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Mistral Le Chat Gruvbox Dark + UI improvements by bilalazh

Screenshot of Mistral Le Chat Gruvbox Dark + UI improvements



LicenseApache 2.0 License

CategoryMistral Le Chat



Size7.7 kB


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  • Wide response window
  • better colors (gruvbox theme )
  • Better code syntax colors
  • Better readability and separation of text


This user style applies the Gruvbox color scheme to the Mistral Le Chat providing a more visually pleasing and consistent experience. There are many UI changes to make the experience better for user while being pleasing to look at


  • Applies the Gruvbox color scheme to all elements on the page
  • Width of Response container is increased to fit more text on the screen
  • Inline markdown code has better colors to quickly see the information
  • Better code block colors

Check my profile for Light theme option as well

There will also a light theme check my profile to install that one

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name  - Mar 2024
@version        1.0.0
@description    Sample one 
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {

    /* 0 is for darkest 
    1 is for hard 
    higher values for hard  */

    /* 2.1 Dark theme color variables */
    --bg0-dh:       #1d2021;
    --bg-dark-new  :  #1F1E1D ; 
/*For basic text new color added  	 */
--text-normal :#ffd29c ;

    --shadow-bg:         #1d1b1a;
    --bg1-dark:       #3c3836;
    --bg-dark:        #282828;
    --bg2-dark:       #504945;
    --bg3-dark:       #665c54;
    --bg4-dark:       #7c6f64;
    --bg5-dark:       #928374;
    --bg_visual:      #503946;
    --bg_red:         #cc241d;
    --bg_green:       #98971a;
    --bg_blue:        #458588;
    --bg_yellow:      #d79921;
    --shadow:         #16181a;
    --shadow-var1:         #17191b;
    --shadow-cur:         #1a1b1d;

    --fg-dark:        #ebdbb2;
    --grey0-dark:     #7f897d;
    --grey1-dark:     #859289;
    --grey2-dark:     #9aa79d;

    --faded-red:     #fb4934;
    --faded-orange:  #fe8019;
    --faded-yellow:  #fabd2f;
    --faded-green:   #b8bb26;
    --faded-aqua:    #8ec07c;
    --faded-blue:    #83a598;
    --faded-purple:  #d3869b;

    --dim-red:       #cc241d;
    --dim-orange:    #d65d0e;
    --dim-yellow:    #d79921;
    --dim-green:     #98971a;
    --dim-aqua:      #689d6a;
    --dim-blue:      #458588;
    --dim-purple:    #b16286;

    /* 2.2 Light theme color variables */
    --bg0-light:     #f0edd8;
    --bg1-light:     #f6f1dd;
    --bg-light:      #fdf6e3;
    --bg2-light:     #f3efda;
    --bg3-light:     #edead5;
    --bg4-light:     #e4e1cd;
    --bg5-light:     #dfdbc8;
    --grey0-light:   #a4ad9e;
    --grey1-light:   #939f91;
    --grey2-light:   #879686;
    --shadow-light:  #3c474d20;

    --text-offwhite: #fbf1c7;
    --text-offyellowish: #f2e5bc;
    --text-white: #f9f5d7;
    --text-offwhite-faded: #ebdbb2;
    --text--faded: #d5c4a1;
    --text--veryfade: #928374;



    --bg_visual_light:      #eaedc8;
    --bg_red_light:         #fbe3da;
    --bg_green_light:       #f0f1d2;
    --bg_blue_light:        #e9f0e9;
    --bg_yellow_light:      #faedcd;

    --fg-light:       #5c6a72;

    --light-red:     #f85552;
    --light-orange:  #f57d26;
    --light-yellow:  #bf983d;
    --light-green:   #899c40;
    --light-aqua:    #569d79;
    --light-blue:    #5a93a2;
    --light-purple:  #b87b9d;

    --light-dim-red:    #f1706f;
    --light-dim-orange: #f39459;
    --light-dim-yellow: #e4b649;
    --light-dim-green:  #a4bb4a;
    --light-dim-aqua:   #6ec398;
    --light-dim-blue:   #6cb3c6;
    --light-dim-purple: #e092be;

