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DC Darkmode+ by xyadx

Screenshot of DC Darkmode+



LicenseNo License



Size21 kB


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Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           DC Darkmode+
@version        1.2
@description    A customizable darkmode theme for
@author         YAD
@license        CC-BY-NC-4.0
@preprocessor   stylus
@var color bgyad1 "🎨Theme Color" #2c2937
@var color yadtxt1 "🔤Primary Text/Icons" #e7e8e8
@var color acc1 "🖌️Accent Color" #1871ba
@var checkbox compmode "💿Compact Mode" 0
@var range ilaw1 "💡Overall Brightness" [100,1,100,1,"%"]
@var range deg1 "🪟Logo Hue Color" [170,1,365,1,"deg"]
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document regexp("http(s?)://[^/]*\\.designcontest(\\.com)?(\\.[a-z][a-z])?/.*") {
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		color: acc1
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		color: invert(bgyad1)
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		color: acc1;
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		border-color: acc1;
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	.contest-page .btn--confirm
	.table__cell .btn:hover {
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			width: 155px;
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			padding: 0;
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			width: 10px;
			height: 10px;
			margin-left: 0px
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			margin-bottom: 10px;
			width: 172px
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			font-size: 13px;
			text-wrap: nowrap;
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			background: bgyad1 - 20%
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		color: acc1
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		color: var(--myadtx4)
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	.contest-page .btn--confirm:hover
	.filter__cell > #apply_filters.btn-blue:hover {
		background: acc1 + 30%;
		box-shadow: 0 0 0 0
	[d*="M13.152 11.598c. 1.01"] {
		fill: var(--myadtx0)
	.logged .notifications:hover svg > path {
		fill: acc1
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	.user_block ul.logged > li > .rounded > ul > li > a
	.notifications .sub-menu .notif-items ul li .notif-text p.notif-time {
		color: var(--myadtx0)
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		color: acc1
	/*contest page*/
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		background: bgyad1 + 5%;
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		filter: invert(0.3);
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	.contest-page .contest-card
	.contest-page .dropdown-filter.select_designer .search_box
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	.contest-page .contest-filters-wrapper
	.contest-page .contest-info {
		background: bgyad1
	.select-options li:first-child
	.contest-page .dropdown-filter.select_designer .input_box input
	.contest-page .brief {
		background: bgyad1 + 5%;
		border-color: bgyad1 - 5%
	.select_designer .results_box .results_list li
	.select-options li
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		color: var(--myadtx0)
	[fill="#252737"] {
		fill: var(--myadtx5)
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	input[type="checkbox"]:not(.contest-page .filters-group) + label::before
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	.contest-page .contest-about .contest-about__details .contest-about__status-icon
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	.contest-page .contest-comment.contest-comment--author
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	.contest-page .contest-card__bottom
	.contest-page .brief .brief__section
	.contest-page .contest-filters .contest-filters-main {
		border-color: transparentify(bgyad1, 20%) + 50%!important;
		box-shadow: none!important
	.contest-page .contest-info .action-buttons .btn-action
	.contest-page .contest-results #mor...


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