Video full height in redgifs
Redgifs video immersive by hdyzen

Size2.8 kB
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/* ==UserStyle==
@name Redgifs video immersive
@version 0.2.4
@description video full height in redgifs
@author hdyzen
@preprocessor stylus
@var checkbox hideTopNav 'Hide navbar top' 0
@var checkbox hidePlayerMeta 'Hide overlays in player' 0
@var checkbox scrollSnap 'Scroll snap' 1
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("https:\\/\\/www\\.redgifs\\.com\\/(?!ifr).*") {
:root {
--sidebar-width: 80px i;
--tabs-height: 46px i;
--top-nav-height: 68px i;
body:not(:fullscreen) .desktop {
.topNav {
display: flex i;
justify-content: space-between i;
height: var(--top-nav-height) i;
max-height: var(--top-nav-height) i;
.topNav-wrap {
display: contents i;
> div:not([class]) {
display: none i;
> [class*='burgerButton'] {
position: unset i;
width: 36px i;
transform: unset i;
> .SearchInput {
margin-left: 50px i;
.ApplicationFooter {
width: var(--sidebar-width) i;
.nav .routeWrapper {
margin-left: var(--sidebar-width) i;
.mainLogo {
margin: unset i;
.nav .routeWrapper {
max-width: unset i;
.page.wide {
width: 100% i;
max-width: 100% i;
.watchPage .center {
width: 100% i;
max-width: 100% i;
.right.side {
display: none i;
.watchPage {
margin-top: 0 i;
--tabs-height: 0px i;
[id^="gif_"] {
height: 100vh i;
max-height: 100vh i;
max-width: unset i;
/* min-width: 100% i; */
/* margin-block: 6px i; */
margin: 6px 0 i;
&:first-child {
height: calc(100vh - (var(--top-nav-height) + var(--tabs-height))) i;
margin-top: 0 i;
[class*="ProgressBar"i] {
bottom: 18px i;
.GifPreview-TopInfo {
top: 0 i;
z-index: 9 i;
width: max-content i;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2) i;
padding: 5px i;
border-end-end-radius: 5px i;
gap: 30px i;
.NichePage, .TagFeeds, .gifList {
padding-bottom: 0 i;
margin-bottom: 0 i;
.previewFeed > :not([id^="gif_"]) {
display: none i;
.tabs {
margin-block: 0 i;
height: var(--tabs-height) i;
if hideTopNav {
:root {
--top-nav-height: 0px i;
.App.desktop div.topNav {
display: none i;
if hidePlayerMeta {
.GifPreview-MetaInfo {
display: none i;
if scrollSnap {
body:not(:fullscreen) .desktop {
.previewFeed {
height: calc(100vh - (var(--top-nav-height) + var(--tabs-height))) i;
scroll-snap-type: both mandatory i;
> [id^="gif_"] {
height: calc(100vh - (var(--top-nav-height) + var(--tabs-height))) i;
scroll-snap-align: center i;