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Twitter/X Goodie Bag by o_o

Screenshot of Twitter/X Goodie Bag







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A boatload of tweaks to Twitter/X. All disabled by default; enable what you want!



  • πŸ“± - Exclusive to the mobile layout
  • 🚧 - Work in progress


  • Show views - toggles views on posts when scrolling through a feed.
  • Show bookmark button - toggles the bookmark button on posts when scrolling through a feed.
  • Show like count - lets you show, obscure, or hide the like count on posts when scrolling through a feed.
  • Show repost count - lets you show, obscure, or hide the repost count on posts when scrolling through a feed.
  • Show reply count - lets you show, obscure, or hide the reply count on posts when scrolling through a feed.
  • Show new post pop-up - toggles the pop-up that says there are new posts.


  • Like count - lets you show, obscure, or hide the like count when opening a post.
  • Repost count - lets you show, obscure, or hide the repost count when opening a post.
  • Reply count - lets you show, obscure, or hide the reply count when opening a post.
  • Bookmark count - lets you show, obscure, or hide the bookmark count when opening a post.


  • Show blue (individual) checkmarks - toggles the visibility of blue checkmarks for individuals.
  • Show gold (business) checkmarks - toggles the visibility of gold checkmarks for businesses. Also will unsquare them when disabled.
  • Show gray (politician) checkmarks - toggles the visibility of gray checkmarks for politicians.


  • Show website title under thumbnail - puts the website title under the thumbnail, letting you see the title in full without obscuring the image. Similar to how it worked before Elon Musk.


  • Only show trends - toggles the visibility of everything that aren't the classic keyword trends (like topics or sports).
  • Only show search - only shows the search bar on the explore page.


  • Show For You tab - toggles the For You tab. It's aggressive, so if it is ever internally reselected it, nothing will show until you select another tab. Also works with any pinned lists.
  • Show Following tab - toggles the Following tab. It's aggressive, so if it is ever internally reselected, nothing will show until you select another tab. Also works with any pinned lists.
  • Tip: Disable both tabs without any pinned lists to get an empty homepage.


  • πŸ“± Show more buttons on the top bar - Shows the more, bell, and message button on the top bar along with the follow button, so you can do more without having to scroll back to the top.
  • Show Home tab - toggles the Home tab.
  • Show Home notification badge - toggles the badge indicating new posts in Home.
  • Show Explore/Search tab - toggles the Explore/Search tab.
  • Show Grok tab - toggles the Grok tab.
  • Show notifications tab - toggles the notifications tab.
  • Notification tab badge - toggles the number within the badge and the entire badge itself.
  • Show messages tab - toggles the messages tab.
  • Show communities tab - toggles the communities tab.
  • Show Premium tab - toggles the Premium tab.
  • Tip: Disabling all tabs on mobile will completely get rid of the bottom navigation.
  • Blur behind top bar - toggles the blur behind the top bar. Also works on mobile.
  • 🚧 Show spaces - toggles the spaces pop-up whenever someone you follow is in a space.
    • Issue: can cause odd empty space at the top of a feed
  • 🚧 Show broadcasts - toggles the broadcast pop-up whenever someone you follow is in a broadcast.
    • Issue: can cause odd empty space at the top of a feed
  • πŸ“± Fade bottom bar on scroll - toggles the bottom bar becoming see-through on scroll.
  • πŸ“± Hide top bar on scroll - toggles the top bar sliding out on scroll.
  • πŸ“± Compact top bar - makes the top bar more compact by replacing the X logo and timeline settings with your pinned lists.

Theme compatibility

These have to do with having this userstyle work well with other userstyles that theme Twitter/X. These options alone do not theme Twitter/X.

If you only have this userstyle installed, you can safely leave these options as the default.


  • 1.11.1
    • Fixed the obscure option added leaking the metric count when animating
  • 1.11.0
    • Added an "Obscure" option for post metrics. With this chosen, the number will be replaced with a dot that will only appear when the number is 1 or higher.
  • 1.10.0
    • Added Navigation: Show communities tab
    • Fixed Feed: Show new post pop-up
    • Potentially fixed 🚧 Top bar: Show Spaces
    • Potentially fixed 🚧 Top bar: Show Broadcasts
    • Now also supports
  • 1.9.0
    • Added Posts: Show bookmark count
    • Fixed metric counts not toggling off due to a Twitter update.
  • 1.8.0
    • Added Top bar: Show broadcasts
  • 1.7.1
    • Performance improvements
  • 1.7.0
    • Added Navigation: Show spaces
  • 1.6.0
    • Added Profile: Show more buttons on the top bar upon scroll
  • 1.5.0
    • Added Navigation: Notification tab badge
  • 1.4.0
    • Navigation: Compact top bar now lets you toggle the visibility of timeline settings
    • Added Feed: Show Following tab
    • Added Cards: Show website title under thumbnail
    • Added more options to remove navigation buttons, letting you completely get rid of it on mobile
    • Moved some options around
    • Fixed Feed: Show views not hiding a broken views button in your notification feed.
    • Added better custom theme compatibility
  • 1.3.0
    • Added Navigation: Compact top bar
  • 1.2.1
    • Fixed out of place pull to reload indicator for Explore: Only show search and Home: Show For You tab
  • 1.2.0
    • Home: Show For You tab will now hide the tabs if you have nothing pinned
  • 1.1.0
    • Added Explore: Only show search
    • Added Feed: Show new post pop-up
  • 1.0.0
    • Initial release

