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Better by blobcat

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Size6.3 kB


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This userstyle reverts the new headline-like conversation style back to a chat conversation.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Better
@namespace      blobcat
@version        1.3.5
@description    This userstyle reverts the new headline-like conversation style back to a chat conversation.
@author         blobcat
@preprocessor   stylus
@advanced checkbox animations "Enable additional animations" 1
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
	html[data-color-scheme="light"] {
		--generic-background: white;
		--youchat-response-background: rgb(246, 246, 249);
	html[data-color-scheme="dark"] {
		--generic-background: white;
		--youchat-response-background: #212121;
	[data-color-scheme="light"] [data-testid^="youchat-question-turn"] {
		color: white;
	[data-testid^="youchat-question-turn"] {
		font-size: 0.875rem;
		justify-content: flex-end;
		padding-bottom: 1.5rem;
		> div:first-child {
			order: 2;
			padding-right: 0 !important;
			margin-left: 9px !important;
			margin-top: 1px;
			width: 1.5rem;
			height: 1.5rem;
			> div img {
			width: 1.5rem;
			height: 1.5rem;
		> div:last-child {
			background: rgb(89, 108, 237);
			padding: 8px 16px;
			border-radius: 16px;
			border-top-right-radius: 0;
			order: 1;
		span {
			font-weight: normal;
	[data-testid^="youchat-answer-turn"] {
		gap: 1rem;
		> div:last-child {
			background: var(--youchat-response-background);
			padding: 8px 16px;
			border-radius: 16px;
			border-top-left-radius: 0;
			width: fit-content;
			margin-left: 2rem;
			display: grid;
			order: 1;
		[data-testid="youchat-answer-images"] {
			order: 2;
			margin-left: 2rem;
	[data-testid="youchat-actions-container"], [data-testid="youchat-citation-pills-toggle"], [data-testid="youchat-citation-pills-toggle"] + div {
		margin-left: 2rem;
	[data-testid="youchat-suggestions-container"] {
		margin-top: 0;
		padding-bottom: 0;
	[data-testid^="youchat-answer-app-turn"] {
		max-width: 750px;
	[data-testid^="youchat-answer-app-turn"] > div > div {
		> div:first-child {
			display: none;
		> div:last-child {
			margin-left: 32px;
	[width="grid tile extra large"] {
		width: 45rem;
		border-radius: 16px;
		border-top-left-radius: 0;
		&:hover {
			box-shadow: none;
	@media (min-width: 1080px) {
		.p38mfy4 {
			padding-left: 2.5rem;
			padding-right: 2.5rem;
	.p38mfy3 {
		padding-bottom: 0;
	.cTpMQQ, ._1jlenx70, .jYeYwr, .gwptsq0 {
		display: none !important;
	.p38mfy1:not(:first-child) .p38mfy4 {
		padding-top: 1rem;
	[data-testid^="youchat-question-turn"] + div {
		gap: 0;
		display: grid;
		container: chat;
		container-type: inline-size;
	/* Model attribute */
	._5vij7g0, .fdSPRI {
		position: absolute;
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		padding: 0;
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		span {
			margin-top: -3rem;
		img, div:has(> svg) {
			width: 1.5rem;
			height: 1.5rem;
		background: rgb(33, 33, 33);
		border: 0;
		&::after {
			position: absolute;
			content: '';
			width: 1rem;
			height: 1rem;
			background: url("");
			background-size: contain;
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			filter: invert(10%) sepia(1%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(148deg) brightness(92%) contrast(90%);
	html[data-color-scheme="light"] {
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			color: white;
			[data-testid="chat-layout-share-chat"] {
				color: white;
				border: 1px solid rgb(56, 56, 56);
			[data-testid="youchat-toggle-web-results-panel"], [data-testid="chat-layout-new-chat"], [data-testid="chat-layout-sidebar-toggle"] {
				border: 1px solid rgb(56, 56, 56);
				svg, svg path {
					stroke: white;
		.kzKRQs:hover {
			background: rgb(25, 25, 26);
	#AppProvider_Wrapper:has(nav[aria-hidden="true"]) {
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			display: none;
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		button:not(:last-child) {
			color: white;
			svg path {
				stroke: #58585A;
		button:hover {
			background: rgb(43, 43, 44);
	.AnswerParser_AnswerParserH1__6UNv6, .AnswerParser_AnswerParserH2__SIHnF, .AnswerParser_AnswerParserH3__Mpe4s, .AnswerParser_AnswerParserH4__ghxg8, .AnswerParser_AnswerParserH5__9aLdf, .AnswerParser_AnswerParserH6__xJcwM {
		margin-block-start: 0;
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	[data-testid="user-dropdown-items"] {
		padding-bottom: .25rem;
		li:not(:has(*)), li:last-child {
			display: none;
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			border-bottom: 0;
	#modalBackdrop {
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		-webkit-animation: fade-in 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.390, 0.575, 0.565, 1.000) both;
		animation: fade-in 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.390, 0.575, 0.565, 1.000) both;
	if animations {
		@-webkit-keyframes fade-in {
			0% {
				opacity: 0;
			100% {
				opacity: 1;
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			0% {
				opacity: 0;
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				opacity: 1;
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			animation: slide-in-left 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940) both;
			top: 15px !important;
		@-webkit-keyframes slide-in-left {
			0% {
				left: -200px;
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				opacity: 1;
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				left: -200px;
				opacity: 0;
			100% {
				left: 0;
				opacity: 1;
		[data-testid="chat-layout-sidebar"] {
			z-index: 1;


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