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MaterialGoogle by truemorad

Screenshot of MaterialGoogle



LicenseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Categorygoogle docs youtube



Size139 kB


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Material3 and dynamic colors!
Edit the colors and more with the gear icon in stylus popup.
Defaults to pitch black as a solution for the SafeSearch users!



  • Install the Stylus browser extension Firefox, Chrome
  • Install the userstyle
  • Enjoy!

Reply's on comments:

  • alessio_price
    if you want so! every supported site is disabled by default except the ones end with

Supported Sites:


Change Log:

I'm really satisfied with the theme in its current format so, there won't be any updates other than hotfixes for a long while, won't support other sites from Google since I can't handle a style that takes a long period of time to maintain, this is perfect for now.

1.9: basic support for drive and consistency across the theme.
1.8: YouTube And Music!!
1.7: Google Calendar and Tasks support!, bringing back the highlighted keywords feature after google bricked it and fixes.
1.6: hotfix update
1.5: G-Suite joined the style! plus fixes to other sites.
Fix: for chromium users
1.4: Gmail support is here! Try it with your own taste and the ability to keep your gmail theme background.
1.3: Better Google Maps, support for Google Books and fixes.
1.2: set your homepage background to whatever PNG, JPG, GIF or even Base64 image you want!
Note: after setting a Base64 image, expect a delay of 5-30 seconds when you try to configure the style.
1.1: introducing Clean-Home for ones who hate buttons and text in HomeScreen.
Release.1: the first major update and the biggest yet, material you! Go wild And Get your own Google look with customizable colors and the ability to swap between Google Logos.

0.9: consistency across the theme, fixes for light mode and using variables now.
0.8: hotfix update, UI enhancements and tweaks like glass blur effect.
0.7: fixed A lot of bugs in Maps, Images, News and shopping.
0.6: fixed movies & series pages now you can review and explore without bugs, fixed games and tools within google and more. Ty 45 installs!
0.5: hotfix update, cleaner and more neat code and decreased size from 60kb to 46kb.
0.4: support for Google dark mode with the full AMOLED experience.
0.3: Interactive Buttons! Support for Google Maps and fixes.
0.2: hotfix update, enhanced the look of embedded elements.
0.1: hotfix update, added red color for visited sites and enhanced imgs + shopping.
Release.0: Google is the best engine, but since I turned off fingerprinting it always defaults to light mode. Dark reader looks ugly, so I wasted my weekend making a theme that solves it! more updates to come whenever I fix smthing.

Theme tested on: Thorium(chromium) ,LibreWolf(firefox).

MaterialGoogle © 2024 by truemorad is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
			/* ==UserStyle==
@name         MaterialGoogle
@version      20240823
@description  This is material google.
@author       truemorad
@license      CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
@preprocessor stylus

@var color bg "Background color" #000
@var color sec "Text color" #4183f2
@var color vis "Visited-Links color" #f14335
pm #fff
@var checkbox RemoveAll "Clean-Home" 0
@var checkbox Logo "Colored-Logo" 1
@var checkbox lightfix "Black-Text" 0
@var checkbox books "Google-Books" 0
@var checkbox docs "GSuite" 0
@var checkbox cale "Calendar,Tasks,Meet" 0
@var checkbox yt "Youtube" 0
@var checkbox music "Music" 0
@var checkbox ytm "YTM-No-BG" 0
@var checkbox gmail "Gmail" 0
@var checkbox GmailBackground "GmailTheme-fix" 0

