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Ultimate ScrollBar by pabli

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Screenshot of Ultimate ScrollBar







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Customizable scrollbar for chromium based browsers (Chrome/Edge/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi), with minimal Firefox support


Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Ultimate ScrollBar
@version      1.2.3
@description  Customizable scrollbar for Chromium based browsers (Chrome/Edge/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi), with minimal Firefox support

@author       Pabli (
@license      MIT

@preprocessor stylus
@var          checkbox _button                      "Show arrow buttons (Enable 'Patch CSP to allow style assets' in the stylus options, otherwise the arrows may not show up on some sites)" 1
@var          checkbox _zoom                        "Don't change the size of the scrollbar on zoom (ctrl +)" 1
@var          checkbox _html                        "Main scrollbar only" 0

@var          number   _width                       "Width (px)"                [12, 0, null, null, "px"]
@var          number   _thumbBorderRadius           "Thumb border radius (px)"  [4, 0, null, null, "px"]
@var          number   _thumbBoxShadowWidth         "Thumb border (px)"         [1, 0, null, null, "px"]
@var          number   _thumbBorderWidth            "Thumb margin (px)"         [1, 0, null, null, "px"]
@var          number   _buttonBorderWidth           "Arrow buttons margin (px)" [1, 0, null, null, "px"]

@var          color    _trackBackgroundColor        "Track 🦊"                  hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0)
@var          color    _thumbBackgroundColor        "Thumb 🦊"                  hsla(0, 0%, 30%, .7)
@var          color    _thumbBackgroundColorHover   "Thumb on hover"            hsla(0, 0%, 35%, .7)
@var          color    _thumbBackgroundColorActive  "Thumb on click"            hsla(0, 0%, 40%, .7)
@var          color    _thumbBorderColor            "Thumb border"              hsla(0, 0%, 40%, .3)
@var          color    _cornerBackgroundColor       "Corner"                    hsla(0, 0%, 30%, .7)

@var          select   _dark                        "Separate style for websites with dark mode (On some sites you may need to change their theme from auto to dark) 🦊" ["Enabled", "Manually:Enabled only on sites added manually below", "All:Enabled on all sites", "Disabled"]
@var          text     _darkWebsite                 "Add sites manually if dark scrollbar isn't working 🦊" "','"
@var          color    _trackBackgroundColor2       "Dark - Track 🦊"           hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0)
@var          color    _thumbBackgroundColor2       "Dark - Thumb 🦊"           hsla(0, 0%, 70%, .7)
@var          color    _thumbBackgroundColorHover2  "Dark - Thumb on hover"     hsla(0, 0%, 75%, .7)
@var          color    _thumbBackgroundColorActive2 "Dark - Thumb on click"     hsla(0, 0%, 80%, .7)
@var          color    _thumbBorderColor2           "Dark - Thumb border"       hsla(0, 0%, 80%, .3)
@var          color    _cornerBackgroundColor2      "Dark - Corner"             hsla(0, 0%, 70%, .7)

@var          checkbox _new                         "Use new standardized, but less customizable way of styling scrollbars (Supported option = 🦊). The scrollbar look may differ from browser to browser (Chrome 121+ / Firefox 64+)" 0
@var          checkbox _thin                        "↳ Width - Thin 🦊"         0

