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V2EX Fine-tuning (mobile first) by malagebidi

Screenshot of V2EX Fine-tuning (mobile first)



LicenseNo License



Size26 kB


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引入的v2ex自带暗黑模式css,不能被Dark Reader检测到,搭配Dark Reader使用时请将v2ex.com添加到不反色列表。

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         V2EX Fine-tuning (mobile first)
@version      20240805.15.01
@description  V2EX界面优化,优先适配手机版页面。仅测试Android和PC版本firefox搭配stylus使用。
@author       malagebidi
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

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#Wrapper {
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#menu-body > .cell:nth-child(4) {
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.content .box > .cell td:nth-child(4) {
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#Main .cell .cell {
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.cell strong {
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.cell .fr > .thank_area {
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.cell .fr .no {
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#SecondaryTabs .fr {
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a.node {
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a.node:hover {
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.box .inner .fr a.op {
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.box .cell > span.gray:nth-child(1) {
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.box .inner > small.fade {
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img {
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.header > .fr, #Bottom .fr > strong {
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@-moz-document regexp("https:\\/\\/(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)*v2ex\\.com\\/go\\/.*") {
.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(3) .sep5 {
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@-moz-document regexp("https:\\/\\/(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)*v2ex\\.com\\/t\\/.*") {
#v2excellent-mobile-tip {
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.badge.mod {
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.badge:last-child {
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#Main > .box > .cell td[width="20"] {
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#Main > .box > .cell td[width="20"] > img {
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.content > .box > .cell td[width="20"] {
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.content > .box > .inner {
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.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(3) {
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.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(3) .small {
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.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(3) > strong {
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.content > .box > .cell .cell .badges {
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.content > .box > .cell .cell .cell .badges {
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.content > .box > .cell .cell .cell .cell .badges {
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.content > .box > .cell .cell .cell .cell .cell .badges {
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.content > .box > .cell .cell .cell .cell .cell .cell .badges {
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.content > .box > .cell .cell .cell .cell .cell .cell .cell .badges {
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.content > .box > .cell .cell .cell .cell .cell .cell .cell .cell .badges {
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.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(3) .sep {
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.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(3) .reply_content {
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.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(3) .small img {
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#Main > .box > .cell .sep3 {
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.box .inner .fr {
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.box > .cell td:nth-child(3) > span:nth-of-type(2) {
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.cell .fr > * {
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.content > .box > .cell .fr > * {
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.cell .fr > a {
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a.tb:hover {
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@-moz-document regexp("https:\\/\\/(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)*v2ex\\.com\\/member\\/.*") {
#Rightbar > .box {
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.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(3) {
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.content > .box td:nth-child(3) > .fr {
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.content > .box:nth-child(1) > .cell:nth-child(1) {
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.content > .box:nth-child(1) > .cell td:nth-child(1) > img.avatar {
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.content > .box:nth-child(1) > .cell td > .sep10 {
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.content > .box:nth-child(1) > .cell:last-child {
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img.avatar {
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.balance_area {
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.balance_area > img:last-child {
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.widgets:not(:last-child) {
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.social_label {
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.social_label > img {
    width: 16px

.super.button, .normal.button {
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.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(1)[valign="middle"] {
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.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(1)[valign="middle"] > .item_title {
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.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(1)[valign="middle"] .small, .content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(1)[valign="middle"] .sep5 {
    display: none

.content .box > .cell td:nth-child(2)[align="right"] {

.content > .box > .cell td:nth-child(3) .sep5 {
    display: block

label.f14 {
    font-size: 0

td.flex-one-row {
    display: inline-block

td.flex-one-row .fade::before {
    content: " ‹ ";
    vertical-align: text-bottom;

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