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2010 Google EVEN BETTER EDITION by xammand

Screenshot of 2010 Google EVEN BETTER EDITION



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My 2010 Google userstyle is back yet again and this time, with more accuracy!


Note: This style uses Gplex, an old Google frontend, to install it read below.

-----------------HOW TO INSTALL:/

  1. Download Tampermonkey -

  2. Install Gplex -

  3. Gplex Settings -
    Layout: Late 2011-Early 2012
    Display name: Email

  4. Install this style like normal.


This style compared to Better Edtion:
--Much less buggy
--More accurate topbar
--No more watermark (I don't know what I was thinking)
--Better layout (thanks to Gplex!)
--Better styling
--More accurate

--Google Search Home (Still needs work)
--Google All Search Page

Update History:
--Version 1.1.0
----Styled advanced search page, still needs a little work.
----Styled preferences page.
--Version 1.0.1
----More accurate search results styling.
----Styled the more button popout menu.
--Version 1.0.0
----Initial Release.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           2010 Google EVEN BETTER EDITION
@version        1.1.0
@description    A new userstyle
@author         Xammand
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
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        content: "Search";
    /* Left...


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