Fades and Blurs Controls While Not in Use. Removes some of the annoying decorations along the side that have no actual use.
Windy.com - Clutter-Free Full Map View by osirisgothra
LicenseGNU GPL 2
Size3.3 kB
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Gaussian blurring and transparencies are all animated and the times can be easily customized with easy-to-change master variables in the script. The default is to fade in near-instant and fade out semi-instant.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Windy.com - Clutter-Free Full Map View
@namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version 1.0.0
@description Fade Controls when not in use for a fuller view
@author osirisgothra
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("www.windy.com") {
/* Created Jun 16, 2024 6pm (publish 9pm EDT)
/* approximate, must be a valid timespan
example: 1m = 60s = 60000ms 1h = 60m 1d=24h etc
only the number 0 does not require a timespan suffix, as 0 always means the same thing no matter the suffix
(ie, 0 minutes is the same as 0 hours)
--fadeout-delay: 0s;
--fadeout: 2.33s;
--fadein-delay: 0s;
--fadein: 0.33s;
--inactive-opacity: 24%;
--active-opacity: 95%;
--inactive-filter: blur(4.25px);
--active-filter: blur(0.01px);
/* subtle hiding of premium teasers and icons*/
#desktop-premium-icon, #plugin-radar > div.range-switch.switch.switch--compact.switch--variant-secondary.textshadow.size-s.tooltip--right.show-expanded
display: none;
/* make inactive elements partially transparent so you can see the whole map */
#logo, #search-top-wrapper, body > div.rhpane.hide-on-picker-drag.top-border.right-border.mobiletablethide >filter: var(--inactive-filter);
opacity: var(--inactive-opacity); span:nth-child(2),
body > div.rhpane.hide-on-picker-drag.top-border.right-border.mobiletablethide > div.rhpane__top-icons, body > div.rhpane.hide-on-picker-drag.top-border.right-border.mobiletablethide > span:nth-child(5),body > span.hide-on-picker-drag.right-border,
transition: opacity,filter var(--fadeout) ease;
transition-delay: var(--fadeout-delay);
filter: var(--inactive-filter);
opacity: var(--inactive-opacity);
/* make inactive elements partially transparent so you can see the whole map
unless you are hovering or focusing the search/title items
body > div.rhpane.hide-on-picker-drag.top-border.right-border.mobiletablethide > span:nth-child(2):hover,body > div.rhpane.hide-on-picker-drag.top-border.right-border.mobiletablethide > span:nth-child(2):focus,
body > div.rhpane.hide-on-picker-drag.top-border.right-border.mobiletablethide > div.rhpane__top-icons:hover,
#logo:hover, #search-top-wrapper:hover, #search-top-wrapper:active, #search-top-wrapper:focus, body > div.rhpane.hide-on-picker-drag.top-border.right-border.mobiletablethide > span:nth-child(5):hover,
body > span.hide-on-picker-drag.right-border:hover,
filter: var(--active-filter);
opacity: var(--active-opacity);
border-radius: 10px;
/*backdrop-filter: blur(5px) brightness(10%) contrast(10%);*/
transition: opacity,filter var(--fadein) ease;
transition-delay: var(--fadein-delay);
body > div.rhpane.hide-on-picker-drag.top-border.right-border.mobiletablethide > div.rhpane__bottom-messages
display: none;