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Youtube Personalization Color by mason20121981



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Youtube Personalization Color Neon Handull of Options


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Youtube Personalization
@author       aabproducoes 
@namespace    youtube/ neon
@preprocessor stylus
@version      1.0.0
@license      MIT

@var color    _sidebar      'Color: Sidebar background   ' #000206
@var color    _topbar    'Color : Top bar color' rgba(100,10,100,0.1)
@var color    _searchbarIDLE 'Color : Search bar color when inactive' rgba(200,89,222,1)
@var color    _searchbarColorON 'Color : Search bar when active ' rgba(200,90,30,1)
@var color  _searchbarBG 'Color : Search bar background ' rgba(140, 6, 211, .0)
@var color _suggestionsBG 'Color : Search box suggestion background'   rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)
@var color _suggestionsColor 'Color : Search box suggestions text color'   rgba(250, 15, 255, 1)
@var color _MHover 'Color : Search box mouse hover color suggestions'   rgba(0, 0, 5, .95)
@var color  _HDqualitycolor 'Color : HD quality text color' rgba(240, 23, 220, .9)
@var color   _videotitle    'Color: Video Title'  #ae01b8
@var color    _background    'Color: Main page background '#000206
@var color _backgroundVideoPage 'Color: Video player and chat bg' #002222
@var color    _topgradiente     'Color: Top gradiente     ' #70aa9bb5
@var color    _channelcolor   'Color: Chanels name ' #a1a1a1
@var color    _gradiente1    'Color: Subscribed list color1               ' #b61172'
@var color    _gradiente2    'Color: Subscribed list color2               ' #7d117d'
@var color    _likecolor    'Color: Like color               ' #009900
@var color    _deslikecolor       'Color: Deslike color                  ' #990000
@var color    _playercolor1   'Color: Video player color 1              ' #f33682
@var color  _volumehandle 'Color : Volume handle color' #ffffff
@var color _volumeline 'Color : Volume line' #ff0011
@var color _firstindicatorplayer 'Color : First color of player dot'  rgba(229, 53, 220, 1)
@var color _secondindicatorplayer 'Color : Second color of player dot'   rgba(229, 253, 220,1.3) 
@var checkbox lay 'Use border gradiente on videos' 1
@var color  _VideoBorderColor 'Color: Video border of options menu' rgba(29, 253, 0, .6) 
@var color _progressbar 'Color : Progress bar color'  rgba(29, 23,220, .6) 
@var color _progressbar1 'Color: Progress  bar secundary color'  rgba(7, 15, 120, .6) 
@var select _bgGradOptions     'Video options background colors' {
    'Boxy                 ':' repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, #000000, #000000 10px, #000000 10px, #3b0082 40px)',
    'Sky                  ': ' linear-gradient(to bottom, #24c5f8 1%,#24c5f1 70%,#14c5f8 100%)',
    'Sunset              ':' linear-gradient(315deg, #a40606 0%, #d98324 74%)',
    'Lime                ':'linear-gradient(132deg, #F4D03F 0%, #16A085 100%)',
    'Dots                ':'radial-gradient( #000 0%,#000 5%,#999 7%, #999 100%)',
    'Dots Lime                ':'radial-gradient( #0f1 0%,#0f1 5%,#222 7%, #333 100%)',
    'Dots Yellow                ':'radial-gradient( #ff1 0%,#ff1 5%,#222 7%, #333 100%)',
    'Dots Cyan                ':'radial-gradient( #f1f 0%,#f1f 35%,#222 37%, #333 100%)',
    'Dots Dark                ':'radial-gradient( #111 0%,#111 35%,#222 37%, #000 100%)',

@var select _border      'Video border  colors' {
    'RGBConic         ': 'conic-gradient(red, yellow, lime, aqua, blue, magenta, red)',
    'Sky                     ': ' linear-gradient(160deg, #0093E9 0%, #80D0C7 100%)',
    'Sunset              ':' linear-gradient(90deg, #FEE140 0%, #FA709A 100%)',
    'Lime                 ':'linear-gradient(132deg, #F4D03F 0%, #16A085 100%)',
    'Blured             ':'linear-gradient(90deg, hsla(255, 75%, 25%, 1) 0%, hsla(355, 75%, 25%, 1) 100%)',
    'Brazil            ':'linear-gradient(90deg,#51c26f 0%, #f2e901 100%)',
    'Cream          ':'linear-gradient(90deg, hsla(180, 33%, 88%, 1) 0%, hsla(310, 76%, 82%, 1) 50%, hsla(256, 83%, 72%, 1) 100%)',
    'Repeating Red White ':'repeating-linear-gradient(to right, red 0%, white, red 20%)',
    'Repeating Blue Green ':'repeating-linear-gradient(to right, #06d3d6 0%, #379e03, #06d3d6 20%)',
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {

