector causing an error
@version 1
@preprocessor stylus
@namespace userstyles.world/user/test
@license No License (YOU CAN USE THIS CODE ONLY IN STYLUS EXTENSIONS. You are not allowed to: copy any part of the code, share, and use it anywhere)
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://google.com")
using :not() and :is() both gives an error in the same way
Erros is happening when you
- use more than one selector declaration separated by commas
- use :is() or :not() pseudoselectors
- use multiple classes inside pseudoselector
- first class is the same for both
When all above conditions are met you will get an error:
Expected "}" but found ")".
Unexpected ")".
Unexpected "}".
// EXAMPLE 1 :not() - this gives an error:
/* div:not(.test1, .test2), // uncomment this line to get an error */
div:not(.test1, .test2) > span
color: red;
// EXAMPLE 2 :is() - this gives an error:
/* div:is(.test, .test1), // uncomment this line to get an error */
div:is(.test, .test2) > span
color: red;
// however when you change places for classes and "the same class" is as second parameter, it works fine:
div:is(.test1, .test),
div:is(.test2, .test) > span,
color: green;
// so it's enough to give some dummy class that we don't want and it works:
div:is(.dummy, .test, .test2),
div:is(.test, .test2) > span,
color: green;