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Toyhouse Tweaks by Avistella

Screenshot of Toyhouse Tweaks






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Makes tweaks to Toyhouse to enhance your browsing experience.



  • If "Hide Mature threads" is enabled, the thread is no longer visible


  • Added options to disable HTML background images in user profiles, character profiles, and folders


  • Added fix to disable other full width HTML codes


  • Added option to disable different cursors using HTML
  • Added option to disable full width HTML


  • Disabling HTML in Thread OPs applies to Bulletins
  • Added z-index to thread comment footers to be able to interact with if HTML is being used


  • Added option to disable HTML in Thread OPs and Thread Comments


  • If "Make forum images small" is enabled, force images to display as block instead of inline


  • Added option to enable smooth scrolling
  • Fixed limiting width in Character Management for individual Worlds


  • Added option to reveal "blacked out" text in forum posts on hover


  • Added option to toggle subfolders in "Manage Folders" settings on hover


  • Fixed margins of FA icons in thread if "Make threads easier to click" is toggled on
  • Added option to show all WYSIWYG options on mobile
  • Added option to set min height for WYSIWYG box


  • Fixed appearance of borders if divide forums into categories is toggled off
  • Included bulletin icons in resize and dim options
  • Changed option to limit width to include options between selecting "No", "Content and Sidebar", and "Content Only"


  • Made pagination scroll of overflow
  • Removed horizontal scrollbar on sidebar if sidebar is stickied
  • Added option to limit width globally, in Browse pages, and/ or in Forum pages (can set desired size)
  • Added option to limit navbar and footer width (only applies for pages with limited width; matches limited width of page)
  • Added option to customize scrollbar (for Chrome)
  • Added option to make forum images small


  • Added option to reorder forum categories
  • Added option to make username buttons full width in "Browse" pages


  • Added option to make threads easier to click
  • Added option to remove character icons border
  • Added option to remove art thumbnails border


  • Included "Favorites" icons in option to dim character icons
  • Fixed spacing of character buttons if full width is toggled
  • Username buttons also become full width in "Browse" pages if full width of character buttons is toggled
  • Added option to make character icons same size (can set desired size)
  • Added option to make art thumbnails same size (can set desired size)


  • Released

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Toyhouse Tweaks
@namespace      Toyhouse Tweaks | Avistella
@version        1.16.0
@description    Makes tweaks to Toyhouse to enhance your browsing experience
@author         Avistella
@license        CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
@preprocessor   stylus

@var select     limitGWidth                 "Limit global width"                                ["none:No*", "page:Content and Sidebar", "content:Content Only"]
@var select     limitFWidth                 "Limit width in Forums"                             ["none:No*", "page:Content and Sidebar", "content:Content Only"]
@var checkbox   limitBWidth                 "Limit width in Browse pages"                       0
@var checkbox   limitNFWidth                "Limit navbar/ footer width"                        0
@var text       widthLimit                  "Width limit"                                       "1200px"
@var checkbox   enableSS                    "Enable smooth scrolling"                           0
@var checkbox   disableCRS                  "Disable different cursors"                         0
@var checkbox   disableFWHTML               "Disable full width HTML"                           0
@var checkbox   dUPBG                       "Disable BG images in user profiles"                0
@var checkbox   dCPBG                       "Disable BG images in character profiles"           0
@var checkbox   dFBG                        "Disable BG images in folders"                      0

@var checkbox   customSB                    "Customize scrollbar (for Chrome)"                  0
@var text       sbWidth                     "Scrollbar width"                                   "10px"
@var color      sbTrColor                   "Scrollbar track color"                             "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"
@var color      sbThColor                   "Scrollbar thumb color"                             "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)"
@var text       sbRoundness                 "Scrollbar roundness"                               "2rem"

@var checkbox   disableHTMLinWarnings       "Override HTML codes in Content Warnings"           1
@var checkbox   disableAnimations           "Disable animations"                                0

@var text       tagsScrollboxHeight         "Tags scrollbox height"                             "95px"
@var text       spacingBetweenTags          "Spacing between tags"                              ".15rem"
@var text       roundnessTags               "Tags corner roundness"                             ".5rem"

@var checkbox   showWYSIWYG                 "Show all WYSIWYG options on mobile"                0
@var text       wysiwygMinHeight            "Min height for WYSIWYG box"                        "250px"
@var checkbox   customWYSIWYGcolours        "Enable custom colours for WYSIWYG"                 0
@var color      wysiwygBG                   "WYSIWYG Background Colour"                         "#2e2c2e"
@var color      wysiwygTxt                  "WYSIWYG Text Colour"                               "#f9f9f9"
@var color      wysiwygTxtactive            "WYSIWYG Active Text Colour"                        "#5dc5e3"

