Kindroid website is more suitable for wide screens + add customizations (theme) + add new features (scripts).
Kindroid responsive + customizations v3.xx by breat
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Customizations available in the theme
chat page
- actions text style
- default
- asterisks
- asterisks + bold
- asterisks + Bold + no italic
- asterisks + Bold + no italic + same color
- bold
- bold + no italic
- bold + no italic + same color
- no italic
- same color
- actions text color choice
- avatar choice
- avatar position (choose regarding of the size you use, isn't automatic)
- avatar position large middle
- avatar position large top
- avatar position large bottom
- avatar position small middle
- avatar position small top
- avatar position small bottom
- avatar custom position
- avatar chat style (require avatar choices)
- avatar circle
- avatar rectangle
- avatar rectangle
- avatar rectangle height customization
- avatar size
- large
- small
- hidden
- custom
- avatar hoverzoom
- enabled (default)
- disabled
- background choice
- hearts background (default)
- no background
- custom background
- background color choice (can be use with background choice too)
- blur bubbles content and image you send to ai to share in privacy
- bubbles font color of your choice
- bubbles font size of your choice
- hide or not names in bubbles (layout will change depending of this too)
- kin's bubbles background color of your choice **OR** kin bubbles background image of your choice
- our bubbles background color of your choice **OR** our bubbles background image of your choice
- system bubbles style (layout will change depending of this too)
- left (like v2)
- dark (normal position but dark)
- textarea font size of your choice
selfies page
- background choice
- hearts background (default)
- no background
- custom background
- background color choice (can be use with background choice too)
- blur feature on images
- image border on hover
- enabled (default)
- disabled
voicecall page
- avatar choice
- background choice
- hearts background (default)
- no background
- custom background
- background color choice (can be use with background choice too)
faqs page
- background choice
- hearts background (default)
- no background
- custom background
- background color choice (can be use with background choice too)
legal page
- background choice
- hearts background (default)
- no background
- custom background
- background color choice (can be use with background choice too)
Userscripts features
chat page
- auto confirm regenerate
- add autofocus textarea (chat page only)
- blur bubbles content and image you send to ai to share in privacy (chat page and mobile script version only)
selfies page
- add a checkbox to open a prompt generator
- add a checkbox to see all images
- add a button to download all images (use it after enable see all images)
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Kindroid responsive + customizations v3.xx
@description Kindroid website is more suitable for wide screens + add customizations (theme) + add new features (scripts).
@version 3.45.4
@author BreatFR (
@license BY-NC-ND;
@preprocessor stylus
@var select actionsstyle "Actions texts style" {
"Default": "actionsdefault",
"Asterisks": "asterisks",
"Asterisks + bold": "asterisksbold",
"Asterisks + bold + no italic": "asterisksboldnoitalic",
"Bold": "bold",
"Bold + no italic": "boldnoitalic",
"No italic": "noitalic"
@var color actionscolor "Actions texts color choice" rgb(136, 136, 136)
@var checkbox avatarchoice "Avatar choice" 0
@var text avatarchoiceurl "Avatar choice URL" "URL between quotes"
@var select avatarposition "Avatar position" {
"Large Middle": "avatarlargemiddle",
"Large Top": "avatarlargetop",
"Large Bottom": "avatarlargebottom",
"Small Middle": "avatarsmallmiddle",
"Small Top": "avatarsmalltop",
"Small Bottom": "avatarsmallbottom",
@var checkbox avatarchat "Avatar chat mode (for chat page require: Avatar choice & Avatar choice for us, System bubbles Dark is recommanded, for group chat page require Avatar choice for us & Avatar Rectangle)" 0
@var checkbox ouravatarchoice "Avatar choice for us" 0
@var text ouravatarchoiceurl "Avatar choice for us URL" "URL between quotes"
@var checkbox avatarcircle "Avatar circle" 0
