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Notion Catppuccin by ftakilir

Screenshot of Notion Catppuccin







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Catppuccin theme for Notion.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Notion Catppuccin
@version        1.0.2
@description    Soothing pastel theme for Notion
@author         OlaoluwaM

==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("")
    :root {
        --rosewater: 10, 56%, 91%;
        --flamingo: 0, 59%, 88%;
        --mauve: 279, 70%, 83%;
        --pink_theme: 316, 72%, 86%;
        --maroon: 349, 60%, 77%;
        --red_theme: 342, 79%, 75%;
        --peach: 024, 88%, 78%;
        --yellow_theme: 041, 88%, 84%;
        --green_theme: 128, 58%, 79%;
        --green_darken: 128, 58%, 76%;
        --green_darkest: 128, 58%, 72%;
        --teal: 171, 53%, 81%;
        --blue_theme: 207, 93%, 79%;
        --blue_darken: 213, 84%, 78%;
        --sky: 189, 71%, 73%;
        --lavender: 238, 100%, 89%;
        --text: 226, 64%, 90%;

        --black0: 254, 25%, 10%;
        --black1: 240, 23%, 9%;
        --black2: 249, 23%, 12%;
        --black3: 249, 18%, 22%;
        --black4: 254, 12%, 36%;
        --gray0: 247, 8%, 46%;
        --gray1: 274, 11%, 59%;
        --gray2: 285, 10%, 75%;
        --white: 220, 38%, 89%;

        --bg: hsl(var(--black1));
        --bg-light: hsl(var(--black1));
        --bg-lighter: hsla(var(--black1));
        --fg: hsla(var(--white), 1);
        --fg-light: hsl(var(--white));
        --fg-lighter: hsl(var(--fg-light));
        --main: hsl(var(--blue_darken), 0.8);
        --hover: hsl(var(--black3), 0.8);
        --border: hsl(var(--black3));
        --selection: hsla(var(--gray0), 0.5);
        --gray: hsl(var(--gray2));
        --brown: hsl(var(--flamingo));
        --orange: hsl(var(--peach));
        --yellow: hsl(var(--yellow_theme));
        --green: hsl(var(--green_theme));
        --blue: hsl(var(--blue_theme));
        --purple: hsl(var(--mauve));
        --pink: hsl(var(--pink_theme));
        --red: hsl(var(--red_theme));
        --bg-gray: hsl(var(--black3));
        --bg-brown: hsla(var(--flamingo), 0.9);
        --bg-orange: hsl(var(--peach), 0.9);
        --bg-yellow: hsla(var(--yellow_theme), 0.9);
        --bg-green: hsla(var(--green_darken), 0.9);
        --bg-blue: hsla(var(--blue_darken), 0.9);
        --bg-purple: hsla(var(--mauve), 0.9);
        --bg-pink: hsla(var(--pink_theme), 0.9);
        --bg-red: hsl(var(--red_theme), 0.9);

        --text-gray: hsla(var(--white), 0.5);

    /* For Notion Enhancer*/

    :root.dark.dark {
        --theme--bg_secondary: hsl(var(--black2));
        --theme_text: hsl(var(--white));
        --theme--ui_interactive-hover: hsl(var(--black3));
        --theme--ui_interactive-active: hsl(var(--black4));
        --indentation_lines--color: var(--text-gray);
        --theme--ui_corner_action: hsla(var(--black4), 0.5);
        --theme--ui_corner_action-hover: hsla(var(--black4), 0.9);

    /* Inline Code block */
    div.notion-selectable.notion-callout-block > div > div {
        background: hsla(var(--black3), 0.5) !important;

    /* prettier-ignore */
    div.notion-dark-theme :where(
      *[style*='background: rgb(137, 99, 42)'],
      *[style*='background: rgb(73, 47, 100)'],
      *[style*='background: rgb(43, 89, 63)'],
      *[style*='background: rgb(133, 76, 29)'],
      *[style*='background: rgb(133, 76, 29)'],
      *[style*='background: rgb(40, 69, 108)'],
      *[style*='background: rgb(105, 49, 76)'],
      *[style*='background: rgb(110, 54, 48)'],
      *[style*='background: rgb(96, 59, 44)'],
	  *[style*="background: rgb(35, 131, 226)"]
   ) {
/* prettier-ignore */
  color: hsl(var(--black1)) !important;

    div.notion-dark-theme *[style*="color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.81)"] {
        color: hsla(var(--text), 1)
    div.notion-dark-theme div[style*="background: rgb(46, 170, 220)"] {
        background: hsla(var(--blue_darken), 1) !important;
        color: hsl(var(--black1)) !important;
        border-right: 0.5px solid hsl(var(--black3), 0.5) !important;

    div.notion-dark-theme div[style*="background: rgb(46, 170, 220)"] svg {
        background: hsla(var(--blue_darken), 1) !important;
        fill: hsl(var(--black1)) !important;

    div.notion-dark-theme *[style*="background: rgb(32, 32, 32)"] {
        background: hsl(var(--black2)) !important;

    div.notion-dark-theme *[style*="background: rgb(37, 37, 37)"] {
        background: hsl(var(--black3)) !important;

