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Better Dark Minimal WhatsApp Web by pixelfox3



LicenseNo License



Size28 kB


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makes light unread badge more readable.
own messages are different color from sent messages


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Dark Minimal WhatsApp Web
@namespace      USO Archive
@author         Giorgio Adamo
@description    `<b>Sick of light? Join the darkness!</b>Consider supporting me by donating on <a href=""><b>Paypal</b></a>Current donation count: € 0Thanks to:Well... you can be the first one if you appreciate my work :)You can easily <b>change the accent/theme color</b> according to your preference by clicking the button <b>CUSTOMIZE SETTINGS</b> right below the preview picture.Constantly updating as the newest WhatsApp web update release comes online (last update: July 2021). It may take a couple of days to fix the skin after a new release comes out, but don't worry... I will be on the case ;)Stay safe and have a productive day!UPDATED JULY 2021`
@version        20210724.21.3
@license        CC-BY-NC-4.0
@preprocessor   uso
@advanced color mainColor "Accent color" #FD4747

==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
	/* @import url(""); */

	/* ignore the error icon below if using the Stylish code editor*/
	:root .dark,
	:root {
		--mainColor: /*[[mainColor]]*/ ;

		/* color-scheme */
		--superLightGray: #EEEEEE;
		--lightGray: rgb(85, 85, 85);
		--darkerGray: #1c1c1c;
		--darkGray: #222222;
		--blackRgb: 0, 0, 0;
		--mainColor: /*[[mainColor]]*/ ;
		--whitish: #d5d5d5;
		/* --alertMessage: "IMPORTANT: whatsapp released a new version of whatsapp web on 19.11.2020 breaking all the custom skins out there. I will release fixes in the next days to make it work again. Keep manually updating!!!"; */
		--alertMessage: "IMPORTANT: I fixed an important issue where the color customisation wouldn't work. Please UNISTALL the skin, then go to the skin URL, select a color of your choice and REINSTALL the skin! ";
		--alertMessageSize: 17x;
		--active-tab-marker: var(--mainColor) !important;
		--audio-progress-played-incoming: var(--mainColor) !important;
		--audio-progress-played-outgoing: var(--mainColor) !important;
		--audio-progress-incoming: var(--mainColor) !important;
		--audio-progress-outgoing: var(--mainColor) !important;
		--background-default: var(--darkGray) !important;
		--button-primary-background: var(--mainColor) !important;
		--intro-background: var(--darkerGray) !important;
		--menu-tabs-list-active: var(--mainColor) !important;
		--audio-track-outgoing: var(--superLightGray) !important;
		--audio-track-outgoing: var(--superLightGray) !important;
		--panel-background: var(--darkGray) !important;
		--panel-background-colored: var(--darkGray) !important;
		--dropdown-background-hover: var(--darkGray) !important;
		--unread-marker-background: var(--mainColor) !important;
		--video-primary: var(--mainColor) !important;
		--cl-1: var(--mainColor) !important;
		--cl-2: var(--mainColor) !important;
		--cl-3: #b14aed;
		--cl-4: #4474e4;
		--cl-5: #34d3b3;
		--cl-6: #2add7e;
		--cl-7: #f5f12f;
		--cl-8: #f69d37;
		--cl-9: #f32d4b;
		--cl-10: #e73287;

	/*========= mentioned name =========*/
	/*========= mentioned name =========*/

	._1VzZY .matched-mention {
		cursor: pointer;
		color: var(--mainColor) !important;

	/*========= video player bar + thumb fix =========*/
	/*========= video player bar + thumb fix =========*/

	._3DHGF {
		z-index: 99999;
	._2KNOi {
		left: -5px !important;

	*::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
		background: var(--lightGray) !important;

	div {
		font-family: "Raleway", sans-serif !important;
	body {
		background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, black, black) !important;
	/*======== overlay messages ======== */
	/*======== overlay messages ======== */

	._1UyGr._18oGY {
		background: linear-gradient(
			rgba(var(--lightGray), 0),
			rgba(var(--lightGray), 0) 45%,
			rgba(var(--lightGray), 0.12) 70%,
			rgba(var(--lightGray), 0.33)
		) !important;
	[data-asset-intro-image-dark] {
		position: relative;
		top: 100px;
		background-image: url(;
		border-radius: 0px !important;
		filter: hue-rotate(-167deg);
		transform: scale(0.5) !important;
	a._3FXB1 {
		color: var(--mainColor) !important;

	input#input-chatlist-search {
		background-color: var(--whitish) !important;
		border-radius: 5px;
		color: black;
	progress[value]::-webkit-progress-value {
		background-color: var(--mainColor) !important;

