Tumblr Post Width, positioning & Easier Icon Block for Old Tumblr Dashboard
Tumblr Post Width & More (OTD+ Userstyle) by Pixiel

LicenseNo License
Size12 kB
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Original post with Updates, Instructions, Bugfixes & Known issues here on my Tumblr!
Feel free to support me on ko-fi.com/pixiel as I update this userstyle
This usersyle requires manual editing to function!
Instructions in the Original Post above!
This userstyle requires the use of Old Tumblr Dashboard (v12.5)
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Tumblr Post Width & More (OTD+ Userstyle by Pixiel)
@namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version 8.5
@description Tumblr Post Width, Content Positioning & Icon Block for Old Tumblr Dashboard
@author Pixiel
@var range global-feed-position "Global Feed Positioning" [0, -80, 80, 1, "%"]
@var range single-colum-dash-width "Single column post width" [881, 881, 2100, 1, "px"]
@var range masonry-font "Masonry Posts Font Size" [1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 0.1, "rem"]
@var range masonry-two-colum "Two Column masonry post width" [960, 960, 2100, 1, "px"]
@var range masonry-three-colum "Three Column masonry post width" [1309, 1309, 3100, 1, "px"]
@var range masonry-four-colum "Four Column masonry post width" [1649, 1649, 3100, 1, "px"]
@var number search-slider-mason "Move the search bar if nudged off screen in masonry (Static header)" [-201, "px"]
@var range view-post-width "Viewing a post width" [960, 960, 2100, 1, "px"]
@var checkbox experimentslsa "EXPERIMENTAL Features: May have issues as tumblr changes" 0
@var range patio-content-positioning "Patio Feed Positioning" [0, -80, 80, 1, "%"]
@var range patio-colum "Labs patio - Column width" [380, 380, 2100, 1, "px"]
@var range patio-wide-thumb "Labs patio - Wide Column & Thumbnails width" [560, 560, 2100, 1, "px"]
@var range patio-grid-view "Labs patio - Grid View width" [560, 560, 2100, 1, "px"]
@var range communities-position "Communitues Feed Positioning" [0, -80, 80, 1, "%"]
@var range communities-width "Communities Post width" [540, 540, 2000, 1, "px"]
@var range community-sidebar "Communities Sidebar" [360, 240, 1000, 1, "px"]
@var number comm-banner-height "Communities Banner height" [280, "px"]
@var select comm-banner-full-width "Communities Banner full width" {"Regular": "", "full": "calc(100vw - 45px)"}
@var number comm-banner-full-left "Communities banner position" [0, -50, 100, 0.1, "vw"]
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.tumblr.com/") {
@media (min-width: 990px) {
:is(.D5eCV) > .c9lq9 > div > :is(.gPQR5), :is(.D5eCV) > .c9lq9 > div > :is(.iM0gm, .XKCjm, .GzZtE, .gG278, .HT4SV, .dzJuF, .zNXsU, .pgfyp, .X4sMj, .QiSmE, .GIEHd, .q1ZAL, .Qq2kF, .aVu3s, .y8Hml, .veGhd, .gg0IL, .RkANE, .S3E1Y, .rGuEh, .M4ozn, .Jexdo, .pNyDU, .HEmvO, .NRB1z, .sGELZ, .Ax_5I, .FQkf4, .IO8lN, ._45C1, .Qihwb, .BGh2j, .VE_M2, .DqHCa, .n4if2, .uzQXY, .leVy7, .yCNr1, .X2bNy, .xMd0G, ._72ef2, .XuT0g, .Rn2ZH, .WEIv6, .UH33k, .v4Qva, .HaeOc, .c7xit, .Jslv2, .o1SJL, .PuLtZ, .UPJCY, .As9E4, .vHT8v, .EatnB, .Yunii, .p3LhK, .cfBaP, .q9Ryt, .skjTR):not(:is(.f_ziq, .pTaNm)) {
/*Global Content feed Positioning (nudges dashboard left or right)*/
/*Default: 0px (to move more left use minus numbers ie. -1px)*/
left: var(--global-feed-position) !important;
/*Dashboard, Activity, & Search (single column) post width
Increase the number in 'flex-basis' below to change the width
Default: 881px;*/
.c9lq9 ._3xgk.Ril26 {
flex-basis: var(--single-colum-dash-width) !important;
/*VIEWING a post width (when you click on a post and view it)
Increase the number in 'flex-basis' below to change the width
Default: 977px;*/
.c9lq9 ._3xgk {
flex-basis: var(--view-post-width) !important;
/*EXPERIMENTAL Features - May have issues*/
/*Search page Masonry view (two columns)*/
.Evcyl.W0qvx, .c9lq9 ._3xgk.VsR8V.f_ziq.Ril26 {
/*Change number in 'Max-width' to change the width of Two Column search page posts
Default 960px*/
max-width: var(--masonry-two-colum);
/*Dont touch*/
.USr9U {
max-width: calc(100% - 360px) !important;
min-width: 0px !important;
width: fit-content !important;
.gPQR5.pTaNm.FGfuE.iTX1z > div > .N5wJr.npgoI { left: var(--search-slider-mason) !important }
/*Dont touch*/
/*Search page Masonry view (Three columns)*/
@media (min-width: 1540px) {
.Evcyl.W0qvx, .c9lq9 ._3xgk.VsR8V.f_ziq.Ril26 {