        *[style*="color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87)"]:not(
            [style*="color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.565)"]
        ) {
        color: hsl(var(--white)) !important;
        -webkit-text-fill-color: currentColor;

    div.notion-dark-theme *[style*="color:rgba(155, 155, 155, 1)"] {
        color: var(--text-gray) !important;
        fill: currentColor !important;
        -webkit-text-fill-color: currentColor !important;

        *[style*="color:rgba(155, 155, 155, 1)"]
        .notion-focusable:hover {
        color: var(--white) !important;
        -webkit-text-fill-color: currentColor !important;

        div[style*="color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87)"]
        > div:after {
        color: hsla(var(--white), 0.3) !important;
        -webkit-text-fill-color: currentColor !important;

    div.notion-dark-theme div.notion-help-button {
        background: hsla(var(--black4), 0.5) !important;

    div.notion-dark-theme div.notion-help-button:hover {
        background: hsla(var(--black4), 0.9);

        *[style*="background: rgb(25, 25, 25)"]
        > div[style*="color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.565)"] {
        color: var(--text-gray) !important;
        -webkit-text-fill-color: currentColor !important;

    /* For the Heading placeholder when a heading is created with no text */
        div[style*="-webkit-text-fill-color: rgb(55, 55, 55)"]:after {
        color: hsla(var(--gray0), 0.4) !important;
        -webkit-text-fill-color: currentColor !important;

    /* For the command prompt. The 'Type / for command' thing*/
        div[style*="-webkit-text-fill-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.443)"]:after {
        color: hsla(var(--gray1), 0.6) !important;
        -webkit-text-fill-color: currentColor !important;

    /* For Settings dropdown */
    div.notion-dark-theme div[style*="background-color: rgb(37, 37, 37)"] {
        background-color: hsl(var(--black3)) !important;

    /* Edit Template Overlay */
    div.notion-dark-theme div[style*="background: rgb(55, 60, 63)"] {
        background: var(--bg-gray) !important;

    /* Quote Block */
    .notion-dark-theme .notion-quote-block {
        font-style: italic;

    /* For the Grays */
    /* rgb(55, 55, 55) is Light Gray*/
    div.notion-dark-theme div[style*="background: rgb(55, 55, 55)"] {
        background-color: hsl(var(--gray0)) !important;

    /* rgb(90, 90, 90) is Regular Gray*/
    div.notion-dark-theme div[style*="background: rgb(90, 90, 90)"] {
        background-color: hsl(var(--black4)) !important;

    /* For layout blocks */
    .notion-dark-theme a[style*="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.055)"] {
        background-color: hsl(var(--black3)) !important;

    /* Fixing Issues with the blue*/
    .notion-dark-theme [style*="color: rgb(35, 131, 226)"],
    .notion-dark-theme [style*="fill: rgb(35, 131, 226)"] {
        color: hsla(var(--blue_darken), 1) !important;
        fill: var(--bg-blue) !important;

    .notion-dark-theme [style*="background: rgb(0, 117, 211)"] {
        background: hsla(var(--blue_darken), 1) !important;
        color: hsl(var(--black1)) !important;

    .notion-dark-theme [style*="background: rgb(0, 117, 211)"] svg {
        fill: hsl(var(--black1)) !important;

    .notion-dark-theme [style*="rgba(35, 131, 226, 0.35)"] {
        border: 1px solid hsla(var(--blue_theme), 0.35) !important;

    .notion-dark-theme [style*="background: rgba(35, 131, 226, 0.07)"] {
        background: hsla(var(--blue_theme), 0.07) !important;

    .notion-dark-theme *[style*="background: rgb(35, 131, 226)"] svg {
        fill: hsl(var(--black1)) !important;

    .notion-dark-theme *[style*="color: rgb(41, 90, 149)"],
    .notion-dark-theme *[style*="fill: rgb(40, 69, 108)"] {
        color: hsla(var(--blue_theme), 0.6) !important;
        fill: hsla(var(--blue_theme), 0.4) !important;

    /* Fixing Green */
    .notion-dark-theme *[style*="color: rgb(45, 118, 80)"],
    .notion-dark-theme *[style*="fill: rgb(43, 89, 63)"] {
        color: hsla(var(--green_theme), 0.6) !important;
        fill: hsla(var(--green_theme), 0.4) !important;

    /* For nested quotes */
    /* .notion-dark-theme .notion-quote-block .notion-quote-block div div[placeholder] {
    color: var(--text-gray) !important
} */

For links
.notion-dark-theme a.notion-link-token {
    background: hsl(var(--rosewater)) !important;
    color: hsl(var(--black0)) !important;
    padding: 4px !important;
    padding-top: 6px !important;
    border-radius: 5px;
    caret-color: currentColor !important

    /* From */

background: rgb(63, 68, 71) => rgb(32, 32, 32)
background: rgb(47, 52, 55) => rgb(25, 25, 25)
rgb(37, 37, 37) => rgb(55, 60, 63)
background: rgb(47, 47, 47) => rgb(88, 91, 93)
rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.055) => rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)
border:rgb(32,32,32) => rgb(37, 37, 37)
boder-right: rgb(32, 32, 32) => rgb(63, 66, 69)
border-bottom: r...


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