@var checkbox   makeMFCollapsable           "Toggle subfolders in Manage Folders with hover"    1
@var checkbox   makeCharaBtnsFull           "Make character buttons full width"                 0
@var checkbox   makeUserBtnsFull            "Make username buttons full width"                  0
@var checkbox   makeCharaIconsUniform       "Make character icons same size"                    0
@var text       charaIconSize               "Character icons height"                            "200px"
@var checkbox   makeArtThumbsUniform        "Make image thumbnails same size"                   0
@var text       artThumbSize                "Image thumbnails height"                           "200px"
@var checkbox   removeCharaIconsBrd         "Remove character icons border"                     0
@var checkbox   removeArtThumbsBrd          "Remove image thumbnails border"                    0
@var checkbox   hideCharaStats              "Hide character stats underneath character button"  0
@var checkbox   hideCharaFavCount           "Hide character favourites count"                   0

@var range      dimUserIcons                "Dim user icons"                                    [100, 0, 100, "%"]
@var range      dimCharaIcons               "Dim character icons"                               [100, 0, 100, "%"]
@var range      dimArtThumbnails            "Dim image thumbnails"                              [100, 0, 100, "%"]
@var range      resizeUserForumIcons        "Resize user icons in forums"                       [17, 0, 17, "%"]

@var color      bgOfTImgs                   "Background of transparent images"                  "rgba(0,0,0,0)"

@var checkbox   makeSidebarSticky           "Make sidebar sticky"                               0
@var checkbox   backToTopBtn                "Enable Back to Top button in Forums"               1
@var text       bttBtnSize                  "Back to Top font size"                             "1.5rem"
@var checkbox   disableThreadHover          "Disable hover effect in forums"                    0
@var checkbox   makeThreadsETC              "Make threads easier to click"                      0
@var checkbox   makeMatureSO                "Make Mature threads stand out more"                0
@var checkbox   blackoutMature              "Hide Mature threads"                           0
@var checkbox   hideOPHTML                  "Disable HTML in thread OPs"                        0
@var checkbox   hideTCHTML                  "Disable HTML in thread comments"                   0

@var checkbox   makeFImgsSmall              "Make forum images small"                           0
@var text       fImgHeight                  "Forum images max height"                           "150px"
@var text       fImgHvrHeight               "Forum images height on hover"                      "500px"

@var checkbox   bltxtrvl                    "Show blacked out text in forum posts on hover"     1

@var checkbox   divideForumCategories       "Divide forums into categories"                     1
@var checkbox   showForumSidebarHeaders     "Show forum sidebar headers"                        1

@var select     hideCharaAndRPForums        "Hide Characters & RP Forums"                       ["hide:Hide", "show:Show*"]
@var checkbox   hideCharaDiscussion         "Hide Character Discussion"                         0
@var checkbox   hideSpeciesDiscussion       "Hide Species Discussion"                           0
@var checkbox   hideWorlds                  "Hide Worlds"                                       0

@var select     hideCommerceForums          "Hide Commerce Forums"                              ["hide:Hide", "show:Show*"]
@var checkbox   hideArtMarketplace          "Hide Art Marketplace"                              0
@var checkbox   hideDesignMarketplace       "Hide Design Marketplace"                           0
@var checkbox   hideAdoptionCenter          "Hide Adoption Center"                              0
@var checkbox   hideServiceReviews          "Hide Service Reviews"                              0

@var select     hideCreativeForums          "Hide Creative Forums"                              ["hide:Hide", "show:Show*"]
@var checkbox   hideCreatorsCorner          "Hide Creator's Corner"                             0
@var checkbox   hideHTML                    "Hide HTML/CSS & Graphics"                          0
@var checkbox   hideArtFreebies             "Hide Art Freebies"                                 0
@var checkbox   hideArtTrades               "Hide Art Trades"                                   0

@var select     hideForumGamesForums        "Hide Forum Games Forums"                           ["hide:Hide", "show:Show*"]
@var checkbox   hideArtGames                "Hide Art Games"                                    0
@var checkbox   hideCharacterGames          "Hide Characters Games & Freebies"                  0
@var checkbox   hideForumGames              "Hide Forum Games"                                  0
@var checkbox   hideFavExchange             "Hide Fav Exchange"                                 0

@var select     hideGeneralForums           "Hide General Forums"                               ["hide:Hide", "show:Show*"]
@var checkbox   hideAnnouncements           "Hide Announcements"                                0
@var checkbox   hideGeneral                 "Hide General & Off-topic"                          0
@var checkbox   hideHelpQuestions           "Hide Help & Questions"                             0
@var checkbox   hideSuggestions             "Hide Suggestions & Bugs"                           0

@var select     hideForumTools              "Hide Forum Tools"                                  ["hide:Hide", "show:Show*"]
@var checkbox   hideRecentActivity          "Hide Recent Activity"                              0
@var checkbox   hideSubscriptions           "Hide Suscriptions"                                 0
@var checkbox   hideMyThreads               "Hide My Threads"                                   0
@var checkbox   hideMyPosts                 "Hide My Posts"                                     0
@var checkbox   hideSearch                  "Hide Search"                                       0

@var select     orderCharaRP                "Order Characters & RP"                             ["1*", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
@var select     orderCommerce               "Order Commerce"                                    ["1", "2*", "3", "4", "5"]
@var select     orderCreative               "Order Creative"                                    ["1", "2", "3*", "4", "5"]
@var select     orderGames                  "Order Forum Games"                                 ["1", "2...


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