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Holodex & Hyperchat Tweaks by Himither

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Screenshot of Holodex & Hyperchat Tweaks






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Improved dark mode, adjustable chat width, hiding scrollbars/buttons and many more tweaks.


Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==

@name				Holodex & Hyperchat Tweaks
@version			1.1.36
@description			Improved dark mode, adjustable chat width, hiding scrollbars/buttons and many more tweaks.
@author				Himither
@license			MIT
@preprocessor			stylus

@var text Holodex		"━━━━━━⮞【Holodex】" '_'

@var select			hd-darkmode			"Dark Mode" {

"Default":			"normal",
"Darker*":			"darker",
"La+ Darknesss":		"darknesss"

@var select			hd-theme			"Select a theme" {

"None*":			"none",
"Aqua":				"aqutan"

@var number			hd-sidemenuWidth		"Menu width (170px - 1080px)" [220, 170, 1080, 1, "px"]
@var checkbox			hd-borderlessHolodex		"Borderless Holodex" 1
@var checkbox			hd-hoverOverlay			"YT Overlay only on video hover" 0
@var select			hd-changeAvatar			"Change the avatar image" {

"None":				"none",
"Anchor*":			"''",
"Custom":			"hd-avatarCustom"

@var text			hd-avatarCustom			"Custom avatar (Link to an image/Data URL wrapped in single quotes)" "''"
@var range			hd-avatarSize			"Avatar size" [100, 50, 150, 1, "%"]

@var text Singleview		"━━━━━━⮞【Singleview】" '_'

@var number			sw-sidebarWidth			"Chat width (170px - 1080px)" [340, 170, 1080, 1, "px"]
@var checkbox			sw-videoHeight			"Set video height to 100%" 0
@var checkbox			sw-videoRound			"Rounded & padded video" 0

@var text Multidex		"━━━━━━⮞【Multidex】" '_'

@var checkbox			md-hoverToolbarButton		"Show top-right toolbar button only on mouse hover" 0
@var checkbox			md-hoverChatButtons		"Show bottom-right chat buttons only on mouse hover" 0
@var checkbox			md-hoverArchiveSync		"Show Archive Sync only on mouse hover" 0

@var text Youtube		"━━━━━━⮞【YouTube】" '_'

@var number			yt-menuWidth			"Change side menu width (170px - 1080px)" [240, 170, 1080, 1, "px"]
@var checkbox			yt-darknesss			"La+ Darknesss" 0
@var checkbox			yt-borderlessChat		"Remove border around chat" 0
@var checkbox			yt-hoverHeader			"Show header only on hover" 0
@var checkbox			yt-buttons			"Remove text from buttons below video" 0
@var checkbox			yt-useWidth			"Use full width when watching videos (progess bar is a bit iffy)" 0
@var checkbox			yt-hoverSecondary		"Works only with full width option. When chat AND playlist are closed hide right column when not hovered." 0

@var text YouTubeChat		"━━━━━━⮞【YT Chat】" '_'

@var checkbox			ytc-showLabel			"Show \"Live chat replay\" as label" 0
@var checkbox			ytc-showDropdownMenu		"Show dropdown menu again" 0
@var checkbox			ytc-showButtons			"Show hidden buttons again" 0

@var text Hyperchat		"━━━━━━⮞【Hyperchat】" '_'

@var checkbox			hc-hideHyperchatInfo		"Hide Hyperchat Notice (Please 👍 and ⭐ Hyperchat)" 0

@var text Scrollbars		"━━━━━━⮞【Scrollbars】" '_'

@var checkbox			hd-hideScrollbars		"Hide Holodex scrollbars" 0
@var checkbox			ytc-hideScrollbars		"Hide YouTube-Chat scrollbars" 0
@var checkbox			hc-hideScrollbars		"Hide Hyperchat scrollbars" 0
@var checkbox			yt-hideScrollbars		"Hide YouTube scrollbars" 0

==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

	.v-overlay {
		transition: all 300ms ease-in-out !important;

	.v-navigation-drawer--open {
		width: hd-sidemenuWidth !important;

	.v-application--wrap:not(:has(.video)):not(:has(.mv-background)) main {
		transition: padding-left 300ms ease-in-out !important;

	.v-application--wrap:has(.v-navigation-drawer--open):not(:has(.video)):not(:has(.mv-background)) main {
		padding-left: hd-sidemenuWidth !important;

	if hd-darkmode==darker {

		nav .v-list.v-sheet,
		.mv-cell {
			background-color: var(--v-background-base) !important;

		.theme--dark.v-sheet {
			background-color: #0f0f0f !important;

		.settings-group {
			border-color: var(--v-background-base) !important;

	if hd-darkmode==darknesss {

		.v-input__slot {
			background-color: var(--v-background-darken4) !important;

		header .v-input__slot,
		.embedded-chat {
			background-color: var(--v-background-base) !important;

		button:not(.video-card-action) {
			background-color: transparent !important;

