Extends the width of Reddit threads to fill more of your monitor.
Just some simple, basic code. Nothing more, nothing less.
Imported and mirrored from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uso-archive/data/flomaster/data/usercss/178372.user.css
Size1.6 kB
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Extends the width of Reddit threads to fill more of your monitor.
Just some simple, basic code. Nothing more, nothing less.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Reddit Extra Wide
@namespace USO Archive
@author loopy750
@description Extends the width of Reddit threads to fill more of your monitor. Just some simple, basic code. Nothing more, nothing less.
@version 20240307.17.33
@license NONE
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("www.reddit.com") {
:root.theme-dark .bg-neutral-background-weak,
:root.theme-dark nav.z-\[2\].box-border.flex,
:root.theme-dark #left-sidebar-container {
filter: invert(6%) saturate(101%) contrast(99%) !important
p {
font-size: 102.5% !important
article shreddit-post.block.relative {
border-radius: 0 !important
.grid-container {
margin: 0 1% 0 1% !important;
max-width: 99% !important;
padding: 0 !important
.subgrid-container .main-container.grid #main-content.main.block {
margin: 0 -1% 0 -1% !important;
.subgrid-container .main-container.grid #main-content.main.block article {
line-height: 0 !important
shreddit-app.v2 {
--shreddit-header-height: 52px
.xs\:py-\[20px\] {
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 8px
._3xX726aBn29LDbsDtzr_6E {
max-width: 1250px !important
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://new.reddit.com") {
._3xX726aBn29LDbsDtzr_6E {
max-width: 1250px !important