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Dark-Discord by vednoc

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Dark and light, very customizable theme for Discord.


After you install this userstyle, you can configure it from configuration menu in Stylus’ popout menu by clicking on the icon on your toolbar.

There are over 30 customizable options, including colors, so you can customize Discord in a way that it's unique to you.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Dark-Discord
@description  Dark and light, very customizable theme for Discord.
@author       vednoc <> (
@version      0.63.0
@license      MIT
@preprocessor stylus

@var checkbox cg_debug     'Color generator debug' 0
@var select   cg_theme     'Base color-scheme toggle' {
    'Custom colors   *': 'custom',
    'Dark blue (old)  ': 'old',
    'Dark gray (new)  ': 'new',
@var color    cg_bg        'Base background color' #1f232a
@var color    cg_fg        'Base foreground color' #eeeeee
@var color    cg_ac        'Base accent color    ' #7289da

@var range    _bg_a        'Adjust background color tones' [0, -25, 25, 0.1, '%']
@var range    _fg_a        'Adjust foreground color tones' [0, -25, 25, 0.1, '%']
@var range    _ac_a        'Adjust accent color tones    ' [0,   0, 25,   1, '%']
@var range    _sc_a        'Adjust syntax color tones    ' [0,   0, 25,   1, '%']

@var range    e_size       'Emotes: Reduce emote size' [32, 24, 64, 8, 'px']
@var checkbox e_reaction   'Emotes: Larger reaction emotes' 1

@var checkbox chat_short   'Shorter chat mode' 0
@var text     chat_short_w 'Shorter chat width' 800px

@var checkbox guild_avatar 'Move user menu to guilds bar' 0

@var checkbox sb_short     'Smaller sidebar mode' 1
@var text     sb_short_s   'Smaller sidebar mode size' 64px
@var text     sb_short_w   'Smaller sidebar mode breakpoint' 940px
@var text     sb_short_d   'Smaller sidebar mode hover delay' 1000ms

@var checkbox g_minimize   'Minimize guild area width' 1
@var text     g_minimize_w 'Minimize guild area breakpoint' 700px

@var checkbox g_icons      'Small guild icons' 0
@var text     g_icons_s    'Small guild icon size' 32px

@var select   compact      'Compact mode' {
    'Hide guilds   ': 'guilds',
    'Hide sidebar  ': 'sidebar',
    'Hide both    *': 'both',
@var text     compact_w    'Compact mode breakpoint' 540px

@var range    avatar_size  'Avatar size in info menus' [80, 80, 128, 16, 'px']
@var checkbox avatar_c_m   'Enable avatar context menu in profiles' 1
@var checkbox code_lines   'Enable code line numbers' 1

@var checkbox hide_dl_btn  'Hide "Download Apps" button' 1

@var text     f_ui         'UI font' ''font_name''
@var text     f_code       'Monospace font' ''font_name''

@var text     b_radius     'Border radius for menus' 4px

@var color    _red         'Base red color              ' #f07178
@var color    _orange      'Base orange color           ' #f78c6c
@var color    _yellow      'Base yellow color           ' #ffcb6b
@var color    _green       'Base green color            ' #aede62
@var color    _cyan        'Base cyan color             ' #89ddff
@var color    _blue        'Base blue color             ' #82aaff
@var color    _magenta     'Base magenta color          ' #9a91ea
@var color    _violet      'Base violet color           ' #c792ea
@var color    _gray        'Gray color                  ' #bbbbbb
@var color    _white       'White color                 ' #ffffff
@var color    _sh          'Shadow color                ' #00000025
==/UserStyle== */

// Class mixin.
// TODO: Add examples.
a(args, prefix = '', attr = 'class', i = '') {
    lst ?= ''
    dbg ?= args
    len ?= length(args)
    u    = unquote

    // Check arguments.
    if args[0] == 0 {
        error('Must provide valid arguments. Length of arguments is: ' + len)

    // Process.
    for v, k in args {
        content: s('%s --- %s', k, v)

        // Iterate over arguments.
        if k {
            // { '--%s' % k }: 'argument: ' + args[k]
            if k == length(args) - 1 {
                lst += s('[%s*=%s]', u(attr), v)
            } else {
                lst += s('[%s*=%s], ', u(attr), v)
        } else {
            // { '--%s' % k }: 'argument: ' + args[k]
            if k == length(args) - 1 {
                lst += s('[%s*=%s]', u(attr), v)
            } else {
                lst += s('[%s*=%s], ', u(attr), v)

    // Combine.
    list = (i != '') ? s('%s%s', u(i), u(lst)) : lst
    dbg = list

    // Generate.
    { list } {
        { block }

// Old class mixin.
/// Use it instead of: [class*='foo_bar']
w(prefix, args, attr = class, sel = '*=', i = ' ') {
    r = unquote
    list = ''

    selectors = (prefix == '>' || prefix == '~' || prefix == '+')
    prefix = (selectors) ? s('%s ', r(prefix)) : (prefix == '') ? '' : prefix

    inline_cases = (prefix == '/' || prefix == '../' || prefix == '~/' || prefix == '')
    inline = ((selectors || inline_cases) && length(args) == 1) ? '' : i

    attr = (attr == 0) ? 'class' : (attr == '_') ? '' : attr
    sel = (sel == 0) ? '*=' : (sel == '_') ? '' : sel
    // dbg_{ attr }: s('%s ::: %s ::: %s ::: %s', prefix, attr, inline, args)