/*Change number in 'Max-width' to change the width of Three Column search page posts
Default 1281px*/
max-width: var(--masonry-three-colum);
/*Dont touch*/
.USr9U {
max-width: calc(100% - 700px) !important;
min-width: 0px !important;
width: fit-content !important;
.USr9U:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(1) {
display: none
/*Dont touch*/
/*Search page Masonry view (Four columns)*/
@media (min-width: 1860px) {
.Evcyl.W0qvx, .c9lq9 ._3xgk.VsR8V.f_ziq.Ril26 {
/*Change number in 'Max-width' to change the width of Four Column search page posts
Default 1601px*/
max-width: var(--masonry-four-colum) !important;
/*Dont touch*/
.USr9U {
max-width: calc(100% - 1040px) !important;
min-width: 0px !important;
width: inherit !important;
.USr9U:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(1),.USr9U:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(2) {
display: none
/*Dont touch*/
/*Search page Masonry view Font size
(Change by .1rem or more if zooming out on your browser to create more columns
- ctrl + Middle mouse wheel or in the Menu -)*/
.USr9U > div > div > div > div > article > div > .hAFp3 .KSDLH, .USr9U > div > div > div > div > article > .LaNUG > div > div > span > .GzjsW > .k31gt {
font-size: var(--masonry-font);
@media (min-width: 1280px) {
.j8ha0.qr36f {
max-width: 100%;
/*Patio Content feed Positioning (if this breaks I cant fix it)*/
/*Default: 0px (to move more left use minus numbers ie. -1px,
to move more right use positive numbers ie. 5px)*/
:is(.D5eCV) > .c9lq9 > div > :is(.I1C5C) {
left: var(--patio-content-positioning) !important;
/*Labs patio - Column -
Increase the number in 'Width' below to change the width of "Column" style Patio elements
Default: 380px;*/
.GdwvN {
width: var(--patio-column);
/*Labs patio - Wide Column & Thumbnails -
Increase the number in 'Width' below to change the width of "Wide Column" and "Thumbnail" style Patio elements
Default: 560px;*/
.GdwvN.__draggable-item__.LRIjp {
width: var(--patio-wide-thumb);
/*Labs patio - Grid View -
Increase the number in 'Width' below to change the width of "Grid View" style Patio elements
Default: 560px;*/
.GdwvN.__draggable-item__.LuB0e {
width: var(--patio-grid-view);
/*Communities content feed positioning*/
/*(to move more left use minus numbers ie. -1px,
to move more right use positive numbers ie. 5px)
Default: 0px
Dashboard default Match: 21.3px*/
.Rhhp3, .b3I1L {
left: var(--communities-position) !important;
/*Communities Banner height
Default: 280px*/
.bln7g, .ol2Ik {
Height: var(--comm-banner-height);
/*Communities Banner Override for full width banners
Remove " /* " around the code below then Adjust width
and 'left' to match your Screen size*/
.ol2Ik {
width: var(--comm-banner-full-width);
left: var(--comm-banner-full-left)!important;
/*Communities post width Default: 540px,
Numbers after minmax change the sidebar width, best not to change too much,0
default: minmax(280px, 360px)*/
.b3I1L {
grid-template-columns: var(--communities-width)
minmax(280px, var(--community-sidebar));
width: auto;
/*Dont Touch below code*/
/*Content post width Defaults Settings*/
:is(.D5eCV) > .c9lq9 > div > :is(._3xgk.Ril26, .I1C5C, .XKCjm, .iM0gm, .gPQR5, .gG278, .GzZtE, .zNXsU, .HT4SV, .dzJuF, .X4sMj, .pgfyp, .QiSmE, .GIEHd, .Qq2kF, .y8Hml, .aVu3s, .q1ZAL, .S3E1Y, .RkANE, .gg0IL, .rGuEh, .M4ozn, .Jexdo, .pNyDU, .NRB1z, .HEmvO, .veGhd, .BGh2j, ._45C1, .Qihwb, .sGELZ, .Ax_5I, .FQkf4, .VE_M2, .DqHCa, .n4if2, .uzQXY, .IO8lN, .yCNr1, .leVy7, .X2bNy, .XuT0g, ._72ef2, .xMd0G, .Rn2ZH, .WEIv6, .c7xit, .HaeOc, .v4Qva, .o1SJL, .UH33k, .Jslv2, .PuLtZ, .As9E4, .cfBaP, .UPJCY, .vHT8v, .Yunii, .p3LhK, .EatnB, .q9Ryt, .skjTR):not(:is(.f_ziq, .pTaNm)) {
max-width: 100% !important;
.gPQR5.pTaNm, .O4V_R {
max-width: 100% !important;
:is(.rmkqO.BSxQO, .KfYZN, .FdbiI.hPj4d, .ECTnf, .v56Q7, .yaHgq, .lSyOz, .mCoUP, .eNZLV, .FAvnQ, .D628P, .kbHcG, .oPeob, .gp1sd, .yu39u, .Z1Cpp, .sl6qr) {
min-width: 0;
max-width: none !important;
.YcUec, .O4V_R, .NLCTe, .f5mVe {
max-width: none !important;
width: calc(100% - 103px) !important;
min-width: 540px;
.lSyOz > .UDOyF {max-width: calc(100vw - 377px) !important;}
.gp1sd {
width: calc(100% - 40px)
.KfYZN {
width: calc(100% - 85px);}
:is(.rZlUD, .bsPTt),
:is(.qN8sP, .gnchz, .eG7ks, .Y4cIb, .i3OPA, .p4uR3, .GpO9n, .ScuF2, .UC_Ry, .NVqwW, .arAIK, .RVhsj, .QxY_t, .zR66v),
:is(.FHOOB, .u2tXn),
:is(.RNRMY, .ypwxx),
:is(.RNRMY, .ypwxx) iframe,