		.v-btn::before {
			background-color: var(--v-background-lighten4)

	if hd-borderlessHolodex {

		.tl-overlay {
			border-color: transparent !important;

		.v-navigation-drawer__border {
			opacity: 0 !important;

		.layout-preview {
			border-color: var(--v-primary-base) !important;

		.layout-preview-cell {
			border: none !important;

		.watch-live-chat {
			background-color: transparent !important;

	if hd-hideScrollbars {

		* {
			scrollbar-width: none !important;

	if hd-theme==aqutan {

		.v-application .red--text,
		:is(.channel-container, .watch-card) .v-list-item__title {
			color: rgb(240, 98, 146) !important;

		.tl-message .tl-caption,
		.text--org {
			color: rgb(59, 136, 213) !important;

		.subtitle-text {
			text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgb(59, 136, 213);

		.watch-btn-group button.v-btn:first-child .v-icon__svg {
			fill: rgb(59, 136, 213) !important;

	if hd-changeAvatar!="none" {

		header:not(.mv-toolbar) .v-avatar,
		.v-menu__content .v-avatar {
			height: 0 !important;
			width: 0 !important;
			padding-left: 40px !important;
			padding-top: 40px !important;
			background-image: url(hd-changeAvatar) !important;
			background-position: center !important;
			background-size: hd-avatarSize !important;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

	.sidebar {
		min-width: sw-sidebarWidth !important;

	if sw-videoHeight {
		.watch-layout.full-height:not(.mobile).show-highlights-bar .video,
		.watch-layout.full-height:not(.mobile) .video {
			height: 100dvh !important;

		.video {
			height: calc(100dvh - 56px) !important;

	if sw-videoRound {
		.v-main__wrap > div > div > div.flex-column > div[style] {
			padding: 0 16px !important;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

	if md-hoverToolbarButton {

		.open-mv-toolbar-btn {
			opacity: 0 !important;
			transition: opacity 300ms ease-in-out !important;
			border-bottom-left-radius: 5px !important;

		.open-mv-toolbar-btn:hover {
			opacity: 0.7 !important;
			background: var(--v-secondary-base) !important;

	if md-hoverChatButtons {

		.vue-grid-item > .mv-cell > .cell-content > .d-flex:last-child:not(.cell-control) {
			position: absolute !important;
			right: 0 !important;
			bottom: 0 !important;
			width: 100% !important;
			opacity: 0 !important;
			transition: opacity 300ms ease-in-out !important;
			background-color: black !important;

		.vue-grid-item > .mv-cell > .cell-content > .d-flex:last-child:not(.cell-control):hover {
			opacity: 1 !important;

	if md-hoverArchiveSync {
		.sync-bar.d-flex {
			opacity: 0 !important;

		.sync-bar.d-flex:hover {
			opacity: 1 !important;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

	#guide-renderer {
		width: yt-menuWidth !important;

if yt-hideScrollbars {
	* {
		scrollbar-width: none !important;

@-moz-document url-prefix(""),
url-prefix("") {

	if yt-darknesss {
		[dark] {
			--yt-spec-base-background: black;

	if yt-borderlessChat {
		#chat {
			border-color: transparent !important;

	if yt-hoverHeader {

		#content #masthead-container {
			opacity: 0 !important;

		#content:not(:has(#chat-container:hover)) #masthead-container:hover {
			opacity: 1 !important;
			background-color: var(--yt-spec-base-background) !important;

	if yt-buttons {

		:is(#owner, #actions.ytd-watch-metadata) {
			width: fit-content;
			min-width: unset;
		ytd-subscribe-button-renderer {
			width: fit-content !important; /* Must be !important */

		:is(yt-button-view-model, #flexible-item-buttons, ytd-subscribe-button-renderer[subscribed]) .yt-spec-button-shape-next__button-text-content {
			display: none;

		:is(yt-button-view-model, #flexible-item-buttons) .yt-spec-button-shape-next__icon {
			margin: 0;

	if yt-useWidth {

		#page-manager.ytd-app {
			margin-top: 0 !important;

		#columns {
			max-width: 100% !important;
			justify-content: flex-end !important;

		#primary {
			padding-top: 0 !important;

		#secondary {
			padding-top: var(--ytd-toolbar-height) !important;

		#player {
			display: inline-flex !important;
			height: 100dvh !important;
			width: 100% !important;
			align-items: center !important;

		#player-container-outer {
			width: 100% !important;

		.html5-video-container, {
			width: 100% !important;
			height: 100% !important;

		.ytp-chrome-bottom {
			left: 50% !important;
			transform: translateX(-50%) !important;

		.ytp-player-content.ytp-iv-player-content {
			left: 0 !important;
			right: 0 !important;

		.ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay {
			z-index: 10 !important;

		#secondary:has(#playlist[hidden]) #chat-container:has(#chat):not(:has(#chat[collapsed])) {
			height: calc(100dvh - var(--ytd-toolbar...


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