Disappear ANY link anywhere that contains 'temu.com'.
Temu Be Gone! by alexmwalker

LicenseCC zero
CategoryThe web.
Size813 B
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I'm tired of seeing Temu ads placed on top of things they don't even have a replated product for. Dodgy, offensive tshirts follow me around the web as if I might buy them. If Temu wants to go 'brute force' in their marketing, then let's go brute force in disappearing them. This CSS should find any HREF or data-link on the web and hide it. Temu pay for it, but you don't see it.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name duckduckgo.com - Mar 2024
@namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version 1.0.0
@description I'm tired of seeing Temu ads placed on top of things they don't even have a replated product for. Dodgy, offensive tshirts follow me around the web as if I might buy them. If Temu wants to go 'brute force' in their marketing, then let's go brute force in disappearing them. This CSS should find any HREF or data-link on the web and hide it. Temu pay for it, but you don't see it.
@author Me
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://") {
/* Insert code here... */
a[href*="=temu.com"] + *{
/* Your styles here */
outline: 2px dashed green;
display: none