@var checkbox Background "Home Background" 0

@var text gifback "Home Background ''keep The Quotes'' (Link, DATA URI)" `""`
==/UserStyle== */
			@-moz-document url-prefix(""), regexp("https?://|([a-z]{2}))(.[a-z]{2})?.*"), url-prefix("") {
			    /*  Google  */
			    /** Colors  */
			    pm=#fff :root {
			        --background-color: bg;
			        --secondary-color: sec;
			        --visited-color: vis;
			        --primary-color: pm;
			        --hence-color: mix(#000, pm, 30%);
			        --accent-color: #f6b903;
			        --transparent: transparent;
			        --uv-styles-color-text-emphasis: var(--primary-color);
			        --uv-styles-color-icon-default: var(--primary-color);
			        --etc-color: mix(sec, #fff, 55%);
			        --button: mix(bg, #000, 85%);
			        --hover-button: mix(bg, #000, 75%);
			        --popup-background: mix(bg, #0000, 55%);
			    /*	background-color    */
			    html, body, tr, p, .sKH0qb, .p7sI2:not(.PQJSne) .sFlh5c.iPVvYb, .OmiYAe .directions-mode-distance-time, .sLl7de[selected] .niO4u, .OqCZI, .JiJthb, .XDU6Ef, .xUNLkc, .lWJs9b .h3TAsc, .lWJs9b.KxXKxb, .lWJs9b.uzsxBd, .bg-light-theme, .page-content .drive__customers .glue-carousel__viewport, .page-content .drive-logo-garden-section .logo-garden, #maia-footer, .page-content .drive__customers, .glue-footer, .CvDJxb, .books-hero, .apX2Fe, .maia-aside, .eoXS6e, .id-content-container, .id-app-container, .id-scene, .header_bar, .sgPenc, .gb_Nf .gb_Id, .kd-appbar, .emcav .RNNXgb, .footerInner, .ODXihb, .TxF54, .xQ8Iyb, .utX6Qe, .minidiv .RNNXgb, .RNNXgb:hover, .tTVLSc.XltNde .miFGmb, .bard-box.dark, .tTVLSc.XltNde .e07Vkf, .Lu57id, .NVacAd, .DOGUjb, .piwE7, .yra0jd, .qyKxnc.FnEtTd .srrRv, .rnc4yf, .WsQ7Df .goog-date-picker, .q0fCNd .goog-date-picker, .NnAdEb .goog-date-picker-date.FcZ4Ve, .Ib8pOd .qyKxnc.FnEtTd .srrRv, .ipwqjc, .cBoDed.ivkdbf, .SME0md, .dG2XIf, .ObMMgc .txFfNb, .kuydt, .RlD7sd, .NQyKp.h4wEae, .LFAdvb, .b2Rnsc, .spch, .app-imagery-mode .zHtKKd, .app-imagery-mode .ujtHqf-zoom-LgbsSe, .app-imagery-mode .ojh76-KoToPc-LgbsSe-kkc6pd, .app-imagery-mode .xsYFzc, .app-imagery-mode .WzvKIe, .app-imagery-mode .wO0Gnc, .app-imagery-mode .Zf54rc, .yQHd5, .app-imagery-mode .xUNLkc, .WuRuJe, .OFhamd-LgbsSe-white-LkdAo:hover, .H1g75c:hover, .fn8vub:hover, .PCUzIf:hover, .KzWhlc:hover, .ZVxSae .sh-ssb__unsaved-icon:hover, .pspo-popout .sh-ssb__unsaved-icon:hover, .ZVxSae .sh-ssb__saved-icon:hover, .pspo-popout .sh-ssb__saved-icon:hover, .ba7fbf:hover, .WZLxac .VfPpkd-LgbsSe:hover, .kEwVtd .ag0Tdd:hover, .skhlJc:hover, .k4zcPc:hover, .sh-dp__cont .pspo-fade > div:nth-of-type(2) > a:hover > span[class], .PYKPKd:hover, .ULSxyf .VLBdWc .W0dt2b.w9S0vb:hover, .OtBgcb:hover, .GXg3Le:hover, .xNzW0d:hover, .EyBRub .dhERQc.T4joj:hover, .EyBRub .OXAInb.T4joj:hover, .A4cZdb:hover, .RfPPs#Sva75c .cHUZMb .jwwPNd.MIdC8d.qynOmf:hover, .P6jKkf .K5Jxee:hover, .RfPPs#Sva75c:not(.WaWKOe) .p2rWGf:hover, .rqjGif:hover, body:not(.LoJzbe) .rqjGif:focus, .fvQUnc .XbJon:focus, .cLUxtc.cLUxtc:not(:disabled):hover, .sbvC3.sbvC3:not(:disabled):hover, .ss6qqb .Jk5Tjc:hover, .u7yw9 a:hover > .WeviRb, .w6a6Ae.w6a6Ae:not(:disabled):hover, .shop__secondary.FFnM0 .k7eIUb a[data-url^=""]:hover, .gp0lg:hover, .sh-fp__pagination-button:hover, #islsp .IFeQ9d .V31rBe:hover, .le-If-db:hover, .highres button:hover > .BZMSnf, .gjs6Ee, .YIXOfe.m6QErb a.SlvSdc .DSblxf:hover, .Vy8nid:hover, .FR7ZSc.k0Jjg:hover .kHtcsd, .JgfpDb .unDjgb:hover, .fE5Rge:hover, .Gwgzqd:hover::before, .J0BXzf:hover, .DKlyaf.bbCbFe:hover, .vdQmEd div.BmP5tf.ikoMkf.O0WREf:hover, .gsrt.LNn04b.rYVYn:hover, .gsrt.LNn04b.OR9QXc:hover, hr.UwVf7c, .LUjUfc:hover, .NtaMpb .niO4u:hover, .NtaMpb.k0Jjg:hover .kHtcsd, .JgfpDb a.hsGDOd.jAklOc:hover .legCh, .t6M4wc:hover, .povykd:hover svg, .zHzpD .jFfZdd:active, .zHzpD .jFfZdd:active:focus, .zHzpD .jFfZdd:focus, .zHzpD .jFfZdd:focus:hover, .OtBgcb.jFfZdd:active:focus, .zHzpD .jFfZdd.V5tzAf:hover, .SWS5Fb:hover .VfPpkd-Bz112c-Jh9lGc::before, .le-Jf-db .d-u-K:hover, *[role="button"]:hover img[src=""], .b9hyVd .VfPpkd-Jh9lGc::before, #rhs .HTekSe[style*="#76757E"]:hover, .RfPPs a.S0zaFc:hover .hPfsLb, .g1baVc:hover, .rhHIGd, a.dialog-write-button:hover, a.DvzRrc:hover .yFSTs, .QU77pf:hover, .axGQJc:hover, .fvRoCd .QFl0Ff.z1asCe.EYuQEc:hover, .neAx6c:hover, .rKESNb:hover, a.ZZGZKb:hover .wecD1d.OvQkSb.CNf3nf, .c5aZPb:hover > .YppZGd.z1asCe.VPT9jc.FdI3bf, .kfn9hb.HaXvv a.esVihe:hover, .VPcci:hover, .RroO5d:hover, .jFfZdd:hover, .Z6NXed:hover, a.uZ49bd:hover .efwPxe, .pRZvsd .LkIdQb:hover, .rfiSsc .zItAnd:hover, .bSeRjc:hover .fKmH1e, .fKmH1e, .rfiSsc .fKmH1e:hover, .ndYZfc .NZmxZe:hover, .ndYZfc .PNyWAd:hover, .w8oiwc .zItAnd:hover, .w8oiwc .fKmH1e:hover, .rfiSsc .iqd6N:hover, .pRZvsd a.wvfN0b.uZ49bd:hover .efwPxe, .AOIqse .Ox7icf .MjJqGe:not(.xvfzbc):hover, .RfPPs .VPcci:hover, .cj2HCb.iuN0sf .w6PoOe:hover, .G0jgYd-twKXnc-T5cp6c .CgGjZc:hover, .cj2HCb.iuN0sf .xy89h:hover, .UafVBb > a:hover, .OJeo1e:hover, .RfPPs button:hover > .LkIdQb, .ffmmcd:hover, .iS6iDc:hover, .Pzuhxc:hover, .coHE2:hover, a:hover > .efwPxe, .dZ5aUe .vbLSne .MjJqGe:not(.xvfzbc):hover, .highres .xszqUc:hover, .CBPSbf div[role="listitem"]:hover .rx7XFb, .CBPSbf .z1asCe.lDVmg:hover, .ivkdbf.cB4NFc.wok5vf.E1kGSe.Fb1AKc.TUOsUe.qk7LXc > .z1asCe.bvSTKc.lZC9wd:hover, .nNzjpf-cS4Vcb-PvZLI-q59Ys-IFdKyd-ESNdvf:hover .nNzjpf-cS4Vcb-PvZLI-Ueh9jd-haAclf, .jfk-button-action:hover, .s3IB3.OvQkSb.sr9hec.U0faLd:hover, .wvfN0b:hover .A7KlJf, div[role="button"]:hover .Fp7My.z1asCe.ZjcXTe.bvSTKc.pa8yL, button:hover > .A7KlJf, #elPddd .z1asCe.bepeF:hover, .VfPpkd-Bz112c-LgbsSe:hover .VfPpkd-Bz112c-Jh9lGc::before, *[role="button"]:hover .A7KlJf, .f2HKGc.Hg3NO:hover, .IFmkIb:hover, .lIHVNe:hover, .lLfqJf > *[role="button"]:hover, a[href*="map"]:hover .sEtYzd, .skqfWb:hover, .IdezKe .sfvOwf .Rj2Mlf.tN4Gf:not(:disabled):hover, .cC1eCc .lDYWtd .ti8Tdd::before, .cC1eCc .lDYWtd .ti8Tdd::after, #rhs .ifM9O g-tabs[style="background-color:#fff"] a.zzG8g:not([aria-selected="true"]):hover, li.ed-sug:hover, .KVsSn:hover, .LIvF6e:hover, .VTMWGb .HJRshd .StEefb.iWO5td .MjJqGe, .kM7Sgc.cd29Sd.xdVOWd.efwPxe.MjJqGe.yAfywc:hover, .Rj2Mlf.MyHLpd.MyHLpd.wphPJc.VfPpkd-LgbsSe:not(:disabled):hover .qy5xwd, .VfPpkd-icon-LgbsSe:hover .VfPpkd-icon-Jh9lGc, .k5Ptlb:hover, .gAlnEe:hover, .rfiSsc .sBbkle .VDgVie.WRhYSc .fFI3rb:hover, .tX9u1b:hover, .highres .oGrB9e:hover, .tTVLSc.XltNde .L6Bbsd.XJ8h0e .WeS02d:hover, .tTVLSc.XltNde .QrHraf .M22LIe:hover, .GBkF3d:hover, .tTVLSc.XltNde .zSdcRe.K7ntAe + .UhIuC.m6QErb a.SlvSdc:hover, .povykd svg, .Hm7Qac:hover, .gvybPb, .ErsxPb:active, .le-Jf-pe.le-Ai-hc, .GpAYpb, .b9hyVd:not(:disabled), .zCo0Md .nj3pgb:hover, .xCBvsb, .TL52id.S8ee5, .kfn9hb.HaXvv a.esVihe, .VPYBV, .Imj78 .cQkxXe, .jFfZdd:focus, .Z6NXed:focus, .pRZvsd .LkIdQb, .lwlxKc:hover, .NuJQGc.jgA0mb, .AOIqse .Ox7icf .MjJqGe:not(.xvfzbc), .nNzjpf-twKXnc-OQAXze:hover, .RfPPs button > .LkIdQb, .RfPPs .VPcci, .ZnM5Id .UlWe8e:hover, .w3RMhb:hover, .imso-hov:hover, .d8RIFd:hover, #maia-header.er0h9b, #rhs .ifM9O g-tabs[style="background-color:#fff"], .fm06If .ILfuVd b, .c2xzTb .ILfuVd b, .cUnQKe .ILfuVd b, .aajZCb, .o6juZc, .W6pGoe, .fnKRDd, .Q17FHf.fnKRDd, .TNpQ1d.TWG7zb, .TIjxY, .VDgVie.dtCYCd, .LR1OTe, .yEKpFf, .uCWscpVYoPI__pqa-pta, .BsbaEc, .sbib_a.gstl_0, li.gsfs.sbsb_c, .thCpXb, .mJEC7c.iOGqzf, #Ycyxxc, .B1dAte, .cMgfKe, .i0X6df,, .vk-btn, #tsuid108, .XKnPEd, .vg4Xpd, .Pqkn2e.Wt5Tfe.TkZZsf.OhScic.i3068b.WVDBMd.c0dB4b, .mCYC4.rCXe4d, .cv2VAd.THG0oc.zf84ud, .kLhEKe,, .ExnoTd, .lq7Hfb, .UbwB7c, g-inner-card.cv2VAd.PZPZlf.FRQ4Od, .ttwCMe, .VkpGBb, .SMWA9c, .cv2VAd, .MJfuMd, .cf9M4, .Ffx0S, .dw-sb-cont, .dw-sbi.qjx3Xe, .sbsb_a, .ghJsNe.UnFsfe, .zsYMMe.dR4P, .ZvGeOb.SoZvjb.UnFsfe, .IB7V4, a.Bb1JKe.PZPZlf.EASEnb, .cyKJce.UnFsfe, .irqWwf, .zRQJhd, .ueVdTc.s2TyX, .LiCnEc.NcWIC.TO2KC.vtnSJf, .SoZvjb.UnFsfe, .l8Xjm.QcvIo.TO2KC.vtnSJf, .pF0IKb.jjITlf, .iF5PVe, .l8Xjm.NcWIC.TO2KC.vtnSJf, .rbjnJc, .pbhLif.QcvIo.TO2KC.vtnSJf, .HDGmMe.UnFsfe, .tsp-hbd.tsp-cbd.tsp-occb.tsp-ftg9.tsp-fs.tsp-fr, .tsp-fac.tsp-dsl.tsp-el.tsp-lhn.tsp-fs.tsp-ftlg, .tsp-fm.tsp-dsl.tsp-el.tsp-lhn.tsp-fs.tsp-ftlg, .L5Lnj, .mb8ZDd, .ZdJdwb.Ubyxue.vpggTd.oDcTJb, .p8AiDd.VqFMTc, .lhbm-partner-rates, div.RfWLue, calendar-month.gws-travel-calendar__month, .jQkXof, .pqaT5b, .z2svh.TkZZsf.Wt5Tfe.OhScic.ZXb90b, .tdu-t, .tdu-d.tdu-s > ul > li, .tdu-select, .lsTaVc, .uW1II, .wh9d9d, .uch-xa-tl, .uch-xa > svg, .ey2qkf, .Jzru1c, .We6bVe.tb_view, .kno-fb-ctx.Z8r5Gb, .cyFc6e, .liveresults-sports-immersive__empty-tile, .NIYF4b, .knowledge-finance-wholepage-chart__hover-card, .yccsuf, .Cx0bMd, .xce1ze, .LwV4sf, .VQr16d, .cv2VAd.zf84ud, .qICSFc, .DMxz8, .kwbMAe, .KAIX8d, .Li8Y0e, .yN1rnc.UL8YSc, .vtfvVd, .imso_gf__gf-itm, #flight-num, #sl_list-search-box, #tl_list-search-box, .liveresults-climate__graph-ctr, .kpd-ch, .VbZgje, .BklRsd, .F9PbJd, .sh-dsd__drawer-item-expand-animation, .sh-dls__section-input, ._-jn, .sh-vrd__link, .P2c8Dd, .B6...


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