==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp(".+"), regexp("(chrome|moz)-extension://.+")
	i = !important
	if _dark == All
		_trackBackgroundColor = _trackBackgroundColor2
		_thumbBackgroundColor = _thumbBackgroundColor2
		_thumbBackgroundColorHover = _thumbBackgroundColorHover2
		_thumbBackgroundColorActive = _thumbBackgroundColorActive2
		_thumbBorderColor = _thumbBorderColor2
		_cornerBackgroundColor = _cornerBackgroundColor2
	if _new == 0
		p = "--ultimate-scrollbar-"
			s("var("+ p + a +")")
			width: a
			min-width: a
			max-width: a
			height: a
			min-height: a
			max-height: a
		h = _html ? ":root, html, body, main, #main, #root" : ":root, *"
			scrollbar-width: unset i
			scrollbar-color: unset i
			if _zoom
				{p}dppx: 1
			{p}width: _zoom ? "calc(%s * (1 / %s))" % (_width v(dppx)) : _width
			{p}thumb-box-shadow-width: _zoom ? "calc(%s * (1 / %s))" % (_thumbBoxShadowWidth v(dppx)) : _thumbBoxShadowWidth
			{p}thumb-border-width: _zoom ? "calc(%s * (1 / %s))" % (_thumbBorderWidth v(dppx)) : _thumbBorderWidth
			{p}thumb-border-radius: _zoom ? "calc(%s * (1 / %s))" % (_thumbBorderRadius v(dppx)) : _thumbBorderRadius
			{p}button-border-width: _zoom ? "calc(%s * (1 / %s))" % (_buttonBorderWidth v(dppx)) : _buttonBorderWidth
		h = _html ? ":is(html\, body\, main\, #main\, #root)" : ""
			^[0], &:vertical, &:horizontal
				wh: v(width) i
				background: none i
				border: none i
				outline: none i
				box-shadow: none i
			&-thumb, &-thumb:vertical, &-thumb:horizontal
				all: initial i
				background-color: _thumbBackgroundColor i
				background-clip: padding-box i
				border: solid transparent i
				border-radius: v(thumb-border-radius) i
				box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 v(thumb-box-shadow-width) _thumbBorderColor i
				&:hover, &:active
					all: initial i
					background-clip: padding-box i
					border: solid transparent i
					border-radius: v(thumb-border-radius) i
					box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 v(thumb-box-shadow-width) _thumbBorderColor i
					background-color: _thumbBackgroundColorHover i
					background-color: _thumbBackgroundColorActive i
			&-thumb:vertical, &-thumb:vertical:hover, &-thumb:vertical:active 
				border-width: 0 v(thumb-border-width) i
			&-thumb:horizontal, &-thumb:horizontal:hover, &-thumb:horizontal:active
				border-width: v(thumb-border-width) 0 i
			&-track, &-track:vertical, &-track:horizontal
				all: initial i
				background-color: _trackBackgroundColor i
				&:hover, &:active
					all: initial i
					background-color: _trackBackgroundColor i
			&-track-piece, &-track-piece:vertical, &-track-piece:horizontal
				all: initial i
				all: initial i
				background-color: _cornerBackgroundColor i
		dataSvg = "data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='' "
		if _button
				all: initial i
				display: none i
					all: initial i
						all: initial i
							all: initial i
							wh: v(width) i
							border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
							background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='2' height='1' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColor +"'><polygon points='1,0 0,1 2,1'/></svg>") i
								all: initial i
								wh: v(width) i
								border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
								background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='2' height='1' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColorHover +"'><polygon points='1,0 0,1 2,1'/></svg>") i
								all: initial i
								wh: v(width) i
								border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
								background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='2' height='1' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColorActive +"'><polygon points='1,0 0,1 2,1'/></svg>") i
							all: initial i
							wh: v(width) i
							border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
							background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='2' height='1' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColor +"'><polygon points='0,0 2,0 1,1'/></svg>") i
								all: initial i
								wh: v(width) i
								border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
								background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='2' height='1' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColorHover +"'><polygon points='0,0 2,0 1,1'/></svg>") i
								all: initial i
								wh: v(width) i
								border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
								background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='2' height='1' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColorActive +"'><polygon points='0,0 2,0 1,1'/></svg>") i
						all: initial i
							all: initial i
							wh: v(width) i
							border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
							background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='1' height='2' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColor +"'><polygon points='0,1 1,2 1,0'/></svg>") i
								all: initial i
								wh: v(width) i
								border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
								background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='1' height='2' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColorHover +"'><polygon points='0,1 1,2 1,0'/></svg>") i
								all: initial i
								wh: v(width) i
								border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
								background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='1' height='2' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColorActive +"'><polygon points='0,1 1,2 1,0'/></svg>") i
							all: initial i
							wh: v(width) i
							border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
							background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='1' height='2' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColor +"'><polygon points='0,0 0,2 1,1'/></svg>") i
								all: initial i
								wh: v(width) i
								border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
								background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='1' height='2' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColorHover +"'><polygon points='0,0 0,2 1,1'/></svg>") i
								all: initial i
								wh: v(width) i
								border: v(button-border-width) solid transparent i
								background: no-repeat center / contain _trackBackgroundColor url(dataSvg +"width='1' height='2' fill='"+ _thumbBackgroundColorActive +"'><polygon points='0,0 0,2 ...


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