@var checkbox avatarcustomposition "Avatar custom position" 0
@var text avatarcustompositionvalue "Avatar custom position value" 12vh
@var select avatarsize "Avatar size" {
"Large": "avatarlarge",
"Small": "avatarsmall",
"Hidden": "avatarhidden"
@var checkbox avatarcustomsize "Avatar custom size" 0
@var text avatarcustomsizevalue "Avatar custom size value" 512px
@var checkbox avatarrectangle "Avatar rectangle" 1
@var checkbox avatarrectanglecustomheight "Avatar rectangle custom height" 0
@var text avatarrectanglecustomheightvalue "Avatar custom height value" 256px
@var checkbox avatarzoom "Avatar hoverzoom" 0
@var select avataron "Avatar on" {
"Left side": "leftside",
"Right side": "rightside"
@var select bgchoice "Background choice" {
"❤️ Hearts": "heartbg",
"⬜ None": "nobg",
"❔ Custom": "custombg"
@var color bgcolor "Background color" #101010
@var text custombgurl "Background URL" "URL between quotes"
@var checkbox blurcontent "Blur content" 0
@var color bubblescolor "Bubbles font color" #cbcbcb
@var text fontsize "Custom font size" 1.2rem
@var checkbox gradientregenerate "Gradient regenerate icon" 1
@var checkbox hidenames "Hide names in bubbles" 1
@var checkbox manuallyedited "Manually edited" 1
@var color kinbubblesbgcolor "Kin bubbles background color" rgb(33, 27, 25)
@var text kinbubblesbgurl "Kin bubbles background URL" "URL between quotes"
@var color ourbubblesbgcolor "Our bubbles background color" rgb(27, 28, 30)
@var text ourbubblesbgurl "Our bubbles background URL" "URL between quotes"
@var select systembubblesstyle "System bubbles style" {
"Left": "systembubblesleft",
"Dark": "systembubblesdark",
"Dark Wide": "systembubblesdarkwide"
@var checkbox iconshover "Icons hover" 1
@var checkbox hidetrialbar "Hide trial bar" 1
@var checkbox imageborder "Image border on hover" 1
@var checkbox requestimage "Request image button at top" 1
@var checkbox continueconvauto "Replace Continue/Pause conversation in group chat by an icon (only for automatic mode)" 1
@var checkbox continueconvmanual "Optimize the avatar list in group chat for wide screen (only for manual mode)" 0
@var checkbox continueconvmanualcenter "Optimize the avatar list in group chat for wide screen and center them (only for manual mode)" 0
@var checkbox modalsborder "Modals border" 1
@var checkbox biggerscreensharing "Bigger Screen Sharing (don't use if captions enabled)" 0
@var checkbox nosharring "No sharring" 0
@var checkbox noscrollbars "No scrollbars" 1
@var checkbox notranslateicon "No translate icon" 0
@var checkbox nodiscord "No discord banner" 0
@var checkbox nollm "No LLM icon in header" 0
==/UserStyle== */
/* ==Credits==
X (twitter)
==/Credits== */
/* ==Support==
==/Support== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* ===================================================================================================================================
Whole kindroid domain
=================================================================================================================================== */
/* Versions */
:root {
--themeversionpc: 'TPC v3.45.4';
--themeversionmobile: 'TM v1.0.6';
--customavatarsgroupchat: 'CAG v1.0.0';
--chatversionpc: 'CPC v2.0.12';
--chatversionmobile: 'CM v2.0.12';
--selfiesversionpc: 'SPC v2.0.1';
--selfiesversionmobile: 'SM v2.0.1';
--notepadversion: 'NP v2.0.4';
--trversion: 'TR v2.0.2';
--tvversion: 'TV v2.0.3';
--author: ' by BreatFR (';
--install1: ' ';
--install2: ' ';
--space: '\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0\00a0';
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--support2: ' ';
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content: "Versions (hover to show)";
content: var(--themeversionpc) ' · ' var(--themeversionmobile)' · ' var(--customavatarsgroupchat) ' · ' var(--chatversionpc) ' · ' var(--chatversionmobile) ' · ' var(--selfiesversionpc) ' · ' var(--selfiesversionmobile) ' · ' var(--notepadversion) ' · ' var(--trversion) ' · ' var(--tvversion) var(--author) '\A''Install: ' url("") var(--install1) url("") var(--install2) var(--space) ' Support me: ' url("") var(--support1) url("") var(--support2);
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font-size: 1.2rem;
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top: 0;
transform: translate(0, 0);
width: 100%;
white-space: ...