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Theme for Oli from Jade by Eichgatzl



LicenseNo License




Size7.8 kB


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A new userstyle


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Theme for Oli from Jade
@version        1.0.0
@description    A new userstyle
@author         Eichgatzl
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Almendra Display';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-display: swap;
  src: url( format('woff2');
  unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+0304, U+0308, U+0329, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Grandiflora One';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-display: swap;
  src: url( format('woff2');
  unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+0304, U+0308, U+0329, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;

::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 9px; 
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #cea6b5e8, #530a39ba);
    border-radius: 2px; 
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); 
::-webkit-scrollbar {
    background-color: rgb(104, 85, 91); 

.horse_photocon .horse_photo img.foal {
    max-width: 320px;
    max-height: 285px;
    margin-left: 170px;
    transform: scaleX(-1);
.horse-grid.compact .horse-item .image {
    top: 11px;
    height: 60px!important;
    transform: scaleX(-1);
.horse-item .image-dam-and-foal .horse-image:last-child {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 4;
    top: unset;
    right: -10px;
    bottom: 0;
    transform-origin: center;

img[src=""] {
    filter: hue-rotate(278deg) saturate(60%) brightness(90%);

img[src=""] {
     filter: hue-rotate(186deg) saturate(60%) brightness(90%);
img[src=""] {
    filter: hue-rotate(147deg) saturate(60%) brightness(90%);
img[src=""] {
    filter: hue-rotate(147deg) saturate(60%) brightness(90%);

img[src="/img/hr-logo.png"], [src=""] {
    content: var(--logo)!important;

body.background.australia {
    background-image: var(--background);
body.background.europe {
    background-image: var(--background);
} {
    background-image: var(--background);
body.background.north-america {
    background-image: var(--background);
} {
    background-image: var(--background);
body.background.south-america {
    background-image: var(--background);

.horse-grid .horse-item .image {
    background-image: var(--horse-bg)!important;
} {
    background-image: var(--horse-bg)!important;
     background-size: cover;
.horse_banner.south-america {
    background-image: var(--horse-bg)!important;
     background-size: cover;
.horse_banner.north-america {
    background-image: var(--horse-bg)!important;
     background-size: cover;
} {
    background-image: var(--horse-bg)!important;
     background-size: cover;
.horse_banner.europe {
    background-image: var(--horse-bg)!important;
     background-size: cover;
.horse_banner.australia {
    background-image: var(--horse-bg)!important;
     background-size: cover;


img[src=""] {
    content: var(--map);
.minimap {
    width: 180px;
    height: auto;
    background-size: auto;
    border-radius: 0px;

.city .main-content .world-map {
    margin: -15px !important;
    background-color: #fff;
    filter: hue-rotate(316deg) saturate(60%) brightness(90%);

.header-menu {
    background: #000000ad;
    backdrop-filter: blur(10px)

.header-menu .stats {
    font-family: var(--main-font);
    font-weight: 600; 
    color: #888;
    font-size: 11px;
.header-menu .stats a {
    color: #888;

.header-menu .user-nav a {
    font-weight: 700;
    font-size: 15px;
    color: #888;
    font-family: var(--main-font);

.header-menu .currencies li a {
    font-size: 13px;
    color: #929292;
    font-family: var(--main-font);
    font-weight: 600; 

.header-menu .currencies li a:hover {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #b92662;

.header-menu .user-nav.dropdown-active, .header-menu .user-nav:hover {
    background-color: #4b091c;
.header-menu .user-nav #user-nav-dropdown {
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #4f1528;
    font-family: var(--main-font);
    font-weight: 600;
    border-radius: 0 20px 10px 10px
.header-menu .user-nav a:hover {
    font-weight: 600;
    color: #b2456c;

.progress {
    background-color: #ffffffa1;
    border-radius: 5px;
.progress-bar {
    color: #fff;
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#f2afcb), to(#92114d));

.header-menu .user-nav {
    color: #939191;
    font-family: var(--main-font);
    font-weight: 600;

.main-content {
    background: #000000a1;

.footer {
    background: #000000ba;

.footer h6 {
    font-family: var(--main-font);
    color: #a3a3a3;
.footer ul li a {
    color: #a3a3a3;

.footer ul li a:active, .footer ul li a:visited, .footer ul li a:link {
    font-family: var(--main-font);
    color: #a3a3a3;

.side-nav {
    background: #000000a1;
.side-nav ul a {
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: 600;
    color: #888;
    font-family: 'Grandiflora One';
.side-nav ul a:hover {
    color: #b92662;
    text-decoration: none;
.side-nav ul .subtitle {
    font-size: 19px;
    font-weight: 900;
    color: #840d34;
    text-transform: capitalize;
    font-family: 'Almendra Display';

.fas {
    font-weight: 900;
    font-size: 16px;

.container_12 .grid_6.half_block {
    background-color: #fff;
    border-left: 1px solid #081b28;
    border-bottom: 5px solid #081b28;
    border-right: 1px solid #081b28;
    width: 458px;
    margin: 10px;

.odd {
    background-color: #624e5780;
    font-family: var(--main-font);
    font-weight: 900;
    font-size: 13px;
.even {
    background-color: #79666f96;
    font-family: var(--main-font);
    font-weight: 900;
    font-size: 13px;

.component.frame .wrapper .header {
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#7f7f7ffc, #350115eb);
.component.frame .wrapper .header .title {
    color: #000;
    font-family: var(--title-font);
    font-size: 17px;
    font-weight: 900;
    text-align: center;
.component.frame .wrapper {
    padding: 2px;
    background: #59595980;
.component.frame .wrapper .content {
    background: #fff0;
.component.table .table {
    background-color: #fff0;
    margin: 0;

.component.table .table tbody tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
    background-color: #624e5780;


:root {
    --map: url(;
    --logo: url(;
    --background: url(;
    --main-font: "Grandiflora One";
    --title-font: "Almendra Display";
    --horse-bg: url(;
    --pedigree: url();
    --foal: url(;
    --rollover: url(;
    --office: url(;
    --market: url(;
    --foundation: url(;


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