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Ultimate Yuri Wallpaper by dazeywazey

Screenshot of Ultimate Yuri Wallpaper



LicenseNo License




Size57 kB


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Just a discord theme for all those yuri simps out there B)


what just download it lmao

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Ultimate Yuri Wallpaper
@version      20211017.17.28
@description  Just a discord theme for all those yuri simps out there B)
@author       dazeywazey
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Rickroll Discord
@namespace      USO Archive
@author         阿拉伯数字
@description    `Rickroll Discord :>>`
@version        20210920.4.18
@license        CC-BY-4.0
@preprocessor   uso
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
/* Cyberpunk Neon color scheme is a cyberpunk/outrun color scheme based on the Cyberpunk Neon Color Palette. Want more of it? Check out the Cyberpunk Neon GitHub: 
You are free to modify, share, and even propose changes to this theme if you want.

/* Custom background and transparency 
    To change the background replace the URL in background-image in .appMount-3lHmkl with your prefered one 
    background-image: url("");

    background-image: url(;
    background-color: rgba(9, 24, 51, 0);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center;
    background-size: cover;

/* Web scrollbars 
    This section is only necessary if you are going to use Discord in a web browser (with Stylus)   */

  .theme-dark .scrollerThemed-2oenus.themeGhostHairline-DBD-2d .scrollbar-2rkZSL .thumb-2JwNFC
    background-color: #0abdc6;

  .scrollerThemed-2oenus.themeDark-2cjlUp .scrollbar-2rkZSL, .scrollerThemed-2oenus.themeDark-2cjlUp .scrollbar-2rkZSL .pad-29zQak, .theme-dark .scrollerWrap-2lJEkd .scrollbar-2rkZSL, .theme-dark .scrollerWrap-2lJEkd .scrollbar-2rkZSL .pad-29zQak, .theme-light .scrollerThemed-2oenus.themeDark-2cjlUp .scrollbar-2rkZSL, .theme-light .scrollerThemed-2oenus.themeDark-2cjlUp .scrollbar-2rkZSL .pad-29zQak
    background-color: #000b1e !important;

  .scrollerThemed-2oenus.themeGhostHairlineChannels-3G0x9_ .scrollbar-2rkZSL .thumb-2JwNFC
    background-color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-dark .scrollerThemed-2oenus.themedWithTrack-q8E3vB .scrollbar-2rkZSL .track-1JN30G
    background-color: #000b1e;
    border: none;

  .theme-dark .scrollerThemed-2oenus.themedWithTrack-q8E3vB .scrollbar-2rkZSL .thumb-2JwNFC
    background-color: #0abdc6;
    border: 3px solid #000b1e;
  /* Main Index 
 1. Miscelaneus
 2. Server list
 3. Left Bar
 4. Message View
 5. Message Box
 6. Top bar
 7. Member list
 8. Activity
 9. Library
 10. Nitro
 11. Friends
 12. Quickswitcher
 13. Settings

/* 0. Colorscheme */

    --header-primary: #ea00d9;
    --header-secondary: #0abdc6;
    --text-normal: #0abdc6;
    --text-muted: rgba(10, 189, 198, .6);
    --text-link: #ea00d9;
    --channels-default: rgba(10, 189, 198, .7);
    --interactive-normal: #0abdc6;
    --interactive-hover: #ea00d9;
    --interactive-active: #0abdc6;
    --interactive-muted: rgba(10, 189, 198, .6);
    --background-primary: #091833;
    --background-secondary: #000b1e;
    --background-secondary-alt: #091833;
    --background-tertiary: #000b1e;
    --background-accent: #133e7c;
    --background-floating: #091833;
    --background-modifier-hover: rgba(19, 62, 124, .6);
    --background-modifier-active: rgba(113, 28, 145, .6);
    --background-modifier-selected: rgba(113, 28, 145, .6);
    --background-modifier-accent: rgba(10, 189, 198, .2);
    --elevation-low: 0 1px 0 rgba(4,4,5,0.2),0 1.5px 0 rgba(6,6,7,0.05),0 2px 0 rgba(4,4,5,0.05);
    --elevation-high: 0 8px 16px rgba(0,0,0,0.24);
    --logo-primary: #ea00d9;
    --guild-header-text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
    --channeltextarea-background: #133e7c;
    --activity-card-background: #000b1e;
    --deprecated-panel-background: #091833;
    --deprecated-card-bg: rgba(0, 11, 30, .6);
    --deprecated-card-editable-bg: rgba(19, 62, 124, .2);
    --deprecated-store-bg: #091833;
    --deprecated-quickswitcher-input-background: #133e7c;
    --deprecated-quickswitcher-input-placeholder: rgba(10, 189, 198, .3);
    --deprecated-text-input-bg: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
    --deprecated-text-input-border: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
    --deprecated-text-input-border-hover: #040405;
    --deprecated-text-input-border-disabled: #202225;
    --deprecated-text-input-prefix: #dcddde;

/* 1. Miscelaneus */

/* 1.1 Windows bar */
    background-color: #133e7c;

    background-color: #000b1e;

/* 1.2 Mac OS bar */
    background-color: #000b1e;

    background-color: #ff0000;

    background-color: #f57800;

    background-color: #00ff00;

