a simple dark theme for allchemy with support for custom colors
allchemy.io dark theme by o_o

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known issues
- some icons (most notably x and plus) aren't styled
- shadow for trees use the border color instead of the shadow color
- premium features are untested as i don't have it
- 1.0.8:
- removed a stray border on the nav
- 1.0.7:
- fixed the text color not being applied to premium-styled elements
- 1.0.6:
- removed "show background when in party mode" cuz its detection is buggy
- fixed changing folder color
- added ability to change the premium styling
- fixed black border for "What's Energy?" button
- fixed separator line between canvas and items
- fixed styling for the air plan select button
- fixed styling for hovering over your user icon
- 1.0.5:
- scrollbar support
- show background when in party mode (optional)
- 1.0.3:
- more colors
- you can change the style of the item discover screen rays
- ads no longer have a yellow background on mobile
- energy bar fix
- item tree fixes
- 1.0.2: you can now change the colors
- 1.0.1: checkboxes now actually show as checked
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name allchemy.io dark theme
@namespace dabric.xyz/post/allchemy-dark-theme
@version 1.0.8
@description a simple dark theme for allchemy with support for custom colors
@author dabric
@license MIT
@preprocessor stylus
@var color background "Background" #222
@var color text "Text" #eee
@var color button-icon "Titlebar buttons" #eee
@var color border "Borders" #999
@var color shadow "Shadows" black
@var color folder "Folder" hsl(45, 59%, 26%)
@var color backdrop "Backdrop" black
@var color error "Error" #ef4444
@var color loading-bar "Loading bar" #eab308
@var color first "\"FIRST\" text" #eab308
@var color energy-bar "Energy bar fill" #444
@var color scrollbar "Scrollbar" #eee
@var select rays-style "Rays style" ["default:Allchemy*", "grayscale:Grayscale", "hidden:Hidden"]
@var select canvas-background-style "Canvas Background Style" ["show:Show", "hide:Hide*"]
@var select premium "Premium Style" ["default:Allchemy", "grayscale:Theme colors*", "force:Force match"]
@var color premium-from "Premium 1" #ffb200
@var color premium-to "Premium 2" #c447ff
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("allchemy.io") {
$background = background;
$text = text;
$border = border;
$shadow = shadow;
// in a css variable to work around folder weirdness
:root {
--dabric-folder: folder;
body {
background: $background;
color: $text;
* {
scrollbar-color: scrollbar $background !important;
.border-black {
border-color: $border;
.bg-yellow-400 {
background: backdrop;
if canvas-background-style == "party" {
// weird selector looking for the body without the party tab selected
body:not(:has(.wrapper > div:last-child > div:not(.window) > .tab:nth-child(3).active)) {
.canvas {
background-image: none !important;
} else if canvas-background-style == "hide" {
.canvas {
background-image: none !important;
.bg-white {
background: $background;
.shadow-solid-1 {
box-shadow: 1px 1px $shadow;
.shadow-solid-2, .shadow-solid-1.grabbed {
box-shadow: 2px 2px $shadow !important;
.shadow-solid-3 {
box-shadow: 3px 3px $shadow;
input, button {
background-color: $background !important;
color: $text !important;
border-color: $border !important;
box-shadow: 2px 2px $shadow !important;
&.border-0 {
box-shadow: none !important;
background-color: transparent !important;
&::placeholder {
color: $text;
&:checked {
box-shadow: 1px 1px $shadow,inset 0 0 0 2px background !important;
background: $text !important;
.tooltip {
background-color: $background !important;
box-shadow: 3px 3px $shadow !important;
color: $text !important;
border-color: $border !important;
nav {
background-color: $background !important;
border: none !important;
.title-bar {
background: $background !important;
color: $text !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
border-color: $border !important;
.title {
background: none !important;
color: $text !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
border: none !important;
.tab {
background: $background;
&.active {
background: $text;
color: $background;
.text-red-700 {
color: error;
// icons
.back, .close {
box-shadow: none !important;
background-color: transparent !important;
border: none;
// TERRIBLE hack to color the icons
filter: drop-shadow(0px 100px 0px $text);
transform: translateY(-100px);
.click-target {
// also part of that hack
overflow: hidden;
a.router-link-exact-active::after {
border-color: transparent transparent $text !important;
@media (min-width: 640px) {
border-bottom-color: transparent !important;
border-left-color: $text !important;
// large energy bar
.window .flex.border-black .bg-yellow-400:has(.ml-2) {
background: energy-bar !important;
// tiny energy bar
.energy .bar {
background: $background !important;
border-color: $border !important;
box-shadow: 1px 1px $shadow !important;
.bg-yellow-400 {
background: energy-bar !important;
color: text;
// "You're the FIRST to make this item!"
.first {
color: first !important;
// folder
@css {
[style="background: rgb(255, 219, 109);"] {
background-color: var(--dabric-folder) !important;
// folder selection window
div:has(img[alt=📁]) button.flex.items-center.justify-center.w-5.h-5 {
background-color: folder !important
& > div {
background: $text;
.menu {
background: $background !important;
border-color: $border !important;
box-shadow: 2px 2px $shadow !important;
#grid a {
background: $background !important;
border-color: $border !important;
box-shadow: 2px 2px $shadow !important;
// top page loading bar
#__nuxt > .select-none > div:not(:has(.vm-placement)) {
background-color: loading-bar;
box-shadow: 1px 1px $shadow;
.toast {
background: $background !important;
border-color: $border !important;
box-shadow: 3px 3px $shadow !important;
// trees and item combination lines
.line, .line-input::before, .line-input, .line-result {
border-color: $border !important;
background-color: $background !important;
.line-input, .line-result {
box-shadow: 1px 1px $border !important;
// discover item background
.rays {
if rays-style == grayscale {
filter: grayscale(1) !important;
if rays-style == hidden {
visibility: hidden;
.gutter > .bg-black {
background: text;
// premium stuff
if premium == grayscale {
.bg-premium, .premium, .fire {
filter: grayscale(0) !important;
--tw-gradient-from: premium-from !important;
--tw-gradient-stops: var(--tw-gradient-from) var(--tw-gradient-via-position),var(--tw-gradient-to) !important;
--tw-gradient-to: premium-to !important;
.fire {
text-shadow: 0px 2px shadow !important;
.bg-premium {
text-shadow: 1px 1px shadow !important;
// the background for the air button is optimized for black text
.air {
color: black !important;
if premium == force {
.bg-premium, .premium, .fire, .air {
// we don't just unset it, because allchemy
// seems to depend on the stacking context the
// filter makes
filter: grayscale(0) !important;
background: background !important;
text-shadow: unset !important;
color: text !important;
.premium > .text {
if premium == force {
background-clip: unset !important;
filter: unset !important;
background: unset !important;
color: $text !important;
} else if premium == grayscale {
--tw-gradient-from: premium-from !important;
--tw-gradient-to: premium-to !important;
if premium == force or premium == grayscale {
:is(.bg-premium, .fire) .text {
color: $text !important;
.hover_outline-black:hover {
outline-color: text !important;