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YouTube by mostlyharmless

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UI enhancement, customization & hide shits I don't need on Youtube. use it to make more tolerable. (read notes)


Recommended scripts to install first. This script has been written as a complement to these scripts:

YT - Hide 'Shorts' feed on any pages by magma_craft:

YT - Hide chips bar on any pages by magma_craft:

YT - hide "DL, Clip, Thanks and Promote" buttons by magma_craft:

YouTube - remove text labels on action buttons by magma_craft:

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           iTube
@author         MostlyHarmless
@description    UI enhancement, customization & hide shits I don't need on Youtube
@version        2.2
@preprocessor      stylus
@advanced range    videosperrow                 "⚙️ Videos per row" [4, 3, 8, 1]
@advanced checkbox hideendcards             "⚙️ Hide End Cards" 1
@advanced checkbox hideprogbar               "⚙️ Hide Player Bar" 0
@advanced checkbox redsubscribe              "⚙️ Red Sub Button" 0
@advanced checkbox blueverified                "⚙️ Blue Verified Badge" 1
@advanced checkbox premiumlogo              "⚙️ YouTube Premium Logo" 1
==/UserStyle== */

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