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FT(HUD, Interface redesign) by stalker666

Screenshot of FT(HUD, Interface redesign)



LicenseNo License




Size31 kB


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Глобальный мод интерфейса, расширяющий видимую область списка героинь, переносящий ряд панелей и кнопок для более удобного интерфейса и т.д., и т.п.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           FT(HUD, Interface redesign)
@description    Глобальный мод интерфейса, расширяющий видимую область списка героинь, переносящий ряд панелей и кнопок для более удобного интерфейса и т.д., и т.п.
@author         stalker666
@preprocessor stylus

@var select   hpPosition "Mob HP position" {
 "Top": "top",
 "Bottom*": "bottom"

@var select   bossPanelPosition '"Boss Drops" / "Dark Tower Skills" position' {
 "Left*": "left",
 "Right": "right"

==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
    if hpPosition==top {
        body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all {
            top: -5px !important;
            bottom: auto !important;

        body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box,
        body .main .left-side .left-panel.tower.wide.false.fight .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box {
            top: auto !important;
            bottom: 6px !important;

        body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box .dpc .x2-dps,
        body .main .left-side .left-panel.tower.wide.false.fight .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box .dpc .x2-dps {
            top: -28px !important;

        body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box .dps .x2-dps,
        body .main .left-side .left-panel.tower.wide.false.fight .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box .dps .x2-dps {
            top: -28px !important;

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            content: "\25BC" !important;

        body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all .loc-list.opened .locs:after {
            content: "\25B2" !important;

        body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all .loc-list.opened {
            top: 0px !important;

    if hpPosition==bottom {
        body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all {
            top: auto !important;
            bottom: 5px !important;

        body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box,
        body .main .left-side .left-panel.tower.wide.false.fight .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box {
            top: -50px !important;
            bottom: auto !important;

        body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box .dpc .x2-dps,
        body .main .left-side .left-panel.tower.wide.false.fight .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box .dpc .x2-dps {
            top: 70px !important;

        body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box .dps .x2-dps,
        body .main .left-side .left-panel.tower.wide.false.fight .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box .dps .x2-dps {
            top: 70px !important;

        body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all .loc-list .locs:after {
            content: "\25B2" !important;

        body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all .loc-list.opened .locs:after {
            content: "\25BC" !important;

    if bossPanelPosition==left {
        .boss-drop-box {
            left: 4px !important;
            right: auto !important;

        .bossbtn-box {
            left: 4px !important;
            right: auto !important;

        .world-portal {
            right: 6px !important;
            left: auto !important;

        .world-map {
            right: 0px !important;
            left: auto !important;

        .buster-box {
            right: 6px !important;
            top: auto !important;
            bottom: 200px !important;

    if bossPanelPosition==right {
        .boss-drop-box {
            left: auto !important;
            right: 5px !important;

        .bossbtn-box {
            left: auto !important;
            right: 4px !important;

        .world-portal {
            right: auto !important;
            left: 6px !important;

        .world-map {
            right: auto !important;
            left: 6px !important;

        .buster-box {
            left: 6px !important;
            top: auto !important;
            bottom: 200px !important;


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            width: 128px !important;
            font-family: "MS PGothic" !important;
            font-weight: bolder !important;
            padding: 1px 1px 1px 20px !important;

    .page-footer .user-id {
        color: #58412e00;

    .page-footer:hover .user-id {
        color: #58412e;

    body::-webkit-scrollbar {
        width: 0;

    body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .all-heroes-box {
        height: 448px !important;
        top: auto !important;
        bottom: 54px !important;

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        height: 432px !important;
        top: auto !important;
        bottom: 8px !important;
        border-radius: 10px !important;

    body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .all-heroes-box .all-heroes-box-scroll .hero-card-box-all {
        width: 480px !important;

    body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box {
        width: 410px !important;
        height: 75px !important;
        position: absolute !important;
        left: 662px !important;
        z-index: 999 !important;

    body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box .dpc,
    .dps {
        margin: 2px !important;
        margin-top: 12px !important;
        margin-left: 2px !important;

    body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box .dpc .x2-dps {
        left: 2px !important;
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        text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgb(0 0 0 / 95%), -1px -1px 5px rgb(0 0 0 / 95%) !important;

    body .main .left-side .left-panel .heroes-list-all-box .dps-dpc-panel-box .dps .x2-dps {
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        text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgb(0 0 0 / 95%), -1px -1px 5px rgb(0 0 0 / 95%) !important;

    body .main .right-side .monster {
        z-index: 0 !important;

    body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all {
        width: 460px !important;
        left: 16px !important;

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        transition: none !important;

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        margin: 0 0 2px !important;

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        margin: 0 0px 12px !important;

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        content: none !important;

    body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all .loc-list.opened {
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    body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all .loc-list.opened {
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        transition: none !important;

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    body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all .health .num:before {
        width: 40px !important;
        height: 40px !important;
        right: -28px !important;
        top: -8px !important;

    body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all .health .num .from,
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        height: 26px !important;
        left: -0px !important;
        line-height: 26px !important;

    body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all .health .p100 {
        height: 26px !important;

    body .main .right-side .monster-prg-box-all .health .p100 .prg {


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