    #masthead-container {
        box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 0px rgba(170, 6, 124, 1);
        border-bottom: solid rgba(250, 6, 224, 1) 2px;
    /* background color*/
    :root {
        --yt-spec-general-background-a: _backgroundVideoPage!important;
    #guide-content {
        background-color: _sidebar !important
    /* title and infos */
    #content-text {
        color: _videotitle!important;
    #masthead-container {
        box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 0px_topgradiente;
        border-bottom: solid _topgradiente 2px;
    #like-bar {
        background-color: rgba(0, 26, 4, 1) !important;
    } {
	background-color: _background;
ytd-app[darker-dark-theme] {
	--app-drawer-content-container-background-color: transparent;
	background: _background;
    /*Blue | share,subscribe,chat text color */
    #subscribe-button > ytd-subscribe-button-renderer > paper-button > yt-formatted-string,
    #subscribe-button > ytd-subscribe-button-renderer > paper-button > yt-formatted-string > span,
    #published-time-text, {
        /*	channels text color */
        color: _channelcolor!important;
        /*  channels text chanels border  */
    /*left guide subscribed channels*/
    #autoplay {
        /*box-shadow: 0px 0px 100px 0px rgba(5, 255, 3, 1);*/
        background: linear-gradient(0deg, _gradiente1 0%, _gradiente2 53%);
        -webkit-background-clip: text;
        -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
    /* botões de liga e desliga */
    #toggleButton {
        background-color: #6a0004 !important;
    /*YouTube - Custom colors video progress bar*/
    /* progress bar and player progress bar color */
    .ytp-play-progress {
        background: _playercolor1 !important;
    .ytp-volume-slider-handle:before {
        background: _playercolor2 !important;
        z-index: -117;
    .ytp-settings-button.ytp-3d-badge::after {
        background-color: _HDqualitycolor !important;
    .ytp-swatch-color {
        color: _HDqualitycolor !important;
    .ytp-menuitem[aria-checked="true"] .ytp-menuitem-toggle-checkbox {
        background: _HDqualitycolor!important;
    .ytp-chrome-controls .ytp-button.ytp-youtube-button:hover:not([aria-disabled="true"]):not([disabled]) .ytp-svg-fill-logo-tube-lozenge {
        fill: rgba(255, 20, 23, 0.2) !important;
    .ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay:hover .ytp-large-play-button-bg,
    .ytp-large-play-button.ytp-touch-device .ytp-large-play-button-bg {
        fill: rgba(217, 159, 0, .9) !important;
    .resume-playback-progress-bar {
        background: rgba(0, 255, 74, .9) !important;
    .ytp-chrome-controls .ytp-button[aria-pressed]::after {
        background-color: rgba(255, 220, 123, 0.9) !important;
    .yt-uix-checkbox-on-off input-extras2-disabled[type="checkbox"]:checked + label {
        background-color: rgba(255, 20, 123, 0.9) !important;
    .video-extras-sparkbar-likes-extras2-disabled {
        background-color: rgba(255, 0, 123, 0.9) !important;
    /* back color configs */
    #button {
        outline: 0;
    /* thumb border */
    #description-text.ytd-report-details-form-renderer, {
        border-color: Black;
        border-width: 5px;
        border: 1px solid;
        border-image: _border 1;
    /* Background color */
    /*Transparent bg menu*/
    #thumbnail.module-border-wrap {
        max-width: 250px;
        padding: 1rem;
        position: relative;
        background: linear-gradient(to right, red, purple);
        padding: 3px;
    #tooltip.paper-tooltip {
        border-radius: 20px;
        padding: 4px 8px;
        margin: 12px 8px;
        backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
    ytd-rich-grid-row {
	background: _background
    ytd-playlist-panel-renderer[watch-color-update_] #container.ytd-playlist-panel-renderer,,
    ytd-live-chat-frame[watch-color-update_],, {
        /* border of vídeo player rounded type | */
        border-radius: 10px;


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