	/*========= alert message - maintenance =========*/
	/*========= alert message - maintenance =========*/

	#app:after {
		display: flex;
		display: none;
		color: var(--mainColor);
		content: var(--alertMessage);
		animation: alert 50s infinite linear;
		top: 0;
		white-space: nowrap;
		font-size: var(--alertMessageSize);
		padding: 2px 50px;
		height: 55px;
		left: -210vw;
		position: fixed;
		animation-iteration-count: 2;
		z-index: 99999999999999999999999999;
		background: var(--darkGray);
		text-align: center;
		align-items: center;
		justify-content: center;

	/*======== icons svg fill ========*/
	/*======== icons svg fill ========*/

	div[role="button"]:not(._15K2I) svg path,
    div[role="button"]._15K2I span._3l4_3 svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-dblcheck"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="chevron-right-alt"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="checkbox-round-unchecked"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="checkbox-round-checked"] svg path:nth-child(1),
	span[data-icon="round-x-inv"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="round-send-inv"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="round-x-inv"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="send"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="smiley"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="emoji-input"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="back"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="delete"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="download"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="forward"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="forward-chat"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="highly-forwarded"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="live-location-android"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="new-group"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="video-pip-large"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="media-download"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="recalled"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="refresh"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="round-send-inv"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="star"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="star-btn"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-check"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-audio"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-ptt"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-ptt-blue"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-ptt-gray"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-ptt-green"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-sticker"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-document"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-time"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-gif"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-vcard"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="recalled-in"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="video-pip"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="video-pause"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="video-play"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="video-volume-1"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="video-volume-2"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="video-volume-3"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="video-volume-muted"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="msg-video-light"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="msg-video"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="recalled-out"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="ptt-status"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="ptt-out-blue"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="ptt-in-blue"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="ptt-out-gray"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="ptt-in-gray"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="ptt"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="forwarded"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="recalled-in"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="back-light"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="audio-play"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="audio-pause"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="audio-download"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="media-play"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="back-blue"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="muted"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="search"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="default-group"] svg path:first-child,
	span[data-icon="default-user"] svg path:first-child,
	span[data-icon="x"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="x-alt"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="down"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="down-context"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-image"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="status-video"] svg path,
	span[data-icon="laptop"] svg path,
	g[clip-path="url(#image-SVGID_2_)"] path,
	g[clip-path="url(#camera-SVGID_2_)"] path,
	g[clip-path="url(#document-SVGID_2_)"] path,
	g[clip-path="url(#contact-SVGID_2_)"] path,
	g[clip-path="url(#rooms-SVGID_2_)"] path,
	._3xkAl svg path {
		fill: var(--mainColor) !important;

	.RXmfT svg path,
	._3fnYk {
		stroke: var(--mainColor) !important;

	._1jJLh span svg path,
	.yavlE span svg path,
	span[data-icon="ptt-status"] svg path:first-child,
	span[data-icon="ptt-out-blue"] svg path:first-child,
	span[data-icon="ptt-in-blue"] svg path:first-child,
	span[data-icon="ptt-out-gray"] svg path:first-child,
	span[data-icon="ptt-in-gray"] svg path:first-child {
		fill: var(--darkGray) !important;
	._3hV1n span svg path,
	._2m8GO span svg path:nth-child(2) {
		fill: var(--whitish) !important;
	.tail-container {
		display: none;
	.app {
		box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 0px black !important;
	._2EXPL._1f1zm:after {
		border-top: 0px !important;
	._2Z4DV:hover:after {
		border: none !important;
	._1wSzK {
		display: none;
	._3NteO {
		cursor: zoom-in;
	div[aria-selected="true"] {
		filter: contrast(1.1);

	._1UyGr ._18oGY {
		background: linear-gradient(
			transparent 45%,
			rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 70%,
			rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33)
		) !important;

	/*======== dark background ========*/
	/*======== dark background ========*/,


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