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youtube player classicfier by DevrimKanneci







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i found this on grubhub and i can't input it


works fine like the grubhub one

Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name           YT Player Classicifier
@version        1.3.2
@description    Return the old scales of the YouTube player.
@author         Taniko Yamamoto <>
@author         Aubrey Pankow <>
@preprocessor   less
@var            checkbox smallerLike2019 "Use pre-2020 scaling (even smaller)"         0
@var            select   menuType        "Menu type"                                   ["2015", "2019", "Current*"]
@var            checkbox noMenuIcons     "Disable menu icons"                          0
@var            checkbox noHeatmap       "Disable 'Most replayed' graph"               0
@var            checkbox oldEmbedHead    "Disable profile picture on embed"            0
@var            checkbox oldStoryboard   "Old storyboard when scrubbing through video" 0
@var            checkbox chromeOnHover   "Only show player UI on hover"                0
@var            checkbox lighterGradient "Less intense gradient"                       0
@var            checkbox hideMoreVideos  "Hide \"More videos\" on embed"               0
@var            checkbox oldErrors       "Old player errors (TV static)"               0
@var            checkbox hideAutonav     "Hide modern autoplay toggle"                 0
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain(""), domain(""), domain("") {
    // Define common player scale definitions depending on user
    // scale preference.
    .player-scale() when (@smallerLike2019 = 0)
        @chrome-bottom-scale: 40px;
        @chrome-button-width: 40px;
        @chrome-progress-bar-position: 39px;
        @chrome-text-line-height: 39px;
    .player-scale() when (@smallerLike2019 = 1)
        @chrome-bottom-scale: 36px;
        @chrome-button-width: 36px;
        @chrome-progress-bar-position: 35px;
        @chrome-text-line-height: 35px;

    .ytp-menuitem-icon:empty {
        display: none !important;
    .ytp-videowall-still-round-medium .ytp-videowall-still-image {
        border-radius: 0;
    // Apply styles across the entire ytp namespace
    // (Also apply over the ytp-embed class in order to
    // not affect users using that)
    // only change ytp-embed when it's not big mode as ytp-embed
    // overrides the ytp-big-mode code included in www-player.css
    .ytp-, .ytp-embed:not(.ytp-big-mode) .ytp-, .ytp-small-mode .ytp-
            outline: 0 !important;
            height: @chrome-bottom-scale;
            bottom: @chrome-progress-bar-position;
            height: @chrome-bottom-scale;
            line-height: @chrome-bottom-scale;
            & .ytp-button, & .ytp-replay-button
                width: @chrome-button-width;
                padding: 0;
                // Width override affects chapter menus, so
                // undo these changes manually
                    width: 100%;
                // Also apply these overrides to specially
                // padded buttons
                    padding: 0;
                // Correct the pressed state after to not be
                // positioned incorrectly
                    // Larger player scale definitions:
                        height: 2px;
                        border-radius: 2px;
                        left: 10px;
                        width: 20px;
                        bottom: 8px;
                    // 2019 player scale definitions
                    & when (@smallerLike2019 = 1)
                        width: 18px;
                        left: 9px;
                        bottom: 6px;
                        height: 2px;
                        border-radius: 2px;
            & .ytp-youtube-button
                width: 67px;
            // Play button should have its own overrides
            // as it is slightly wider than the rest of the
            // control buttons.
            & .ytp-play-button
                width: 46px;
        // Rescale line heights of the player text displays
        &time-display, &chapter-container
            line-height: @chrome-text-line-height;
            bottom: 53px;
                top: 60px;
        // 2019 player scale had a smaller gradient as well.
        // Therefore, shrink its size when using the setting.
        &gradient-bottom when (@smallerLike2019 = 1)
            height: 49px;
            padding-top: 49px;
        &settings-menu when (@smallerLike2019 = 0)
            bottom: 53px;
        // Settings menu should be positioned a little lower for the
        // 2019 player scale.
        &settings-menu when (@smallerLike2019 = 1)
            bottom: 49px;
            right: 12px;
        // Tooltips
            top: unset !important;
            bottom: 54px !important;

            & when (@smallerLike2019 = 1) {
                bottom: 50px !important;

            .ytp-big-mode & {
                bottom: 75px !important;
        // Fix scaling with modern storyboard preview
        &tooltip.ytp-preview:not(.ytp-text-detail) when (@oldStoryboard = 0) {
            transform: translateY(-29px); // I fucking hate CSS

        // Comfy feeling autoplay toggle in 2019 player scale
        // An equally hacky mess but idc it works for now!
        &autonav-toggle-button when (@smallerLike2019 = 1)
            transform: scale(0.9251237);
            top: 11px;
        // Misc styles
            bottom: 50px;
            height: 40px;
            top: 60px;
    // Correct caption scalings
    .html5-video-player:not(.ytp-autohide) .caption-window.ytp-caption-window-bottom
        & when (@smallerLike2019 = 0)
            margin-bottom: 53px;

        & when (@smallerLike2019 = 1)
            margin-bottom: 49px;
        & svg, & .ytp-icon
            width: 40px;
            height: 40px;

    .html5-video-player:not(:hover) .caption-window.ytp-caption-window-bottom when (@chromeOnHover = 1)
        margin-bottom: 0;
    // 2019 menu scale definitions
    & when (@menuType = 2019)
                right: 12px;
                bottom: 49px;
                border-radius: 2px;
                min-width: 0 !important;
                    padding: 6px 0;
                    width: 100%;
                    padding: 6px 0;
                    height: 33px;
                    font-size: 109%;
                height: 33px;
                    font-size: 118%;
                    font-weight: 500;
                    &, .ytp-menuitem-content
                        padding: 0 15px;

                    .ytp-menuitem-icon:not(:empty) + & when (@noMenuIcons = 0)
                        padding-left: 0;

                &[role="menuitemradio"] .ytp-menuitem-label
                    text-align: right;
                height: 33px;
            &big-mode .ytp-
                    height: 49px;
                        padding: 0 22px;
                        height: 49px;


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