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Canvas Enhancements by rtk0c

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Fix the atrocious amount of wasted space in the Grades page, especially in smaller window sizes


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Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Canvas Enhancements
@description  Fix the atrocious amount of wasted space in the Grades page, especially in smaller window sizes
@license      MIT
@version      2
@author       rtk0c
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {

  /**** General ****/

  /* In general, ever page has this hiearchy:
   *   body div.ic-app-main-content div.ic-Layout-contentWrapper div.ic-Layout-contentMain <whatever>
   * On course pages, the side bars and header bar are outside the "content" divs
   * On others like the Dashboard, Calendar, everything seems to be inside the "content" divs
  /* Reduce padding around each course page */
  .ic-Layout-contentMain {
    padding: /*top: same value as the left hand sidebar's top padding*/
      24px 8px 8px 8px !important;
  /* Re-enable the padding for the dashboard page
   * I assume these values are designed for this page but got unintentionally applied to every page
   * (if we just let the above reduced paddings take place here, it gets quite unreadable since text starts overlapping with borders)
  .ic-dashboard-app {
    padding: 36px 48px 48px 48px !important;
  /* TODO: fix the padding for Calendar, Inbox, etc. pages */

  /**** Grades Page ****/

  /* For all occurences of table#grades_summary, that element also has classd .ic-Table.ic-Table--grades-summary-table 
   * We are using the id selector just because it's shorter :)
  /* Reduce padding around table cells to save screen space */
  table#grades_summary th,
  table#grades_summary td {
    padding: 6px 6px 6px 6px !important;

  /* Columns: Name, Due, Submitted, Status, Score, <details>, <unnamed>
   * The last one appears to be completely empty, no idea why it even exists
  table#grades_summary > thead > tr > th:nth-child(7) {
    display: none !important;

  /* Reducing padding around the <details> links*/
  /* There are 4 classes corresponding to the 4 links in there:
   *   .toggle_final_grade_info, .toggle_score_details_link, .toggle_rubric_assessments_link, .toggle_comments_link
   * I don't think a.tooltip is used by anything else in that table, so selecting on them specifically isn't really needed
  table#grades_summary a.tooltip {
    padding: 0 !important;

  /* If they aren't visisble anyways, let's just remove them from box sizing calculations */
  table#grades_summary a.tooltip[style="visibility: hidden;"] {
    display: none !important;

  table#grades_summary td.due {
      /* Canvas by default uses `nowrap` which makes that cell very much unncessarily long */
    white-space: normal !important;


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