/* 1.3 Selection */
.clipboard-input-inner input::selection,
.CodeMirror .CodeMirror-selected,
.CodeMirror-line > span::selection,
.CodeMirror-line > span > span::selection,
.note textarea::selection
    color: #0abdc6;
    background: #711c91;

/* 1.4 Scroll bar */
  .da-scrollerWrap .da-scroller::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb
    background-color: #0abdc6 !important;
    border-color: #091833 !important;

  .theme-dark .da-scrollerWrap .da-scroller::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece
    background-color: #000b1e !important;
    border-color: #091833 !important;

/* 1.5 Tooltip */
  .theme-dark .tooltipBlack-PPG47z, .theme-light .tooltipBlack-PPG47z
    background-color: #000b1e;

  .theme-dark .tooltip-2QfLtc, .theme-light .tooltip-2QfLtc
    color: #ea00d9;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(234, 0, 217, .2);
    box-shadow: 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(234, 0, 217, .2);

  .theme-dark .tooltipRed-8-9NeP, .theme-light .tooltipRed-8-9NeP
    color: #d7d7d5;
    background-color: #ff0000;
/* 1.6 No channel */
  .theme-dark .noChannel-Z1DQK7
    background: #000b1e;

  .theme-dark .text-GwUZgS, .theme-dark .title-2BxgL2
    color: #0abdc6;

/* 1.7 PLaceholder text */
    color: rgba(10, 189, 198, .6) !important;

/* 2. Server list */

/* 2.1 Discord Button */
  .wrapper-1BJsBx.selected-bZ3Lue .childWrapper-anI2G9, .wrapper-1BJsBx:hover .childWrapper-anI2G9
    color: #0abdc6;
    background-color: #711c91;
/* 2.2 Buttons */
    color: #0abdc6;

    background-color: #0abdc6;
    color: #133e7c;
/* 2.3 Sound icon */
  .icon-3s6X1M > path:nth-child(1)
    fill: #0abdc6;
/* 2.4 Server error */
    background: #091833;
    color: #0abdc6 !important;
    border-color: #ff0000;

    background-color: #ff0000;
/* 2.5 Add server */
  .bda-dark .theme-light .slide-2pHaq5
    background: #000b1e;

  .theme-dark .header-3ZP1MY, .theme-light .header-3ZP1MY
    color: #0abdc6;

  .bda-dark .theme-dark .action-1lSjCi, .bda-dark .theme-light .action-1lSjCi
    background: #091833;

  .theme-dark .actionBody-1qj65C, .theme-light .actionBody-1qj65C
    color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-dark .create-3jownz .actionHeader-2CT5c7, .theme-light .create-3jownz .actionHeader-2CT5c7
    color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-dark .join-33Tr-7 .actionHeader-2CT5c7, .theme-light .join-33Tr-7 .actionHeader-2CT5c7
    color: #0abdc6;

  .bda-dark .theme-dark .or-3THJsp, .bda-dark .theme-light .or-3THJsp
    background: #091833;
    border: 2px solid #0abdc6;

  .theme-dark .or-3THJsp, .theme-light .or-3THJsp
    color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-dark .actionButton-2PeQbJ, .theme-light .actionButton-2PeQbJ
    color: #0abdc6;
    background-color: #133e7c;

  .theme-dark .actionButton-2PeQbJ:hover, .theme-light .actionButton-2PeQbJ:hover
    color: #0abdc6;
    background-color: #711c91 !important;

  .theme-dark .join-33Tr-7 .actionButton-2PeQbJ, .theme-light .join-33Tr-7 .actionButton-2PeQbJ
    background-color: #133e7c;

  .theme-dark .join-33Tr-7:hover .actionButton-2PeQbJ:hover, .theme-light .join-33Tr-7:hover .actionButton-2PeQbJ:hover
    background-color: #711c91 !important;

  .theme-light .title-2Dc-Cb
    color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-light .description-QF3836
    color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-light .helpText-h3r3wC, .theme-light .label-wQQoIq
    color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-light .input-cIJ7To:focus
    border-color: #ea00d9;

  .theme-light .input-cIJ7To
    color: rgba(10, 189, 198, .6) !important;
    border-color: #0abdc6;

  .regionSelect-3lf4eE .regionSelectInner-24f4Ce
    border: 1px solid #0abdc6;

    color: #ea00d9;

  .regionSelect-3lf4eE button
    color: #0abdc6;
    border: 1px solid #0abdc6;
    background: #133e7c !important;

    border: 5px solid #0abdc6;

    background-color: #711c91;

  .avatarUploader-3XDtmn .sizeInfo-SKMPPw
    color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-light .cancelButton-RGXhAE
    color: #0abdc6;

    color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-light .title-2CFvp_
    color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-light .description-Bw8krY
    color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-light .sampleLink-KPFu3I
    color: #ea00d9;

  .theme-light .inputLabel-vJ2Z0B
    color: #0abdc6;

  .theme-dark .create-3jownz:hover .actionButton-2PeQbJ, .theme-light .create-3jownz:hover .actionButton-2PeQbJ
    background-color: #711c91;

  .theme-dark .j...


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