Improved dark mode, adjustable chat width, hiding scrollbars/buttons and many more tweaks.
Holodex & Youtube Tweaks by Himither
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- Improved dark mode and black mode (turn on holodex own dark mode)
- Aqua theme
- Adjustable menu and chat width
- Borderless Holodex (further improves dark mode experience)
- Custom avatar
- 100% height for video (hides buttons a bottom)
- Rounded & padded video similar to YouTube
- Options to make some stuff only show on hover in Multidex
- Black mode (best in combination with Holodex black mode)
- Borderless chat and/or playlist
- Hide the shorts reel in the right sidebar and/or home
- Show header only on hover
- Hide small side menu in home and shorts
- Show YouTube posts on top in home
- Don't scroll header along with page in home
- Tweaks to keep the save button always directly accessible
- Full height for playlist or chat (if both are open close the playlist to apply to chat)
- Full width mode (the video interface is sadly a bit scuffed, because CSS-only has it's limits)
- Option to hide the right sidebar unless chat is open (works only with full width mode)
YouTube Chat/Hyperchat
These options are kinda useless if you just increase the chat width and/or don't use Hyperchat
- Instead of just "Live" show "Live chat replay" as a label OR show the drop down menu again
- Show hidden buttons again (menu and close button)
- Hide the Hyperchat Notice that shows up whenever chat opens
- This is where I decided to finally introduce a
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Holodex & Youtube Tweaks
@version 1.1.45
@description Improved dark mode, adjustable chat width, hiding scrollbars/buttons and many more tweaks.
@author Himither
@license MIT
@preprocessor stylus
@var text Holodex "━━━━━━⮞【Holodex】" '_'
@var select hd-darkmode "Dark Mode" {
"Default": "normal",
"Darker*": "darker",
"La+ Darknesss": "darknesss"
@var select hd-theme "Select a theme" {
"None*": "none",
"Aqua": "aqutan"
@var number hd-sidemenuWidth "Menu width (170px - 1080px)" [220, 170, 1080, 1, "px"]
@var checkbox hd-borderlessHolodex "Borderless Holodex" 1
@var checkbox hd-hoverOverlay "YT Overlay only on video hover" 0
@var select hd-changeAvatar "Change the avatar image" {
"None": "none",
"Anchor*": "''",
"Custom": "hd-avatarCustom"
@var text hd-avatarCustom "Custom avatar (Link to an image/Data URL wrapped in single quotes)" "''"
@var range hd-avatarSize "Avatar size" [100, 50, 150, 1, "%"]
@var text Singleview "━━━━━━⮞【Singleview】" '_'
@var number sw-sidebarWidth "Chat width (170px - 1080px)" [340, 170, 1080, 1, "px"]
@var checkbox sw-videoHeight "Set video height to 100%" 0
@var checkbox sw-videoRound "Rounded & padded video" 0
@var text Multidex "━━━━━━⮞【Multidex】" '_'
@var checkbox md-hoverToolbarButton "Show top-right toolbar button only on mouse hover" 0
@var checkbox md-hoverChatButtons "Show bottom chat buttons only on mouse hover" 0
@var checkbox md-hoverArchiveSync "Show Archive Sync only on mouse hover" 0
@var text Youtube "━━━━━━⮞【YouTube】" '_'
@var number yt-menuWidth "Change side menu width (170px - 1080px)" [240, 170, 1080, 1, "px"]
@var checkbox yt-darknesss "La+ Darknesss" 0
@var checkbox yt-hoverHeader "Show header only on hover when watching videos or shorts" 0
@var checkbox yt-smootherMenu "Smoother opening and closing animation for the left side menu" 0
@var checkbox yt-hideMinimenu "Hide the small left sidemenu in Home & Shorts" 0
@var checkbox yt-absoluteHeader "Stop the header from scrolling along with the page in Home" 0
@var checkbox yt-posts "Show YouTube posts on top in Home" 0
@var text YouTubeWatch "━━━━━━⮞【YT Watch】" '_'
@var checkbox yt-borderlessChat "Remove border around chat" 0
@var checkbox yt-borderlessPlaylist "Remove border around playlist" 0
@var checkbox yt-playlistChatFullHeight "Use full height for playlist or chat" 0
@var checkbox yt-saveButtonTweaks "Tweaks to ensure the saveButton isn't hidden in the menu" 0
@var checkbox yt-useWidth "Use full width when watching regular wide videos (progess bar is a bit iffy)" 0
@var checkbox yt-hoverSecondary "For use with full width option above. If live-chat isn't open hide right sidebar when not hovered." 0
@var text YouTubeShorts "━━━━━━⮞【YT Shorts】" '_'
@var checkbox yt-hideShortsSidebar "Hide shorts in right sidebar" 0
@var checkbox yt-hideShortsHome "Hide shorts in Home" 0
@var text YouTubeChat "━━━━━━⮞【YT Chat】" '_'
@var checkbox ytc-showLabel "Show \"Live chat replay\" as label" 0
@var checkbox ytc-showDropdownMenu "Show dropdown menu again" 0
@var checkbox ytc-showButtons "Show hidden buttons again" 0
@var text Hyperchat "━━━━━━⮞【Hyperchat】" '_'
@var checkbox hc-hideHyperchatInfo "Hide Hyperchat Notice (Please 👍 and ⭐ Hyperchat)" 0
@var text Scrollbars "━━━━━━⮞【Scrollbars】" '_'
@var checkbox hd-hideScrollbars "Hide Holodex scrollbars" 0
@var checkbox ytc-hideScrollbars "Hide YouTube-Chat scrollbars" 0
@var checkbox hc-hideScrollbars "Hide Hyperchat scrollbars" 0
@var checkbox yt-hideScrollbars "Hide YouTube scrollbars" 0
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
.v-overlay {
transition: all 300ms ease-in-out !important;
.v-navigation-drawer--open {
width: hd-sidemenuWidth !important;
.v-application--wrap:not(:has(.video)):not(:has(.mv-background)) main {
transition: padding-left 300ms ease-in-out !important;
.v-application--wrap:has(.v-navigation-drawer--open):not(:has(.video)):not(:has(.mv-background)) main {
padding-left: hd-sidemenuWidth !important;
if hd-darkmode==darker {
nav .v-list.v-sheet,
.mv-cell {
background-color: var(--v-background-base) !important;
.theme--dark.v-sheet {
background-color: #0f0f0f !important;
.settings-group {
border-color: var(--v-background-base) !important;
if hd-darkmode==darknesss {
.v-input__slot {
background-color: var(--v-background-darken4) !important;
header .v-input__slot,
.embedded-chat {
background-color: var(--v-background-base) !important;
button:not(.video-card-action) {
background-color: transparent !important;
.v-btn::before {
background-color: var(--v-background-lighten4)
if hd-borderlessHolodex {
.mv-cell {
border-color: transparent !important;
.v-navigation-drawer__border {
opacity: 0 !important;
.layout-preview {
border-color: var(--v-primary-base) !important;
.layout-preview-cell {
border: none !important;
.watch-live-chat {
background-color: transparent !important;
if hd-hideScrollbars {
* {
scrollbar-width: none !important;
if hd-theme==aqutan {
.v-application .red--text,
:is(.channel-container, .watch-card) .v-list-item__title {
color: rgb(240, 98, 146) !important;
.tl-message .tl-caption,
.text--org {
color: rgb(59, 136, 213) !important;
.subtitle-text {
text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgb(59...