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DeAnnoy New York Times [papo] by papo



LicenseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0




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See @description in the Source Code.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           DeAnnoy New York Times [papo]
@version        1.2.1
@description    Updated: 2024-07. Notes and feedback: Removed distracting and annoying elements. Check what it does in style Options, or read @var descriptions on top of the code.
@author         Papo
@license        CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
@preprocessor   stylus

# --- END: common block ---
@var checkbox UnstickHPnav     "Unstick: Homepage: navi bar" 1
@var checkbox UnstickHeader    'Unstick: article pages: "The New York Times" bar' 1
@var checkbox UnstickSecond    "Unstick: article pages: storyline-menu-title header, sometimes floating on top" 1
@var checkbox hideShareBar     "Hide share bar sometimes floating on top" 0
@var checkbox unstickLiveBlogMenu "Unstick: LiveBlog pages: navi bar floating on top" 1
@var checkbox UnstickSecondEvents "Unstick: Event pages: navi bar floating on top on /news-event/ pages" 1

@var checkbox NoRecycle        'Distraction Free: Do not Recycle me (no More Stories, no Related, ...)' 0

#var checkbox showSideRecirc "Show Recirculation bar on right in article" 1
#var checkbox showFixedRecirc "Show Fixed Recirculation bar on bottom" 1
#var checkbox showBelowRecirc "Show Recirculation section bellow the article" 1
==/UserStyle== */
/* This preprocesor header and global variables are common part used in many of my styles. Version: 1.1.2 24-05 */
@-moz-document domain("") {

/* masthead-container */
/* there is a type of content which would overlay the header (.interactive-content), if on such page the header is set to position: relative, it will stay visible and will not be overlied by the content. */
if UnstickHeader {
	@media (min-width: 1024px) {
  		body:not(:has(main#site-content section.interactive-content)) [data-testid="masthead-container"] {
			/* --was-position: fixed; */
			position: relative;
		article#story {
			padding-top: 0;
			/* --was-padding-top: 40px; */
/* 	another header, used on /interactive/ */
	#standalone-header {
		position: absolute !important;

/* storyline-menu-title */
if UnstickSecond {
	article#story > div:first-of-type {
		position: relative;

if UnstickSecondEvents {
	main#site-content > div:has(p#storyline-menu-title):not(:has(> article)):not(.live-blog-above-main-content) {
		position: relative;

if hideShareBar {
	#in-story-masthead {
		display: none;

if unstickLiveBlogMenu {
	.live-blog-above-main-content {
/* 		display: none; */
		position: relative;
/* there are two identical header bar navigation elements. This one is sometimes floating. props are set in-line */
if UnstickHPnav {
	header > div:has(nav[data-testid="floating-desktop-nested-nav"]) {
		visibility: hidden !important;
		/* --was-visibility: visible; */
		transform: unset !important;
		/* --was-transform: translateY(-70px); */

if NoRecycle {
	{ display: none; }

/* === old 10/3/2018 === */
/* side More... links */
aside.css-14jsv4e {
	display: none unless showSideRecirc;
/* fixed overlay links */
.Ribbon-ribbon--3jG7Y {
    display: none unless showFixedRecirc;
.Recirculation-recirculation--2BQm- {
	display: none unless showBelowRecirc;



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