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Twitter/X Goodie Bag
@version        1.11.1
@description    Several tweaks to Twitter/X, all disabled by default
@author         dabric
@preprocessor   stylus
@var checkbox show-views-inline "Feed: Show views" 1
@var checkbox show-bookmark-inline "Feed: Show bookmark button" 1
@var select show-likes-inline "Feed: Like count" ["show:Show*", "stub:Obscure", "hide:Hide"]
@var select show-retweets-inline "Feed: Repost count" ["show:Show*", "stub:Obscure", "hide:Hide"]
@var select show-replies-inline "Feed: Reply count" ["show:Show*", "stub:Obscure", "hide:Hide"]
@var checkbox show-new-post-popup "Feed: Show new post pop-up" 1
@var select show-likes "Posts: Like count" ["show:Show*", "stub:Obscure", "hide:Hide"]
@var select show-retweets "Posts: Repost count" ["show:Show*", "stub:Obscure", "hide:Hide"]
@var select show-replies "Posts: Reply count" ["show:Show*", "stub:Obscure", "hide:Hide"]
@var select show-bookmarks "Posts: Show bookmark count" ["show:Show*", "stub:Obscure", "hide:Hide"]
@var checkbox show-blue-checkmarks "X: Show blue (individual) checkmarks" 1
@var checkbox show-gold-checkmarks "X: Show gold (buisness) checkmarks" 1
@var checkbox show-gray-checkmarks "X: Show gray (politician) checkmarks" 1
@var checkbox card-title-under-image "Cards: Show website title under thumbnail" 0
@var checkbox show-for-you "Home: Show For You tab" 1
@var checkbox show-following "Home: Show Following tab" 1
@var checkbox only-show-trends "Explore: Only show trends" 0
@var checkbox search-only "Explore: Only show search" 0
@var checkbox more-profile-buttons-on-nav "πŸ“± Profile: Show more buttons on the top bar upon scroll" 0
@var checkbox show-home "Navigation: Show Home tab" 1
@var checkbox show-home-notification "Navigation: Show Home notification badge" 1
@var checkbox show-explore "Navigation: Show Explore/Search tab" 1
@var checkbox show-grok "Navigation: Show Grok tab" 1
@var checkbox show-notification-tab "Navigation: Show notifications tab" 1
@var select notification-tab-badge "Navigation: Notification tab badge" ["show:Show*", "tiny:Show without number", "hide:Hide"]
@var checkbox show-messages "Navigation: Show messages tab" 1
@var checkbox show-communities "Navigation: Show communities tab" 1
@var checkbox show-premium-tab "Navigation: Show Premium" 1
@var checkbox top-bar-blur "Top bar: Blur behind top bar" 1
@var checkbox show-spaces "🚧 Top bar: Show Spaces" 1
@var checkbox show-broadcasts "🚧 Top bar: Show Broadcasts" 1
@var checkbox fade-bottom-bar "πŸ“± Top bar: Fade bottom bar on scroll" 1
@var checkbox hide-top-bar-on-scroll "πŸ“± Top bar: Hide top bar on scroll" 1
@var select compact-mobile-topbar "πŸ“± Top bar: Compact top bar" ["false:Disabled*", "settings:With timeline settings", "nosettings:Without timeline settings"]
@var select theme "Theme compatibility: Theme" ["vanilla:Vanilla", "mocha:Catppuccin Mocha", "custom:Custom"]
@var color custom-background-color "Theme compatability: Custom Background" #000
@var color custom-text-color "Theme compatability: Custom Text" #fff
@var color custom-metrics-color "Theme compatability: Custom Metrics Color" #71767b
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain(""), domain("") {
  // all of
    if theme == "vanilla" {
      // the paranthesis in the selector seeems to conflict
      // with stylus's parser
      @css {
        /*lights out*/
        body[style*="background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)"] {
          --goodie-background-color: black;
          --goodie-text-color: white;
          --goodie-metrics-color: #71767b;
        body[style*="background-color: rgb(21, 32, 43)"] {
          --goodie-background-color: rgb(21, 32, 43);
          --goodie-text-color: white;
          --goodie-metrics-color: rgb(139, 152, 165)
        body[style*="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"] {
          --goodie-background-color: white;
          --goodie-text-color: black;
          --goodie-metrics-color: rgb(83, 100, 113)
    } else if theme == "mocha" {
      :root {
        --goodie-text-color: #cdd6f4;
        --goodie-background-color: #1e1e2e; 
        --goodie-metrics-color: #7f849c;
    } else if theme == "custom" {
      :root {
        --goodie-text-color: custom-text-color;
        --goodie-background-color: custom-background-color;
        --goodie-metrics-color: custom-metrics-color;
  background-color = var(--goodie-background-color);
  text-color = var(--goodie-text-color);
  div[role="group"] {
    unless show-views-inline {
      > div:has(> [aria-label*="View post analytics"]:is(a, button)) {
