Skip to content feb 2024 by JoseCarlos00



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Style Dark


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Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name  - feb 2024
@version        1.0.0
@description    A new userstyle
@author         Me
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
    /* Inserte el código aquí... */
    body {
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    .header ::placeholder {
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    /* Header */
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    .btn:hover {
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    .RadComboBox_Bootstrap .rcbReadOnly .rcbArrowCell.rcbArrowCellRight {
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    .RadComboBox_Bootstrap .rcbArrowCell a,
    .rcCalPopup {
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    .RadComboBox_Bootstrap .rcbHovered .rcbReadOnly .rcbInputCell {
        background-color: #383838 !important;

    .main :where(.form-control, .custom-select) {
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    .RadComboBox_Bootstrap .rcbFocused .rcbReadOnly .rcbInputCell {
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    #UpdatePanel > main > div.main-overview.row {
        background-color: transparent !important;

    #btnEnviarVScale {
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            background-color: #0a304e;

    #btnEliminarPartidas {
        color: #dc3545 !important;

    #btnEliminarPartidas:hover {
        opacity: .9;

    @media print {
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    .nav-pills .show > .nav-link {
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        background-color: rgb(22, 27, 34);

    .RadLabel_Default {
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    .main-filtros {
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            background-color: #000;

        .RadComboBox_Bootstrap .rcbArrowCell a {
            background-color: #fff;
    .RadComboBoxDropDown label {
        color: #e6edf3 !important;

    #cmbPrioridadB_DropDown > div > ul > li.rcbItem,
    #cmbEstatus_DropDown > div > ul > li.rcbItem {
        opacity: 1;

    #gvPedidosAmazon {
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        .check input,
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            input {
                filter: invert(1);

    #lblFecha::before {
        opacity: .8
    #headerDropdown {
        border: none;

    #gvPedidosTienda {


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