    for item, index in args {
        // dbg: '' + item + ' :::::: ' + index
        if index {
            if (inline == '0') {
                list += s(' [%s%s%s]', r(attr), r(sel), item)
            } else if (inline == ' ') {
                list += s('%s%s[%s%s%s],', r(inline), r(prefix), r(attr), r(sel), item)
            } else {
                list += s('[%s%s%s]', r(attr), r(sel), item)
        } else {
            if (inline == '0') {
                list += s('%s[%s%s%s]', r(prefix), r(attr), r(sel), item)
            } else if (inline != '') {
                list += s('%s%s[%s%s%s],', r(inline), r(prefix), r(attr), r(sel), item)
            } else {
                list += s('%s[%s%s%s]', r(prefix), r(attr), r(sel), item)

    list = replace(',$', '', list)
    // dbg_list: '' + list

    { list } {
        { block }

// Colors mixin.
/// All colors: `c: fg bd bg`
/// Only border-color: `c: 0 bd`
c(x, y = 0, z = 0, xi = 1, yi = 1, zi = 1) {
    if x != 0 && x != '_' {            color: xi is 0 ? x : x i }
    if y != 0 && y != '_' {     border-color: yi is 0 ? y : y i }
    if z != 0 && z != '_' { background-color: zi is 0 ? z : z i }

// SVG colors.
v(x, y = 0, xi = 1, yi = 1) {
    if x != 0 && x != '_' {   fill: xi is 0 ? x : x i }
    if y != 0 && y != '_' { stroke: yi is 0 ? y : y i }

// Pseudo-element builder.
P(a, _z = 0, _c = '', _p = absolute) {
    z-index:  _z
    content:  _c
    position: _p
    if a[0] is a 'call' or a[0] is a 'unit' {    top: a[0] }
    if a[1] is a 'call' or a[1] is a 'unit' {  right: a[1] }
    if a[2] is a 'call' or a[2] is a 'unit' { bottom: a[2] }
    if a[3] is a 'call' or a[3] is a 'unit' {   left: a[3] }

// Raw RGB mixin.
/// Convert RGBA (if t = 1) or HEX to raw rrr-ggg-bbb format.
to_rgb(input, t = 0) {
    if (t) {
        unquote(substr(join(',', slice(split(',', s('%s', input)), 0, -1)), 5))
    } else {
        unquote(slice(s('%s', rgba(input, 0)), 5, -3))

// Raw RGBA mixin.
/// Combine `*-rgb` vars and alpha value.
to_rgba(input, alpha) {
    unquote(s('rgba(var(--%s-rgb), %s)', unquote(input), alpha))

// Border radius mixin.
r() { border-radius: arguments }

// Box-shadow mixin.
b() { box-shadow: arguments }

/// Remove old browser prefixes.
vendors = official

/// Feat -> Base color-scheme toggle. #32
if (cg_theme == 'custom') {
    BG = cg_bg
    FG = cg_fg
    AC = cg_ac
} else if (cg_theme == 'old') {
    BG = #1f232a
    FG = #eeeeee
    AC = #7289da
} else if (cg_theme == 'new') {
    BG = #292929
    FG = #e6e6e6
    AC = #d47d3f

/// Helpers.
t  = transparent
i  = !important
BA = _bg_a
FA = _fg_a
AA = _ac_a
SA = _sc_a
//w  = W // TODO: Developer only.

// Color generator.
/// NOTE: Fix the scope to avoid conflicts.
    g = global

    /// Generator rules.
    if (dark(BG)) {
        a1 = (AA + 15); a2 = (AA + 30); a3 = (AA + 45); a4 = (AA + 65); a5 = (AA + 75)
        s1 = (SA + 15); s2 = (SA + 30); s3 = (SA + 45); s4 = (SA + 65); s5 = (SA + 75)
        b1 = (BA + 10); b2 = (BA - 05); b3 = (BA - 10); b4 = (BA - 15); b5 = (BA - 20)
        f1 = (FA - 10); f2 = (FA + 10); f3 = (FA + 20); f4 = (FA + 30); f5 = (FA + 40)
    } else {
        a1 = (AA + 15); a2 = (AA + 30); a3 = (AA + 45); a4 = (AA + 65); a5 = (AA + 75)
        s1 = (SA + 15); s2 = (SA + 30); s3 = (SA + 45); s4 = (SA + 65); s5 = (SA + 75)
        b1 = (BA - 10); b2 = (BA + 08); b3 = (BA + 16); b4 = (BA + 24); b5 = (BA + 32)
        f1 = (FA - 05); f2 = (FA - 10); f3 = (FA - 15); f4 = (FA - 20); f5 = (FA - 30)

    /// Generate tones for base colors.
    C = {
        bg: {
            '0': darken(BG, b1)
            '1': darken(BG, 0%)
            '2': darken(BG, b2)
            '3': darken(BG, b3)
            '4': darken(BG, b4)
            '5': darken(BG, b5)
        fg: {
            '0': darken(FG, f1)
            '1': darken(FG, 0%)
            '2': darken(FG, f2)
            '3': darken(FG, f3)
            '4': darken(FG, f4)
            '5': darken(FG, f5)
        ac: {
            '0': mix(darken(BG,  0%), AC, 0%)
            '1': mix(darken(BG, 40%), AC, a1)
            '2': mix(darken(BG, 40%), AC, a2)
            '3': mix(darken(BG, 40%), AC, a3)
            '4': mix(darken(BG, 65%), AC, a4)
            '5': mix(darken(BG, 50%), AC, a5)
        b1: {
            '0': spin(_red,  0deg - 0%)
            '1': spin(_red, 15deg - s1)
            '2': spin(_red, 30deg - s2)
            '3': mix(darken(BG, 20%), _red, s3)
            '4': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _red, s4)
            '5': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _red, s5)
        b2: {
            '0': spin(_orange,  0deg - 0%)


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