        display: none;
    unless show-bookmark-inline {
      > div:has(> button[aria-label="Bookmark"]) {
        display: none;
  unless show-gold-checkmarks {
    svg:has([fill="#d18800" i]) {
      display: none
    div[style*="#shape-square-rx-16"], div[style*="#shape-square"] {
      border-radius: 9999px;
      overflow: hidden;
  unless show-blue-checkmarks {
    svg[aria-label="Verified account"]:not(:has([fill="#829AAB" i])):not(:has([fill="#d18800" i])) {
      display: none;
  unless show-gray-checkmarks {
    svg:has([fill="#829AAB" i]) {
      display: none;
  set-top-padding-without-tabs() {
    header[role="banner"] > div { 
    // for some reason, this varies? 
     &[style*="height: 106px"]{
       height: 53px !important;
     &[style*="height: 100px"] {
       height: 50px !important;
  hide-tab($number) {
    // the tab
    div:nth-child({$number}):has(> a[role="tab"][href="/home"]) {
      // just `display: none`ing it makes twitter think there is overflow,
      // so we have to get a bit more creative
      position: absolute;
      pointer-events: none;
      opacity: 0;
      > a {
        display: none;
    // when the tab is selected
    body:has(div:nth-child({$number}) > a[role="tab"][href="/home"][aria-selected="true"]) {
      section {
        > div[aria-label="Timeline: Your Home Timeline"] {
          visibility: hidden;
          height: 0px
          overflow: hidden;
        &::before {
          content: "Select a tab from above"
          text-align: center;
          font-family: "TwitterChirp", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,   "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
          padding: 16px;
          font-weight: bold;
          font-size: 1.5em      
    // passes when there isn't more than two tabs
    body:not(:has(div:nth-child(3) > a[role="tab"][href="/home"])) {
      // passes when the for you tab isn't selected
      &:has(div:nth-child({$number}) > a[role="tab"][href="/home"][aria-selected="false"]) {
        // desktop
        [aria-label="Home timeline"] nav:has(> div > [data-testid="ScrollSnap-SwipeableList"]):has(a[href="/home"]) {
          > div {
            display: none
          display: flex;
          align-items: center;
          padding-left: 16px;
          height: 53px;
          &::after {
            content: "Home";
            font-family: "TwitterChirp", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
            font-size: 20px;
            font-weight: 700;
        // mobile
        [data-testid="TopNavBar"] nav > div {
          display: none;
        // mobile actually uses some padding in the feed for the nav, so lets correct it   
  unless show-for-you {
  unless show-following {
  // hide "select a tab from above" text if there's no tabs at all
  if (not show-for-you) and (not show-following) {
    body:not(:has(div:nth-child(3) > a[role="tab"][href="/home"])) {
      section::before {    
        display: none;
  if only-show-trends {
    div[aria-label="Timeline: Explore"] {
     > div > div:not(:has([data-testid="trend"])) {
        display: none;
        height: 0px;
  unless fade-bottom-bar {
    [data-testid="FloatingActionButtonBase"], [data-testid="BottomBar"] {
      opacity: 1 !important;
  unless hide-top-bar-on-scroll {
    [data-testid="TopNavBar"] {
      transform: unset !important;
  unless compact-mobile-topbar == false {
    // passes when home has tabs
    body:has(div:nth-child(1) > a[role="tab"][href="/home"]) {
      [data-testid="TopNavBar"] > div {
        flex-direction: row;
        // pfp, x, and timeline settings
        > div:nth-child(1) {
          position: absolute;
          overflow: auto;
          > div >div> div > div {
            // remove logo
            > div:nth-child(2) {
              display: none;
            // the pfp
            > div:nth-child(1) {
              min-width: unset;
            // settings
             > div:nth-child(3) {
               if compact-mobile-topbar == "settings" {
                 position: fixed;
                 right: 0;
                 top: 0px;
                 width: 64px;
                 padding: 0px 16px;
                 height: 53px;
               } else {
                 display: none;
        // tabs
        > div:nth-child(2) {
          flex-grow: 1;
          max-width: 100%;
          nav {
            width: 100%;
            if compact-mobile-topbar == "settings" {
              padding: 0 64px;
            } else {
              padding-left: 64px;


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