 --dark-red: #9d0006;    /* faded_red: #9d0006 [red] 88 [9] 157-0-6 137-0-9 #890009 */
  --dark-green: #79740e;  /* faded_green: #79740e [green] 100 [10] 121-116-14 102-98-13 #66620d */
  --dark-yellow: #b57614; /* faded_yellow: #b57614 [yellow] 136 [11] 181-118-20 165-99-17 #a56311 */
  --dark-blue: #076678;   /* faded_blue: #076678 [blue] 24 [12] 7-102-120 14-83-101 #0e5365 */
  --dark-purple: #8f3f71; /* faded_purple: #8f3f71 [purple] 96 [13] 143-63-113 123-43-94 #7b2b5e */
  --dark-aqua: #427b58;   /* faded_aqua: #427b58 [aqua] 66 [14] 66-123-88 53-106-70 #356a46 */
  --dark-orange: #af3a03;

/* light colors */
  --interface-light0-hard: #f9f5d7; /* light0_hard: #f9f5d7 [h0] 230 [ ] 249-245-215 248-244-205 #f8f4cd */
  --interface-light0: #fbf1c7; /* light0: #fbf1c7 [fg0][bg0] 229 [0] 251-241-199 250-238-187 #faeebb */
  --interface-light0-soft: #f2e5bc; /* light0_soft: #f2e5bc [s0] 228 [ ] 242-229-188 239-223-174 #efdfae */
  --interface-light1: #ebdbb2; /* light1: #ebdbb2 [fg1][bg1] 223 [15] 235-219-178 230-212-163 #e6d4a3 */
  --interface-light2: #d5c4a1; /* light2: #d5c4a1 [fg2][bg2] 250 [ ] 213-196-161 203-184-144 #cbb890 */
  --interface-light3: #bdae93; /* light3: #bdae93 [fg3][bg3] 248 [ ] 189-174-147 175-159-129 #af9f81 */
  --interface-light4: #a89988; /* light4: #a89988 */

/*Moddel Picker namee*/
button span p {
    color: #B8BB26 !important;
	/*User query on the answer page */{
		color : #B8BB26 !important ; 

	/*Normal Texa color */
		color :#FFD29C !important ; 


/*Palcehodler text -> Ask anything */
		color : #8EC07C !important ;  


/*Palcehodler text -> Ask anything */
		color : #689D6A !important ;  

	code::before , code::after{
		color : #8EC07C !important ; 

	code {
		color : #FB4934 !important ; 
		font-weight: 500 !important ; 
		background-color :#12110F !important ; 
		border-radius: 26px !important ; 

	pre { 
	background-color : #1D1B1A !important ; 

/*Code color background color */
		background-color : #12110F !important ; 

/*Code colros */

	color : #B8BB26 !important ; 
	span.token[style*='color: rgb(86, 156, 214)'] {
  /* Set the background color to a lighter shade of blue */
  color: #83A598 !important;
	/* Select all span elements with the class "token" and a style attribute that sets the color to rgb(212, 212, 212) */
span.token[style*='color: rgb(212, 212, 212)'] {
  /* Set the background color to a dark gray */
color: #FFD29C !important;

	/*NUmbers in the code block*/
/* Select all span elements with the class "token" and a style attribute that sets the color to rgb(181, 206, 168) */
span.token[style*='color: rgb(181, 206, 168)'] {
  /* Set the background color to a light yellow */
color: #FE8019 !important;

	/*Strings in code block */
/* Select all span elements with the class "token" and a style attribute that sets the color to rgb(206, 145, 120) */
span.token[style*='color: rgb(206, 145, 120)'] {
  /* Set the background color to a light orange */
color: #E092BE !important;
	/*CHeck the width of the response container */{
		width: 100% !important;
max-width: 900px !important;
	/*List color */
	li { 
	color : #83A598 !important ; 
	/*Input fiels background color */{
  background: #12110F !important;

		background: #12110F !important ; 
	/*Backgrounds of The whole thing*/
	/*Top bar div */\\:min-h-16.shadow-md {
  background-color: #17191B; /* change the color to your desired value */

/*Main Div background */
div.w-full.flex-col.items-center.justify-center.overflow-y-auto {
  background-color: #1D1B1A !important; /* change the color to your desired value */

	/*Yellow side bar */{
	background-color : #12110F !important ; 
	color : #98971A !important ; 

	/*All Icons*/
		color : #FB4934 !important ;
		stroke-width: 2px !important ; 


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