Everything looks better end more moddern in dark mode ;)
Doesn't look as ugly as the preview don't worry (no idea what went wrong there)
Oh and the Text is now bigger.
Dark Horde Big Font by blackcube
LicenseNo License
Size39 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
It is optimized for firefox and 1920x1080px screen (FullHD)
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Dark Horde
@namespace userstyles.world
@version 1.3.0
@preprocessor stylus
@var color _bg 'Base background color ' hsl(0, 0%, 10%);
@var color _fg 'Base Text color ' #eeeeee
@var color _ac 'Base accent color ' #7289da
@var text text_size 'Text size' 133%
@var text header_text_size 'Header Text size' 109%
@var checkbox ow_ack 'Override seen message icon color' 0
==/UserStyle== */
ts = text_size * 0.75
ts2 = header_text_size * 1.1
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://mail.uni-leipzig.de/portal/login.php") {
/* || Login */
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/* || Startseite */
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background: var(--search_button_hover) !important;
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://mail.uni-leipzig.de/portal/imp/dynamic.php?page=mailbox") {
/* || Mailbox */
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