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NordNet - NexusMods by TragicNet

Screenshot of NordNet - NexusMods







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A Nord themed style for nexus mods, a lot of tweaks, including one for easy access search filter. Not all pages and sections have been modified yet.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           NordNet
@version        1.0.0
@description    A Nord themed style for nexus mods, a lot of tweaks, including one for easy access search filter. This is the first version, not all pages and sections have been modified yet, but the mostly used are. Hope you like it, and recommend any changes.
@author         TragicNet
@license	MIT
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document /* domain(""), */
domain("") {
	/* Core */
	:root {
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		--bg-1: #1c2028;
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		--rj-black-16: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16);
		--rj-black-08: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);
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		--header-height: 40px;

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	--fg-0: #ff7795;
	--fg-3: #ff7795; */
	* {
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			color: var(--fg-0);

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		padding: 0 1% !important;

		a {
/* 				height: 100% !important; */

		.headlogo {
			height: auto !important;
			* {
				height: 100% !important;
			path {
				fill: var(--ac-0);

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			max-width: 100% !important;
			margin: 0 !important;

		.rj-nav {
			height: var(--header-height);
		.nav-current-game * {
			border-color: var(--bg-1) !important;
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/* 			.rj-nav-item.rj-nav-game {
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			border-color: transparent;

		.rj-nav-item:not(.rj-nav-game) {
			border-radius: 8px;
		} */

		.rj-nav-item:hover {
			background: none;
		} {
			background: var(--bg-1);

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			top: 0;
			background: none !important;
			left: -32px;
			height: 100%;

		.rj-panel-inner {
			background: none !important;

		.rj-header-tray {
			a:hover {
				background: var(--bg-1);

		.user-profile-menu-section--link .section-content:hover {
			background: var(--bg-1);

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			color: var(--ac-0) !important;

		.rj-notifications-tray .arrow {
			right: 50px;

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			background: var(--bg-0);

			a {
				background: none !important;

			li:hover {
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		.rj-search {
			* {
				color: color: var(--fg-0);
			outline: none !important;
			margin: 0;

			.rj-search-input {
				max-width: 100% !important;
				background: var(--bg-1);
				color: var(--fg-0);
				outline: none;
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			.rj-search-category-wrapper {
				right: 0;
				border: none;

				.rj-search-category-dropdown-toggle {
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				.rj-search-category-dropdown {
					background: var(--bg-0);

					li:hover {
						background: var(--bg-1);

			.search-button {
				display: none !important;

			#gsearch_results {
				/* 				display: block !important; */
				width: 100%;
				max-width: unset;
				background: var(--bg-0);

				.gsearch_results_list h2,
				div {
					background: none;

		.ni-background {
			display: none;

	.rj-header-wrap.rj-active-game:not(.rj-search-active) .rj-search {
		/* 		margin-left: 56px; */

	#maintenance_banner {
		position: fixed;
		top: 40px;
		left: 0px;
		width: 100%;
		z-index: 12;
	body.mods #maintenance_banner {
		top: 80px;

	li {
		border-color: var(--bg-1) !important;

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	ul.tags li a.btn:visited {
		color: var(--ac-0);
		background-color: var(--bg-1) !important;

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			fill: var(--ac-0);

	.rj-btn-outline {
		border-color: var(--ac-0) !important;

	.btn {
		border-radius: 8px;
		/* 		border-radius: 20px; */

	.btn:not(.btn-inactive) {
		background: var(--ac-0);
		/* 		off blue highlight important */

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			background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0, var(--bg-0) 100%);

		.collections-banner-wrapper {
			display: none;
		.collections-banner {
			background: var(--bg-1);

		ul.modtabs {
			background: var(--bg-0);

			li {
				background: var(--bg-0);

				a {
					border: 0;
					padding: 13px 10px;
					height: 36px;
					min-width: 100px;

			li a.selected,
			li a:hover {
				background: var(--bg-1);

		.gameindex > .wrap {
			background: var(--bg-0);

			#game-mods {
				background: var(--bg-0);

			.tabs {

				.tabcontent {
					background: var(--bg-0);

					a.mod-image {
						background: var(--bg-0);

					.mod-tile {

						.mod-tile-left {
							background: var(--bg-1) !important;
							overflow: hidden;

							.tile-data {
								background-color: var(--bg-1);

								ul {
									display: flex;
									flex-direction: row;
									justify-content: space-between;

		.resultpage {
			margin-top: var(--header-height);

		.resultpage .wrap:first-of-type {
			background: var(--bg-0);

			.tabcontent #mod-list {
				padding: 0;
				background: var(--bg-0);

				.search-terms {
					margin-top: 10px;

					li {
						color: var(--ac-0);
						background-color: var(--bg-1);
						border-radius: 8px;

				.pagenav {
					.pagination li a {
						background-color: var(--bg-0);
						color: var(--fg-0);

					.pagination li {
						background-color: var(--bg-1);

					svg {
						fill: var(--fg-0);

				ul[class="tiles "],
				ul[class="tiles big-tiles"] {

					display: grid;
					grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr);

					a.mod-image {
						background: var(--bg-0);

					.mod-tile {
						width: 100%;

						.mod-tile-left {
							background: var(--bg-1) !important;
							overflow: hidden;
							.mod-image {
								/* 								position: absolute; */
								/* 							top: 0;
						left: 0; */
								/* 									:hover {
									z-index: 3;
								} */

							.tile-desc {
								background: var(--bg-0t);
								backdrop-filter: blur(20px);
								/* 															top: 100px; */
								/* 								top: 145px; */
								/* 								min-height: 360px;
							max-height: 360px; */


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