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RS Heptabase by sm1therz

Screenshot of RS Heptabase



LicenseNo License



Size275 kB


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Lots of tweaks for,


Modifications include:

  • More compact sidebar
  • More compact embeds;
  • More compact whiteboard cards.
  • Different styles
  • Root level toggles.
  • Single column card library
  • Easier to read drop down menus.
  • more fluid bullets, and toggles.
  • and more.
  • References - more compact

Note #1

  • Consider this incomplete.
  • There's many Many MANY bugs.
  • Some of the colors and stuff are off.
  • I'm sharing this, because if I don't right now, I never will.
  • Many of the bugs are because of how the app uses css. There are very few css class names to work with.

There's around 25 sections in stylus. Turn off any section at your will.

  • Go into stylus, activate/deactivate any section to see what happens.
  • Note, the style-to-section separation isn't perfect. For example, not all css that modifies the card library is in the "View - Card Library" section. :-(

Note #2: Whiteboard modifications.

  • The css slows down the whiteboard significantly.
  • There's lots of experimental stuff in the whiteboard view.
  • Edit: I've just removed them.

Note #3: References

  • Tried my best.
  • It's in a weird place! Sorry.


Don't have a github. I'm in the heptabase discord.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Heptabase Compact
@version        6.1
@description    Many Heptabase UI modifications
@author         Rob
@match          *://*
@match          *://*
@license        CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
:root {
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	/*card-lib card*/
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	--cardlibCardBgClr-Hover: hsl(180, 0%, 0%, .05);
	/*card-lib button*/
	--cardlibFilterBtnBgClr-FirstBtn: hsl(180, 0%, 50%, .1);

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	/*whiteboard - mind map*/
	--mMapBrdClr: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .1);
	--mMapOutlineClr: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .07);
	/*whiteboard - bg colors*/
	--whiteBoardCardBg-Red: hsl(0, 90%, 89%);
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	--whiteBoardCardBg-Yellow: hsl(48, 83%, 76%);
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	--whiteBoardCardBg-Purple: hsl(260, 50%, 88%);
	--whiteBoardCardBg-Black: hsl(0, 0%, 90%);
	--bg-black-sect: hsla(0, 0%, 90%);
	/*whiteboard - border colors*/
	--whiteBoardCardBrd-Red: hsla(0, 50%, 75%);
	--whiteBoardCardBrd-Orange: hsla(33, 70%, 65%);
	--whiteBoardCardBrd-Yellow: hsla(45, 71%, 60%);
	--whiteBoardCardBrd-Green: hsla(135, 40%, 64%);
	--whiteBoardCardBrd-Blue: hsla(210, 70%, 68%);
	--whiteBoardCardBrd-Purple: hsla(250, 81%, 74%, 0.7);
	--whiteBoardCardBrd-Black: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .2);
	/*whiteboard - Sections*/
	--whiteBoardSectionBgClr: #e9e8e8;
	--whiteBoardSectionBrdClr: hsl(0, 0%, 86.5%);
	/*whiteboard - Text Element*/
	--whiteBoardTextElementBgClr: var(--whiteBoardBoardBg);
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	/*Property - select backgrounds*/
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	--mentionDotBtnBgClr-Hover: ;
	/*math block*/
	--mathblockBgClr: hsl(120, 0%, 83%, .2);
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	/*version history*/
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	--versionHistDocBgClr: var(--background-editor-primary);
	--tableBrdClr: hsl(120, 0%, 0%, .215);

[data-theme="dark"] {
	--bldClr: hsl(0, 0%, 100%);
	--invertClr: hsl(0, 0%, 100%);
	--text-color: hsla(246, 0%, 88%) !important;
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	--text-color-contrast: var(--text-color) !important;
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	/*--background-secondary: hsl(40, 4%, 10%) !important;*/
	--background-secondary: hsl(229, 5%, 10%) !important;
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	--underlineTextColor: var(--text-color);

	--LinkFilter-Hover: brightness(1.2)saturate(1);

	/*Internal links*/
	--LinkBrd: 1px solid var(--LinkBrdClr);
	--LinkBrdBtm: var(--LinkBrd);
	--LinkBrdClr: hsl(211, 100%, 74%, 1);
	--LinkClr: hsl(211, 100%, 73%);
	--LinkBgClr: hsl(209, 100%, 50%, .151);
	--LinkBgClr-Hover: transparent;
	--activeBgClr: #207dff;
	--active-item: hsl(202, 100%, 66%) !important;
	--active-item-faint: hsla(215, 100%, 56%, 0.4);...


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