Skip to content tweaks by prehensile



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Snek, Improved?


  • two modes, fit to viewport height / display at 1:1 pixel resolution
  • size of page border and top/bottom margin are configurable
  • autism: the left navigation buttons looked very slightly closer to the page due to the word "previous" being about 10px wider than "chapter" so i evened it out
    this might break if the site gets updated but does that even need to be said
    you'll notice some values are hardcoded per chapter, base page resolution, and downscaled res by extension, seems to be consistent now (inshallah we see the sneks in print) but on the off chance ch10 is different than the past 4 then it'll be a simple update

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name  tweaks
@version        1.0.0
@description    Snek, Improved?
@author         phen
@preprocessor stylus

@var number		margins		"top/bottom margins"			[3,0,10,1,'px']
@var number		borders		"page borders"					[3,0,8,1,'px']
@var checkbox	fitheight	"fit page height to viewport"	0
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
	:root {
		--border: borders;
		--margins: margins;
		--aspect: 954/1350;		/* most common res across chapters */
		--true-height: 1350px;	/* same idea */
		if !fitheight {
			--page-height: var(--true-height);
		} else {
			--page-height: calc( 100vh - (2 * var(--border)) - (2 * var(--margins)) );
	#main_container {
		max-width: calc(var(--page-height)*var(--aspect) + 320px);
	#buy_chapter {
		margin-bottom: 6px;
	#page_viewer {
		margin-top: calc(6px + var(--margins)) !important;
	#page_viewer .frame {
		max-width:calc(var(--page-height)*var(--aspect)) !important; /* we are controlling size with the height, not the width */
		height: var(--page-height) !important;
		aspect-ratio: var(--aspect);
		border-radius: calc(var(--border) - 1px) !important;
		border: var(--border) solid white !important;
	.navigation {
		left: calc(50% - 5px) !important;
		max-width: calc(var(--page-height)*0.7275 + 288px) !important; /* chapter 2 & 3's ratio, narrowly the widest */
	.page_container {
		width: fit-content !important;
	.page.explicit {
		width: fit-content !important;
		height: var(--page-height);

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
	:root {
		--aspect: 727/1000;
		--true-height: 1000px;
@-moz-document regexp("(https?:\\/\\/)?sheddinginhibitions\\.com\\/chapter-[23]\\.html?(.*)") {
	:root {
		--aspect: 873/1200;
		--true-height: 1200px;
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
	:root {
		--aspect: 955/1350;


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