Hides the "Grok" AI assistant on Twitter
Twitter: hide Grok in sidebar by rybak

LicenseCC Zero
Size1.6 kB
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This userstyle works even in Firefox for Android!
See also style Twitter: hide Verified/Premium in sidebar. If you don't like recent renaming of Twitter, userscript Twitter: bring back old name and logo is great.
- v8: hide "Grok drawer"
- v7: hide "Profile Summary" button, add changelog as a comment
- v6: hide "Try it" ads
- v5: hide "explain this post" button
- v4: hide "generate image" button in tweet editor/composer
- v3: hide some of the ads about Grok
- v2: added support for https://x.com
- v1: initial release
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Twitter: hide Grok in sidebar
@namespace github.com/rybak
@version 8
@description Hides the "Grok" AI assistant on Twitter
@homepageURL https://github.com/rybak/
@license CC Zero
@author Andrei Rybak
==/UserStyle== */
v8: hide "Grok drawer"
v7: hide "Profile Summary" button, add changelog as a comment
v6: hide "Try it" ads
v5: hide "explain this post" button
v4: hide "generate image" button in tweet editor/composer
v3: hide some of the ads about Grok
v2: added support for https://x.com
v1: initial release
@-moz-document domain("twitter.com"),
domain("x.com") {
/* hide links to Grok in the sidebar */
nav [href="/i/grok"] {
display: none;
/* hide Grok ads in the timeline */
section > div > div > div:has(img[src$="grok2_upsell_candidate_1.png"]),
section > div > div > div:has(img[src$="grok2_upsell_candidate_1.png"]) + div {
display: none;
/* hide "Try it" ad */
section > div > div > div:has(a[href^="/i/grok"]),
section > div > div > div:has(a[href^="/i/grok"]) + div {
display: none;
/* hide Grok image generation button in tweet editor */
div:has(> button[data-testid="grokImgGen"]) {
display: none;
/* hide "explain with grok" button */
div:has(> button[aria-label="Grok actions"]) {
display: none;
/* hide "Profile Summary" button */
button[aria-label="Profile Summary"] {
display: none;
/* hide "Grok Drawer" button at the bottom right */
[data-testid="GrokDrawer"] {
display: none;
/* border: 1px solid magenta; */