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DeAnnoy Forbes [papo] wide,wider,hide header by papo



LicenseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0




Size3.3 kB


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See @description in the Source Code.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           DeAnnoy Forbes [papo]
#name with tags           DeAnnoy Forbes [papo] wide,wider,hide header
@version        1.0.1
@description    Updated: 2024-07. Notes and feedback: Removed distracting and annoying elements, more responsive. Check what it does in style Options, or read @var descriptions on top of the code.
@author         Papo
@license        CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
@preprocessor   stylus

# --- END: common block ---

# --- optional common block ---
@var checkbox UnstickHeader          "Unstick the header" 1
@var checkbox bWider "Wider article column" 1
@var range    size-max-width  "Max Width (must enable 'Wider article column')"  [1600, 200, 3000, 100, "px"]
@var checkbox bSmallerRightRail "Smaller Right Rail" 1

@var checkbox bShowFloatingVideo "Show floating Video" 1
@var checkbox bShowVideo "Show Video (complete disable)" 1
@var checkbox showLeftSharePanel "Show Left Share Panel" 1

# --- END: optional common block ---

==/UserStyle== */
/* This preprocesor header and global variables are common part used in many of my styles. Version: 1.1.2 24-05 */
@-moz-document domain("") {

.header.universal-header {
	position: absolute unless not UnstickHeader;
	/* --was-position: fixed; */

if bWider {
	.left-rail {
		display: none;
	.article-wrapper .middleRightRail {
		/*   flex: 0 0 1100px; */
		flex: 1;
	.body-container {
		max-width: unset;
		/* --was-max-width: 750px; */
	.fs-article {
		max-width: unset;
		/* --was-max-width: 42em; */
	.article-wrapper {
		max-width: unset;
		/* --was-max-width: 1800px; */

.article-wrapper .middleRightRail .body-container:not(.fs-paid-search) {
	max-width: size-max-width;

/* the margin is not OK in original. When small screen, text is partially hidden */
if not xxxxxx {
	@media (max-width: 1329px) {
		.body-container:not(.premium-container):not(.body-content):not(.body-topx) {
			/*     margin: 0 4% 0 7%;
			margin-top: 0px;
			margin-right: 4%;
			margin-bottom: 0px;
			margin-left: 7%;
			margin: unset;

if bSmallerRightRail {
	@media (min-width: 1230px) {
		.right-rail {
			flex: 0 0 300px;
			min-width: 300px;
			/* --was-flex: 0 0 400px; */
			/* --was-min-width: 400px; */

cnx.cnx-content-wrapper.cnx-float {
/* or */
/* cnx.cnx-content-wrapper[style*="height"]:not([style*="height: 0px;"]) { */
/* can't change display property, JS is reacting on it and loops */
/* 	display: none unless bShowFloatingVideo; */
	height: 0px !important unless bShowFloatingVideo;

.video-placeholder {
	display: none unless bShowVideo;

.article-body-container .article-sharing {
    display: none unless showLeftSharePanel;

/* OLD: Forbes Responsive [papo] 9/30/2018 */
if not old-disabled {
.body-container[_ngcontent-c10] {
	/* --was-max-width: 750px; */
	max-width: unset unless showVideo;
	// padding: 0px 4% 0 7%;
    padding-left: 0 unless showLeftSharePanel;
sharing {
    display: none !important unless showLeftSharePanel;

.right-rail {
    display: none unless showVideo;



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